Wednesday 26 October 2016

Curtis Axel vs. Bo Dallas

The bell rings, and Dallas slaps him in the face. Axel punches him in the face and punches away at him on the mat. Axel kicks away at him in the corner before sending him to the opposite corner. Dallas quickly boots him in the face and clotheslines him in the back of the head. Dallas goes for a rolling cutter, but Axel counters into a Perfect-Plex for a near fall. Dallas quickly rolls out of the ring and takes him down. Dallas pulls the apron skirt over him and clubs away at him. Dallas gets in the ring and takes him down for a near fall. Dallas applies a chin lock, but Axel fights up. Axel punches out and sends him to the corner for a clothesline. Axel hits another clothesline and hits a running back elbow. Axel takes him down with a snapmare and gets the crowd fired up. Axel hits a rolling neck snap before kneeing him in the face for a near fall. Axel knees him in the face a few times before Dallas rolls him up for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

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