Tuesday 1 November 2016

WWE Universal Championship – Hell in a Cell Match Kevin Owens (c) vs. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins’ back is taped up. Owens quickly gets out of hte ring at the sound of the bell and goes under the ring. Rollins quickly baseball slides him and punches away at him at ringside. Rollins sends him into the cell. Owens chops, but Rollins chops him right back. Rollins sends him into the cell again before putting him in the ring. Rollins punches him before having a whip reversed. Rollins ducks a pair of hits and conencts with the Sling Blade for a two count. Rollins gets him up, but Owens punches him back. Rollins knees him in the midsection and catches him with a snapmare before hitting a running kick to the chest. Rollins talks a little trash before stomping him. Rollins stomps him down. Owens quickly kicks him and turns him in the corner for a chop. Rollins counters a whip to the corner and elbows him before hitting a blockbuster for a two count. Rollins goes outside and sets up a table at ringside. Rollins gets in the ring, and Owens tries to escape. Rollins grabs him and punches him in the corner. Owens reverses a whip into the corner before hitting a senton splash on the injured back! Owens kicks away at him and talks trash. Rollins goes to the apron to recover. Owens goes outside and sends him into the cell. Owens rips off the kinesio tape and rakes his face into the cell. Rollins kicks and elbows him back, but Owens comes back by sending him into the cell. Owens shoves him into the ring post and talks trash before taunting the crowd. Owens gets him back in the ring and picks up a two count. Owens kicks him in the spine and punches him down. Owens rolls him over and picks up a two count. Owens puts him in the corner, but Rollins punches him back. Owens knees him in the midsection and sends him through the ropes like a dart into the cell! Owens taunts the crowd and takes a bow. Owens stands on the head before sending him face first into the cell a few times. Owens puts him back in the ring and slowly gets inside. Owens clotheslines him in the corner, follows him as he stumbles to another corner, and clotheslines him again. Owens flattens him with a cannonball, and Rollins falls out of the ring to recover. Owens sets him up against the cell, backs up, and kills him with a cannonball against the cell! Owens gets him in the ring and clubs the back. Rollins counters the Pop-up Powerbomb and goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out. They trade superkicks before Rollins gives him a step-up enzuigiri. Owens stumbles into the ropes and turns him inside out with a clothesline. Michael Cole exclaims, “What a sequence!”
Owens goes outside and grabs a table. Owens sees a table already set up at ringside. Owens then leans the second table over the first and wedges the legs into the cell so it is diagonal to the ring. Rollins comes back with a knee to the face before giving him a nasty suplex on the apron! The crowd chants, “This is awesome!” Rollins hits a pair of suicide dives into the cell before putting him in the ring. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Owens rolls out of the ring. Owens grabs a fire extinguisher from under the ring and slams it into his ribs. Owens then sprays the referee in the face with the fire extinguisher. Another referee checks on the downed referee. Owens puts Rollins in the ring. Chris Jericho runs down and enters the open door before padlocking himself inside! Jericho is holding the key to the lock. The crowd chants, “Y2J.” The new referee yells at Jericho. Rollins knocks Jericho off the apron and into the cell. Owens then catches Rollins with a package powerbomb for a near fall. A “Stupid Idiot” chant fires up. Owens goes to the top rope, but Rollins leaps up to him. Rollins pushes him off the top rope and kicks him in the head. Rollins catches him with a springboard knee to the head before going for a Pedigree, but he stops when Jericho comes off the top rope. Rollins then gives Jericho the Pedigree. Owens kicks Rollins in the head and goes to powerbomb him into those tables wedged up. Rollins gets out and gives him an enzuigiri. Rollins then gets him up for a powerbomb, but Owens is too heavy. Somehow Rollins is able to power him up and powerbombs him over the top rope through the two tables! The crowd is absolutely alive now!
Rollins gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope. Rollins connects with a frog splash and covers for the pin, but Jericho pulls the referee out of the ring before the count of three. Rollins gets out of the ring and kicks Jericho in the head before punching him down. Rollins slams Jericho off the steps before throwing him into the wreckage of the two tables. Rollins continues to punch away at him before sending him headfirst into the cell. Rollins then gives Jericho a powerbomb into the cell! Rollins gets in the ring, and Owens superkicks him. Owens gives him a Pop-up Powerbomb for a near fall! Owens is stunned. Owens begins punching away at Rollins. Jericho comes in the ring with a steel chair and gives it to Owens. Jericho punches away at Rollins. Owens viciously cracks the chair off Rollins’ injured back four times. Jericho grabs a chair for himself. Rollins grabs hold of a chair and fights both Owens and Jericho off. Owens comes back with a desperation DDT on the steel chair! Owens opens two chairs and sets them up front to front. Owens powerbombs Rollins through the two chairs for the win!
Winner and still WWE Universal Champion: Kevin Owens

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