Tuesday 1 November 2016

RAW Women’s Championship – Hell in a Cell Match Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks (c)

Charlotte Flair makes her entrance on a throne being carried by four servants. There is a loud “We Want Sasha” chant after Flair’s music ends

Sasha Banks gets a huge pop and makes her entrance in a Cadillac Escalade with four security guards.

For the first time ever, women are not only competing inside Hell in a Cell, but they are closing the show of a WWE PPV. After JoJo does the entrances inside the ring, the Hell in a Cell begins to lower around them. Before the cell finishes lowering, Flair attacks Banks and sends her out of the ring. They’re outside the structure. Flair sends her over the barricade and into the crowd. They brawl through the crowd. Banks fights back and sends her back over the barricade. Banks removes the top of the commentary table and removes the monitors. Flair fights Banks off and starts climbing the cell. Banks climbs after her and punches her off. Flair gets to her feet and pulls Banks off the cell before powerbombing her through the table. Referees come out to check on Banks. Flair taunts the crowd and tries to go for Banks, but the referee holds her back. Banks gets to her feet. A “Let’s go Sasha” chant fires up. Flair continues to taunt Banks, who is holding her back in pain. Flair stands on top of the other commentary table and taunts the crowd. Banks is being helped to walk to the back. Flair is mocking her the whole way. Banks says she wants to continue to fight, but she’s having trouble standing. Banks collapses, and the referee calls for a stretcher. EMTs come down and start loading her up. Flair gets in the ring and demands the title be given to her. A neck collar is being put on Banks. They load Banks onto a board and carry her over to the stretcher. The professional EMTs accidentally tied up some camera cables in the neck collar. JoJo begins to announce that Flair is the new champion, but Banks gets to her feet. The crowd is really buzzing.
 The bell rings, and Banks pulls Flair out of the ring and sends her into the cell. Flair gets away and wants out of the cell. Banks chops the chest a few times and puts her in the ring. Flair quickly pulls her head-first into the ring post. Flair gives her a monkey flip into the cell and spikes Banks on her head. Flair gets her in the ring and begins to go to work on the injured back. Flair stretches her against the ropes and gives her a monkey flip into the turnbuckle for a near fall. Flair taunts the crowd and shoves Banks down a few times. Banks counters a scoop slam into the Bank Statement, but Flair rolls through. Flair gets her up in a sidewalk slam and throws her over the top rope onto the apron. Banks falls to the floor in a heap. Flair goes under the ring and grabs a steel chair. Flair puts it in the ring, and Banks fights her off. Banks then annihilates her with a suicide dive into the cell. Banks gets her in the ring and picks up the steel chair. Banks sets it up. Flair fights her off and goes to send her into the chair, but Banks blocks it. Flair begins to chop her in the corner a la her Hall of Fame father. Flair says, “You will respect me!” Flair stands on the second rope and smugly poses for the crowd. Banks takes her down and wildly punches away at her. Flair kicks her back and charges, but Banks gives her a drop-toe-hold into the chair. Banks slams her off the seat of the chair a few times before hitting the ropes. Flair grabs her coming off the ropes and gives her a sidewalk slam onto the chair for a near fall! Flair pulls her to the corner and stretches her around the ring post. Flair poses, so Banks kicks her into the cell wall. Banks charges, but Charlotte leapfrogs her into the cage. Banks holds onto the cage and slings off with a double knee takedown!

Banks counters a big boot and kicks her in the face before sending her headfirst into the cell. Banks sends her into the cell a few times before connecting with a running double knee to the face. Banks gets her in the ring and gets the crowd going. Banks hits a running double knee before doing the Three Amigos in tribute to her hero, Eddie Guerrero. An “Eddie” chant fires up. Banks goes to the top rope and connects with Guerrero’s finishing move, the Frog Splash, for a near fall. Banks applies the Bank Statement, but Flair pulls herself out of the ring. Flair quickly shoulders her in the midsection and kicks her away. Banks comes back with some knees to the face before laying her across the second turnbuckle. Banks then retrieves the chair and puts it under her. Banks does the double knee onto Flair through the chair for a near fall. Banks cannot believe she didn’t put her away there.
Flair pulls her out of the ring and slams her off the steps. Banks falls to the floor and looks like she’s out. Flair goes under the ring and pulls out a table to a nice pop from the crowd. Flair sets it up at ringside and goes to superplex Banks off the top rope through the table at ringside. Banks knees her off, and Flair falls off the apron through the table. Banks gets her in the ring and picks up a two count. Banks looks upset and throws the broken table aside as if that wasn’t their planned moment. Banks grabs another table and puts it in the ring. Flair shoves the table back into her throat and sets it up in the ring. Banks slowly gets back in the ring. Banks leaps off the table, but Flair counters her and big boots her down. Flair applies the Figure Four Leglock and transitions into the Figure Eight. Banks grabs a steel chair and smacks it off Flair’s midsection to break the hold. Flair connects with a short-arm forearm and shouts about respect. Banks forearms her, and then they take one another out with stereo forearm shots. Banks counters a tilt-a-whirl and tries to take her down, but Flair gives her a pair of backbreakers and a sidewalk slam for a near fall. It is well past 11:00 PM EST. They are being given a lot of time for this match. Flair lifts Banks up and lays her out across the table. Flair goes to the top rope, but Banks gets up and cuts her off. Banks pulls the table to the corner and props it up. Banks goes for a powerbomb, but her back gives out. Flair throws her onto the table, but it doesn’t break. Flair tries again, but the table does not budge. Flair immediately follows up with Natural Selection and covers Banks to win the RAW Women’s Championship!
Winner and new RAW Women’s Champion: Charlotte Flair

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