Tuesday 1 November 2016

Hell In A Cell (2016) :Enzo and Big Cass vs. Gallows and Anderson

Enzo will start against Karl Anderson. Anderson immediately punches away at him before sending him int othe ropes. Enzo gives him a cross-body and punches away at him. Enzo sends him hard into the corner and tags in Big Cass. Cass punches Anderson in the corner and sends him into the turnbuckle. Cass chops him before unloading with some punches. Enzo is tagged back in, and he talks trash to Luke Gallows. Cass sends Enzo into Gallows before sending him into Anderson. Cass then press slams him over the top rope onto Anderson and Gallows. Enzo and Big Cass celebrate in the ring. Enzo sends Anderson into the ring, but Anderson quickly gets out. Gallows is tagged in, but Enzo pulls him off the apron. Enzo avoids a plancha from Anderson, and Gallows clotheslines him down. Gallows uppercuts him down before tying him up in the tree of woe. Gallows then dropkicks Enzo in the midsection. A light “Andy” chant breaks out. Gallows connects with a snap suplex for a two count. Gallows applies a chin lock, but Enzo fights up. Gallows knees him in the midsection and gives him snake eyes. Anderson is tagged in, and he connects with a kick to the skull for a near fall. Anderson powers him to the corner and puts him on the top rope. Anderson goes for a superplex, but Enzo fights him off. Enzo then dives off the top rope with a DDT!
Cass and Gallows are tagged in. Cass shoulder blocks Gallows before avalanching Anderson. Cass takes Gallows down before giving him a big boot. Cass slams Anderson before punching away at him in the corner. Cass fights Gallows off before avalanching the two of them on opposite corners. Anderson sidesteps a second avalanche, but Cass puts him on the apron before giving him a big boot. Cass scoop slams Gallows before hitting the Empire Elbow. Cass takes Gallows down with a fall-away slam. Cass goes for a big boot, but Gallows hangs him up on the top rope. Enzo tags in and tries to punch away at Gallows, but he only goes to a knee. Enzo ducks a clothesline, but Gallows superkicks him. Anderson tags in, and they hit Magic Killer for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Gallows and Anderson

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