Wednesday 26 October 2016

WWE World Champion AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose w/ James Ellsworth

If Dean Ambrose wins, he becomes the new No. 1 Contender

Dean Ambrose with boots to AJ Styles in the corner early. Ambrose catches Styles with a back elbow off the ropes and Styles avoids an early cover. Ambrose with a spear in the corner on Styles and then throws some quick rights. Ambrose clotheslines Styles over the top rope. James Ellsworth gives Ambrose a thumbs up from the outside. Styles pushes Ellsworth over near the steel steps at ringside. Ambrose helps Ellsworth up at ringside. Styles with a springboard forearm catching Ambrose coming over the top rope.
We return live as Styles catches Ambrose with a big dropkick. Styles misses a springboard shot on Ambrose over the top rope. Ambrose jumps back in, hits the ropes and then catches Styles with a suicide dive. Ambrose with a big lariat on Styles. Ambrose with a fisherman suplex into a bridge for a two count. Ambrose counters a Calf Crusher attempt, Styles avoids a cloverleaf and Ambrose with a backslide for a two count. Ambrose hangs on going for an armbar. Styles rolls through and now Ambrose gets the Texas Cloverleaf applied. Styles gets to the bottom rope to break it up. They fight to the ring apron and Styles drops Ambrose over the ring apron with a suplex! Both men are down at ringside.
Back live, Styles is attempt a superplex on Ambrose off the top turnbuckle. Ambrose is trying to fight Styles off. Styles with headbutts. Ambrose sends Styles face first down on the mat below. Ambrose with a flying elbow off the top rope catching Styles. We see a shot of Ellsworth cheering on Ambrose at ringside. Series of counters with Ambrose getting the better of Styles with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Ambrose puts Styles up on the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a superplex of his own. Styles slides down through the legs of Ambrose and connects with a springboard inverted DDT on Ambrose! Styles gets a two count off the pinfall attempt. Ambrose with a roll up for another two count. Ambrose catches Styles with his lariat off the ropes. Ambrose tosses Styles up to the top turnbuckle and quickly pulls him down with a superplex! Both men are down and the referee starts the count. Both men are up at 8. Styles gets the Calf Crusher locked on. Ambrose wraps his arm around the neck of Styles and slams him down on the mat a few times. Styles keeps the Calf Crusher applied. Ambrose is trying to fire himself up. Ambrose gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Styles with a huge dropkick through the ropes taking out Ellsworth at ringside! Styles springboards up on the top rope, Ambrose with a kick on the way down, Styles blocks Dirty Deeds, Ambrose with a roll up and Styles kicks out. Styles with a Pele Kick on Ambrose. Ambrose dumps Styles over the top rope countering a Styles Clash attempt. Ellsworth is back up and fired up at ringside. The referee has started a count. Ellsworth with No Chin Music on Styles at ringside. He turns and sees the referee looking at this. Ambrose is pleading with the referee to not call for the bell and end the match.
The referee has no choice and calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: AJ Styles

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