Saturday 14 January 2017

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Charlotte and Nia Jax

We start with Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Charlotte goes after the bad knee of Banks early. Banks tosses Charlotte into Nia Jax in the corner. Jax tags herself in. Bayley jumps in the ring to break up a potential brawl as we head to a break.
-Commercial Break-
Back live, Banks is working over Charlotte in the corner. Banks misses double knees to Charlotte and Banks comes down on her bad knee. Tag to Bayley who throws elbows at Charlotte. Bayley with a takedown clothesline and right hands. Bayley with a charge in the corner and Charlotte fires back with a big boot. Tag to Nia Jax who drops Bayley over the corner and throws a quick headbutt. Jax tosses Bayley across the ring and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte keeps Bayley grounded in a headlock. Jax tags herself in, Charlotte tosses her at Jax and Jax drops Bayley with a scoop slam. Jax knocks Banks off the ring apron and tags Charlotte back in. Charlotte with a chop to Bayley and Jax held her. Jax tags herself in as Bayley goes for a roll up on Charlotte. Jax levels Bayley with a big charge. Jax hits the ropes and drops a leg over Bayley to get the pinfall.
Winner: Charlotte and Nia Jax

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