Monday 10 October 2016

WWE NO Mercy : Nikki Bella vs. Carmella

Nikki grabs Carmella by the hair and tosses her across the ring early. Nikki with a big slap to Carmella and starts choking her against the ropes. Nikki again tosses Carmella across the ring and then connects with a knee to the face. Nikki with a baseball slide dropkick catching Carmella. Carmella then drops Nikki face first off the ring barricade. Carmella sends Nikki back first into the screen ring apron and hits with a thud. The referee gets to 7 and Carmella puts her back inside the ring. Carmella with a headlock on Nikki. Carmella with a Bronco Buster on Nikki in the corner. Carmella sends Nikki to the corner and starts pulling on her hair. Nikki with a tackle takedown on Carmella from the corner. Nikki with dropkicks to Carmella. Nikki with a corner clothesline and then a springboard kick to the face. Nikki with a facebuster to Carmella for a two count. Carmella with a head scissors takedown followed by a superkick for a two count on Nikki. Nikki with a small package for two on Carmella. Carmella drops Nikki down face first into her Code of Silence submission. Nikki breaks free and connects with a big forearm to Carmella. Carmella rolls over the top of Nikki and gets the Code of Silence applied again. Nikki gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Carmella slaps Nikki and starts throwing wild right hands. Nikki with the Rack Attack 2.0 off her shoulders on Carmella out of no where and gets the pinfall.
Winner: Nikki Bella

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