Wednesday 12 October 2016

Randy Orton and Kane vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

We start with Kane and Luke Harper. Harper with a few shots on Kane and tag to Bray Wyatt. Wyatt right hands to Kane. Kane throws Wyatt to the corner and gets in some rights of his own. Wyatt with a kick to Kane from the corner, but eats a big boot from Kane. Wyatt rolls out and Randy Orton kicks him then sends him back inside the ring. Kane goes for a chokeslam early. Wyatt counters out and bails to the outside taking a seat.
-Commercial Break-
We return live as Orton hits a superplex on Harper off the top rope! Tag to Kane who drops Harper with a shoulder tackle, splash in the corner twice and then a side slam for a two count. Kane with a kick to the face of Harper and then grabs Wyatt by the throat. Kane also grabs Harper by the throat. Wyatt jumps down and Harper hits a dropkick on Kane! Kane rolls to the outside and Wyatt sends him face first into the ring. Wyatt then tosses Kane into the ring barricade at ringside. Wyatt tosses Kane back inside the ring, gets the tag and connects with a running senton splash over Kane for a two count. Tag to Harper as Wyatt holds the arms of Kane setting up a kick to the gut by Harper. Harper with stomps to Kane in the corner and tags Wyatt back in. Wyatt with knees and stomps to Kane. Tag to Harper who gets in a slap uppercut to Kane. Kane with a jumping DDT on Harper. Tags to Orton and Wyatt. Orton with clotheslines to Wyatt. Orton with a snap powerslam on Wyatt. Orton with a Lou Thesz Press on Wyatt with right hands. Wyatt pulls Orton out of the ring, Orton with rights, an uppercut and sends Wyatt face first off the announce table. Orton tosses a charging Harper over the announce table and clotheslines Wyatt on the outside. Orton sends Wyatt into the ring barricade and then the steel steps. Orton tosses Wyatt back inside. Wyatt charges, Orton side steps him, Wyatt is on the ring apron and Orton pulls him in hitting his DDT off the ropes. Orton is firing up for an RKO. Kane prevents Harper from interfering. Harper is back in as Kane returns to his corner. Harper with a superkick on Orton with the referee distracted. Wyatt misses a senton splash when Orton moves. Orton is trying to tag in Kane when the lights go out. When they return, Harper is now standing where Kane was and Kane is gone. Wyatt with Sister Abigail on Orton for the pinfall.
Winners: Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

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