Saturday 14 January 2017

Handicap Match WWE United States Championship Match Roman Reigns (c) vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho

Reigns attacks both Owens and Jericho right away as they walked down the ramp. Reigns with a headbutt to Jericho. Reigns grabs Jericho and throws him inside the shark cage that was setup on the stage. Reigns with right hands and he tries to lock the door with a chain when Owens runs up to break it up. Owens and Jericho beat down Reigns on the stage as Cole reminds us the match hasn’t officially started. Owens and Jericho toss Reigns into the shark cage and the cage falls off the stage area. Owens and Jericho grab Reigns and toss him shoulder first into the steel ring steps at ringside. Reigns is tossed inside the ring. The referee checks on him. Reigns tells the referee it is okay to get the match started.
The referee officially begins the match and Owens goes on the attack on Reigns in the corner. Jericho gets the tag and dropkicks Reigns in the back. Jericho drops an elbow over Reigns and then applies a headlock. Reigns tosses Jericho over the top rope. Jericho hangs on, goes up top and Reigns catches Jericho with a right hand on the way down. Reigns with a clothesline to Jericho and then catches him with a jumping clothesline. Owens jumps in and Reigns catches him with a flying clothesline as well. Reigns with a clothesline to Owens in the corner. Reigns eats a boot from Jericho in the corner. Reigns tosses Jericho into Owens and connects with a samoan drop on Jericho. Reigns with repeated clotheslines to Owens in the corner. Owens stops Reigns with a big right. Reigns fires back with a big boot that sends Owens out of the ring. Reigns backs up in the corner as Jericho is getting on his feet. Jericho side steps a Superman, right by Owens from the ring apron and Jericho connects with a Lionsault for a two count. Reigns fights out of a Walls of Jericho, but eats a superkick from Owens. Owens attempts a Pop Up Powerbomb, but Reigns leaps over and catches Jericho with a Superman. Reigns with a Superman on Owens. Jericho avoids a spear with a kick to the face. Reigns counters a Codebreaker attempt. Reigns catches Jericho with a spear. Owens pulls Reigns out during a pinfall attempt. Owens avoids a drive by dropkick and superkicks Reigns in the head. Reigns with a back body drop to Owens on the floor. Reigns with a drive by dropkick catching Owens this time. Jericho goes for a springboard dropkick and Reigns catches him with a Superman. Owens is holding the leg of Reigns as he tries to get in. Jericho with a Codebreaker on Reigns. Owens has Reigns on his shoulders and gives him a powerbomb over the ring apron! Owens and Jericho slide Reigns back in. Jericho is slapping Reigns in the face as Owens throws right hands. Jericho with another Codebreaker on Reigns, Jericho hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner and new WWE United States Champion: Chris Jericho

Mick Foley requests The Undertaker appear

RAW General Manager Mick Foley is in the ring. He talks about traveling to the “depths of hell” with The Undertaker during his career. Foley is calling on The Undertaker now for one more encounter right here on Monday Night RAW.
Foley recalls getting to experience the entrance of The Undertaker during his career and Paul Bearer showing him the hair on his arms standing up when he would make his entrance. He requests Undertaker show up tonight in New Orleans.
The lights go out. Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and she walks out saying Foley has forced her to give her performance review publicly since he was unable to produce The Undertaker tonight. “This crowds reaction is a result of your inability to produce The Undertaker. It’s all because of you Mick. How does that make them feel? How does that make me feel?” She admits Foley has had some success putting Sheamus and Cesaro together, the first ever women’s Hell in a Cell match and putting Chris Jericho in a shark cage at the Royal Rumble. Stephanie says Foley finds a way to go forward and then take two steps back bringing up putting the Cruiserweight division on the line, Braun Strowman being out of control, the injuries to Sami Zayn and allowing Smackdown Live to beat RAW in the ratings. She talks about his latest empty promise to try and deliver The Undertaker. Foley goes to apologize when the lights go out and The Undertaker’s gong hits.

Smoke fills the entrance area. Flames shoot up from the stage. The Undertaker’s music hits and he appears walking through the smoke on stage. The Undertaker enters the ring and looks the way of Foley and Stephanie. Stephanie backs up to the corner. Undertaker grabs a mic. A loud “UNDERTAKER” chant starts up in New Orleans. “I’m back,” says Undertaker on the mic. “And I think it important that the world should know I will be entering the Royal Rumble.” A loud “YES” chant starts up. “I answer to no one. I go where I want, when I want. Nobody controls The Undertaker.” Undertaker gets in Stephanie’s face and adds, “No one.” He talks about returning to the city where he suffered his most devastating loss and where the streak came to its demise. “But my journey continues to the Royal Rumble. I’ve dug 29 holes for 29 souls. And I will be bringing the darkside to the Royal Rumble match. And after I win, I will return to the main event at WrestleMania. And if anyone – and I mean anyone – stands in my way, they will…rest…in…peace.”

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Charlotte and Nia Jax

We start with Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Charlotte goes after the bad knee of Banks early. Banks tosses Charlotte into Nia Jax in the corner. Jax tags herself in. Bayley jumps in the ring to break up a potential brawl as we head to a break.
-Commercial Break-
Back live, Banks is working over Charlotte in the corner. Banks misses double knees to Charlotte and Banks comes down on her bad knee. Tag to Bayley who throws elbows at Charlotte. Bayley with a takedown clothesline and right hands. Bayley with a charge in the corner and Charlotte fires back with a big boot. Tag to Nia Jax who drops Bayley over the corner and throws a quick headbutt. Jax tosses Bayley across the ring and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte keeps Bayley grounded in a headlock. Jax tags herself in, Charlotte tosses her at Jax and Jax drops Bayley with a scoop slam. Jax knocks Banks off the ring apron and tags Charlotte back in. Charlotte with a chop to Bayley and Jax held her. Jax tags herself in as Bayley goes for a roll up on Charlotte. Jax levels Bayley with a big charge. Jax hits the ropes and drops a leg over Bayley to get the pinfall.
Winner: Charlotte and Nia Jax