Tuesday 1 November 2016

WWE Tag Team Championships Hell In a Cell Match : The New Day (c’s) vs. Sheamus and Cesaro

Cesaro will start the match against Xavier Woods. Woods circles around him, and Cesaro takes him down for a one count. Woods applies a waistlock and goes to a side headlock. Cesaro whips him off, but Woods gives him a head-scissor into the ropes and dropkicks him. Cesaro puts Woods on the apron, and Sheamus shoulders him off. Cesaro is not happy with the underhanded tactic. Sheamus is tagged in, and he sends Woods into the barricade. Sheamus puts him in the ring and does the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Cesaro tags in and uppercuts Woods for a two count. Sheamus tags himself in, and he uppercuts Woods. Cesaro tags in, and he uppercuts Woods. They take turns tagging themselves in to strike Woods. They argue, and Woods gives Sheamus a backslide for a two count. Sheamus quickly takes him down and drops a knee. Sheamus applies a chin lock, but Woods gets out with a jawbreaker. Sheamus comes right back with an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two count. Cesaro is tagged in, and he takes Woods down for a two count. Cesaro then fires up the Uppercut Train, but Woods cuts it off at the station with a boot. Woods then gives him a missile dropkick.
Big E and Sheamus are tagged in. Big E hits a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes before Sheamus fights out of a third. Sheamus kicks him in the face, but Big E connects with that third suplex. Big E hits a big splash and sets up for the end. Cesaro runs in, and Big E sends him over the top rope. Woods hits a summersault plancha on Cesaro. Big E counters a Brogue Kick into a powerbomb for a near fall. Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Sheamus slides off and hits a powerslam for a near fall. Sheamus shoulders Big E. Woods tags in, and Sheamus covers him for a two count. Sheamus comes right back with White Noise for another near fall. Sheamus is frustrated. The crowd chants, “Shame” at him, which greatly upsets him. Woods kicks him back, and Cesaro tags in. Sheamus hits a rolling senton, and Cesaro immediately follows up with a double stomp for a near fall. Cesaro sets up for the swing, but Woods kicks him away. Woods then kicks Sheamus down. Woods goes to the top rope, walks on the top rope, and leaps off with a diving elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro boots Big E off the apron and uppercuts Woods a bunch of times. Cesaro takes him down for the Cesaro Swing before turning it into a Sharpshooter. Big E runs in and gives him a belly-to-belly suplex into the turnbuckle. They go for the Midnight Hour, but Sheamus breaks it up. Sheamus accidentally Brogue Kicks Cesaro. Big E then takes Sheamus out of the ring. Woods covers Cesaro, but Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus clotheslines Big E on the apron and sends Woods over the top rope. Sheamus goes to the top rope and wipes out the New Day at ringside with a plancha!
Woods gets back in the ring, and Sheamus throws Cesaro into the ring. Cesaro counters a running boot into a Sharpshooter. Sheamus stops Big E from getting in the ring and hits him with Francesca II. Kingston comes up to Sheamus and gives him Trouble in Paradise in front of the referee. The referee calls for the bell as Woods taps out.
Winners by Disqualification: Sheamus and Cesaro
The New Day are still RAW Tag Team Champions

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