Tuesday 11 October 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw: Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel vs. Sami Zayn and Neville (10 Oct)

Sami Zayn will start the match against Bo Dallas. They lock up, and Dallas viciously punches him down in the corner. Dallas whips him to the opposite corner and hits a running clothesline before elbowing away at him. Dallas takes him down and knees away at him before punching him. Dallas angrily grunts before tagging in Curtis Axel. Axel punches Zayn down and kicks away at him. Axel dropkicks him down before punching Neville off the apron. Zayn flips through a back suplex and hits an exploder into the corner. Zayn hits Axel with the Helluva Kick. Neville tags in, and he hits the Red Arrow on Axel for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Sami Zayn and Neville

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