Wednesday 26 October 2016

Bray Wyatt vs. Kane

(No DQ Rules)
The bell rings and both Wyatt and Kane exchange rights. Kane drops Wyatt early with a quick uppercut and then a dropkick to the face. Wyatt fires back with kicks to the knee of Kane and then levels him with a running lariat off the ropes. Wyatt with stomps to Kane. Kane with repeated splashes to Wyatt in the corner and follows with a side slam. On the outside, Wyatt grabs a steel chair and Kane cuts him off with a right hand. Kane launches Wyatt into the steel steps at ringside. Kane starts clearing off the announce table. Kane grabs Wyatt by the throat setting up a chokeslam when the lights go out. When they return, Luke Harper is on top of the announce table and kicks Kane in the face. Harper then levels Kane with a lariat at ringside. JBL reminds us this match is under No DQ rules.
We return live as Wyatt has Kane back in the ring and in a headlock. Kane fights out with a jawbreaker, hits the ropes and eats a clothesline from Wyatt. Kane with a jumping DDT planting Wyatt. Kane goes up to the top turnbuckle, jumps and catches Wyatt with a jumping lariat. Harper pulls Wyatt away from Kane. Kane jumps out, takes out Harper and then hits Wyatt with a big boot. Kane tosses Wyatt back in. Harper tries to grab Kane on the ring apron. Kane with a shot on Harper sending him off. Wyatt with his standing Rock Bottom on Kane for a two count. Kane counters a Sister Abigail attempt, but Wyatt is able to catch Kane coming off the ropes with a modified cross body. Harper is up on the ring apron when Randy Orton’s music hits. Orton hits the ring and stares down Harper. Harper backs off and leaves the ring. Kane is back on his feet. Orton is calling for an RKO and Kane is setting up for a chokeslam. Orton with an RKO out of no where on Kane. Wyatt is shocked. Orton crawls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Wyatt covers Kane for the pinfall.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

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