Wednesday 26 October 2016

The New Day vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will start with Kofi Kingston. They slap hands before locking up. Cesaro wrenches the arm, but Kingston flips through and takes him down. Cesaro quickly uppercuts him down and points at Sheamus. Kingston sends him into the ropes and goes for a leapfrog, but Cesaro counters into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sheamus is tagged in, and they send Kingston into the ropes for a double-team back elbow. Sheamus uppercuts Kingston before punching him in the corner. Sheamus sends him to the opposite corner, but Kingston avoids an avalanche. Kingston connects with a cross-body block for a two count. Big E tags in, and he hits Sheamus with a running shoulder. Kingston then jumps off Big E’s back for an avalanche. Big E then clotheslines Sheamus down. The Unicorn Stampede fires up while Woods goes on and on about The New Day. Sheamus gets out of the stampede and angrily walks around ringside. Cesaro tries to talk to him, but Sheamus tells him to “shut up.”
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Cesaro take down Kingston and tag in Sheamus. They take turns tagging in and out to strike Kingston. Sheamus takes Kingston down with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. During the commercial, Sheamus took Kingston down with a clothesline from the apron. Sheamus applies a chin lock while a “Shame” chant breaks out. Kingston fights up and hits the ropes. Kingston counters a knee to the midsection into a roll-up for a two count. Sheamus does the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. The audience counts along by saying “Shame” on each strike. Sheamus picks up a two count. Kingston comes back with an inside cradle, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus knees Kingston in the face. Cesaro tags in, and he picks up a two count. Kingston flips through a back suplex. Cesaro goes for a running shoulder, but Kingston moves. Cesaro hits the ring post shoulder-first.
Sheamus tags in, as Big E does. Big E hits a pair of belly-to-belly overhead suplexes before hitting a belly-to-belly side suplex. Big E goes for a big splash, but Sheamus pops up and does an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus shoulders him in the midsection and connects with a knee lift. Big E comes back with a one-armed slam for a near fall. Sheamus gets on the apron and snaps him off the top rope. Sheamus then powerslams him down. Cesaro and Kingston are tagged in. Kingston takes him down with a springboard clothesline. Kingston goes for a guillotine, but Cesaro counters into a vertical suplex for a two count. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, but Kingston counters with a roll-up for a two count. Cesaro fires up the Uppercut Train before Kingston counters with an SOS for a near fall. Kingston kicks him in the face and tags in Big E. Big E knocks Sheamus off the apron before going for a Big Ending, but Cesaro gets out. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, but he stops and counters a cross-body block from Kingston into a fall-away slam. Sheamus tags in, as Big E hits Cesaro with a belly-to-belly suplex. Big E avoids a Brogue Kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. Big E catapults Kingston over the top rope, but Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Sheamus then hits Big E with a Brogue Kick for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

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