Wednesday 12 October 2016

AJ Styles vs. James Ellsworth (Special Guest Referee: Dean Ambrose)

Non-Title Match
Special Guest Referee: Dean Ambrose
WWE World Champion AJ Styles vs. James Ellsworth
The bell rings and referee Dean Ambrose checks on both Styles and Ellsworth.
We head to a commercial break, but get another split screen as we continue to see the action taking place in the ring. Ambrose keeps getting in the way of lock up attempts by Styles and Ellsworth. Lock up and Styles pushes Ellsworth to the corner. Ambrose grabs both and pulls them apart in the middle of the ring. Ambrose is giving Ellsworth pointers about an arm drag. Ambrose distracts Styles and Ellsworth with an arm drag on Styles!
We return officially with commentary as Styles gets in a shot on Ellsworth in the corner. Lock up and Styles with elbows to Ellsworth in the corner. Styles with kicks to Ellsworth. Ambrose prevents a closed fist shot by Styles. Ellsworth returns with a shot of his own. Ellsworth bails, Styles chases, they get back in the ring and Ambrose trips up Styles. Ellsworth with a roll up for a two count. Styles with a clothesline that levels Ellsworth. Styles with a quick suplex on Ellsworth. Styles with a backbreaker on Ellsworth. Ellsworth pushes Styles to the corner. Styles rolls Ellsworth up into the Calf Crusher. Ambrose pretends to take a phone call on his smartphone as Ellsworth starts tapping. Styles breaks the hold and gets in the face of Ambrose asking what he’s doing. Styles tosses Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose tells Styles that Ellsworth is a child. Styles adds, “He’s not a child. He’s a grown man!” Styles goes to the outside with Ellsworth. Ambrose starts a fast count and Styles barely gets Ellsworth and himself back inside the ring to break the count. Styles again tosses Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose tosses him back inside the ring, goes to sign an autograph at ringside and then take a selfie when Ambrose tears up the poster yelling at Ambrose. Styles with a Styles Clash on Ellsworth. Ambrose gets to two and stops the pinfall. 

Styles gets up and Ambrose connects with Dirty Deeds. Both Ellsworth and Styles are down. Ambrose drags Ellsworth on top of Styles, starts counting the pinfall and Styles gets a shoulder up after two. Ambrose grabs a drink at ringside, returns to the ring and hits another Dirty Deeds on Styles.

Ambrose puts Ellsworth on top of Styles and counts the pinfall!
Winner: James Ellsworth

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