Tuesday 1 November 2016

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match Brian Kendrick vs. T.J. Perkins (c)

Footage is shown from the Kickoff Show when Brian Kendrick again asked T.J. Perkins to let him win the Cruiserweight Championship tonight.
The bell rings, and Kendrick goes for a few takedowns, but Perkins counters them all. Kendrick takes him down, but Perkins comes back with a monkey flip. Perkins counters a monkey flip by landing on his feet. Kendrick rolls him up for a one count. Kendrick angrily charges him, but Perkins takes him down with a hip toss. Perkins picks up a two count. Kendrick looks frustrated. Perkins hits the ropes and hits a springboard cross-body before punching away at him. Perkins goads Kendrick into missing an elbow drop and hits a slingshot senton. Kendrick gets in the ring and knocks him off the apron. Kendrick bends the wrist over the bottom rope and uses his athletic tape to tape him to the bottom rope. The seal immediately breaks, but Perkins pretends it is still there. Kendrick eventually pulls him off and hits a back suplex for a two count. Kendrick applies a neck vice, but Perkins fights up and counters with a neckbreaker. This match is completely and totally dead. Perkins ducks a pair of clotheslines and dropkicks him in the knee. Kendrick drops him onto the apron, but Perkins shoulders him back. Perkins hits a missile dropkick to the back of the head, and Kendrick flies out of the ring. Perkins hits a plancha and puts him back in the ring. Someone in the crowd audibly says, “Get a f***ing haircut, hippie” to Kendrick. 

Perkins hits a back suplex and goes to the top rope. Kendrick dropkicks him out of mid-air for a near fall. They trade kicks before Perkins hits the Detonation Kick for a near fall. Perkins hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick, but Kendrick quickly comes back with a capture back suplex for a near fall. Kendrick lifts him up, but Perkins gets out. Perkins goes for a move, but Kendrick counters into the Captain’s Hook. Perkins counters into a roll-up and eventually ties him up in the TJP Special, but Kendrick gets to the bottom rope. Kendrick comes back with a Sliced Bread #2, but Perkins throws him off. Kendrick’s knee collapses, and the referee checks on him. The crowd is starting to turn on the match. Perkins is concerned and checks on Kendrick. Kendrick head-butts him down and applies the Captain’s Hook for the win.
Winner and new WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Brian Kendrick

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