Tuesday 1 November 2016

WWE United States Championship – Hell in a Cell Match Rusev vs. Roman Reigns (c)

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before Reigns starts punching away at Rusev. Rusev blocks a shot into the corner and fights back. Rusev connects with some right hands before shouldering him in the midsection. Reigns punches him back before having a whip reversed on him. Rusev connects with a back elbow for a no count. Rusev then sends Reigns outside the ring. Rusev tries to send him into the wall of the Cell, but Reigns blocks it. Reigns tries to put him into the Cell, but Rusev blocks. They get back in the ring, and Rusev hits a throat thrust before punching away at him in the corner. Rusev hits the ropes, but Reigns comes back with a pair of clotheslines. Rusev reverses a whip and counters a Superman Punch with a kick to the ribs. Rusev tries to throw him out of the ring, but Reigns reverses it. Rusev lands on the apron, so Reigns knocks him off the apron and into the Cell. Rusev had a nasty landing there. Reigns sends him headfirst into the Cell three times before flooring him with a right hand. Reigns instructs the cameraman to get out of the way. Rusev quickly sends Reigns headfirst into the ring post and punches him. Reigns reverses a whip into the steel steps. Rusev is taking a pounding early on.
Reigns goes under the ring and pulls out a table, but Rusev quickly floors him. Rusev then avalanches him against the cell. Rusev sends him into the ring post before raking his face on the cage. Rusev kicks him in the back of the neck before sending him into the ring post again. Rusev puts him in the ring and picks up a near fall. Rusev stomps away at Reigns. Reigns fights back, but Rusev reverses a whip into the corner for a two count. Rusev avalanches him twice before Reigns sidesteps him. Rusev comes back with a hip toss and goes for a big splash, but Reigns moves out of the way. Reigns clotheslines him in the corner and starts clubbing away at him. Reigns hits the ropes and takes him down with a big boot. The crowd is starting to loudly boo Reigns. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but Rusev gets out of the ring. Reigns follows him out and goes for a Drive By Dropkick, but Rusev counters with a clothesline. Rusev sends him into the steel steps. The crowd is chanting for tables. Rusev sends him into the wall of the Cell before picking up the top half of the steel steps. Rusev waits for him to get up before cracking Reigns in the face with them. Rusev hits him again with the steps, and they fall and hit the cameraman. Rusev throws the steps into the ring and puts Reigns inside as well. Reigns stumbles to the corner. Rusev sets the steps up on the top turnbuckle. Rusev tries to send Reigns into the steps, but Reigns counters. Reigns fights back and punches away at him before clotheslining him over the top rope. Reigns hits a slingshot baseball slide that sends Rusev into the wall. Rusev soon fights back and picks Reigns up. Rusev then launches Reigns like a javelin into the wall of the Hell in a Cell structure.
Rusev stumbles to the other side of the ring and get a kendo stick out from under the ring. Reigns cuts him off with a Drive By Dropkick, picks up the stick, and starts thrashing Rusev with it. Reigns viciously smacks it against Rusev’s chest before cracking it off his back. Reigns puts him in the ring and gets in, but Rusev kicks the middle rope into Reigns’ groin. Rusev ties Reigns up in the ropes and takes the kendo stick. Rusev then viciously smacks the kendo stick off Reigns’ chest protector until the stick breaks. Rusev hits the ropes, but Reigns gets out of the ropes and clotheslines him down for a near fall. They slowly get to their feet and trade punches. Rusev comes out on top by punching him down to his knees. Rusev hits the ropes, and Reigns goes for a Samoan Drop. Rusev counters before countering a Superman Punch. Reigns quickly comes back with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns sets up in the corner for a spear. Rusev is crawling around trying to get to his feet. Rusev superkicks him and sends him headfirst into the steel steps set up in the corner earlier, but Reigns still kicks out! Rusev is near tears from frustration. Rusev stomps Reigns’ spine and applies the Accolade. Rusev holds it on for a bit before Reigns claws to the bottom rope. Reigns kicks him away and hits the ropes, but Rusev connects with a roundhouse kick to the skull. Reigns falls out of the ring. Rusev goes back under the ring and pulls out a steel chain. Rusev wraps it around his wrist and goes to punch Reigns, but Reigns cuts him off. Reigns wildly punches away at Rusev before putting him in the ring. Rusev still has the chain, and he punches Reigns in the ribs with it before slapping it off his back a few times. Rusev takes the larger bottom half of the steps and sets them up on their side in the ring. Reigns comes back with a right hand and a head-butt. Rusev quickly slams Reigns off the steps before sending him headfirst into the steps. Rusev superkicks him for a near fall.
Rusev sets Reigns up on top of the steel steps and stands over him. Rusev applies the Accolade using the steel chain across Reigns’ face for added pressure! Despite all that, Reigns fights up with Rusev on his back and gives him a Samoan Drop on the steel steps. The crowd is booing Reigns for that. Rusev slowly gets up while standing on the steps, and Reigns spears him off to retain the United States Championship.

Winner and still WWE United States Champion: Roman Reigns

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