Wednesday 26 October 2016

Heath Slater and Rhyno (c’s) vs. The Spirit Squad

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships

We return live as we see The Miz and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler on commentary at ringside with JBL, Mauro Ranallo and David Otunga.
Kenny is in the ring with Heath Slater bouncing him off the second rope. Kenny with a short arm clothesline on Slater, tags in Mikey and Kenny flips Mikey back in a moonsault over Slater. Mikey with a snapmare and elbow drop over Slater. Kenny gets the tag and Slater counters a piledriver attempt kicking Kenny in the face. Slater with a shot on Mikey in the corner and Kenny cuts off a hot tag to Rhyno. Mikey tags himself in and drops an elbow over the neck of Slater. Slater with a running high knee that catches Mikey. Slater kicks Mikey away, Kenny tags himself in and Rhyno gets the hot tag. Rhyno with clotheslines to Kenny, elbow to Mikey and spear to Kenny in the corner. Kenny gets up a boot in the corner. Kenny with a roll up on Rhyno with a distraction from Mikey. Mikey gets the tag. Slater kicks Kenny away. Rhyno with a belly-to-belly on Mikey for a two count. Ziggler and Miz are arguing at ringside. They throw down the headsets and Slater sends Kenny into Miz. Rhyno charges and catches Mikey with a Gore and gets the pinfall.
Winners and still WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: Heath Slater and Rhyno

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