Monday 10 October 2016

WWE No Mercy : Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

Orton goes for an RKO early and Wyatt quickly rolls out laughing. Wyatt returns to the ring, lock up and Wyatt with a quick uppercut. Orton with right hands. Wyatt with a knee and uppercut combo to cut off Orton. Wyatt with a double chop to the throat of Orton. Orton fires back slamming Wyatt down on the mat and stomping parts of his body including a knee drop to the side of the face. Orton with uppercuts to Wyatt in the corner. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail and Orton counters sending Wyatt to the outside. Wyatt counters another RKO attempt and sends Orton flying over the announce table. Wyatt starts breaking up the steel steps when Orton takes him out with a quick clothesline. Orton tosses Wyatt back inside. When Orton jumps back up, Wyatt gets in a shot and sends Orton flying into the ring barricade. Wyatt mocks Orton doing his pose up on the corner. Orton rolls back in and Wyatt starts stomping away. Wyatt with a senton splash over Orton. Orton with right hands. Wyatt splash Orton in the corner. Wyatt with a headlock on Orton. Wyatt with a DDT over the ring apron on Orton, goes for a cover and Orton kicks out. Wyatt with a scoop slam on Orton. Wyatt gets up on the second rope in the corner, jumps and misses a splash when Orton moves. Wyatt landed with a loud thud. Orton with an exploder clothesline from the corner. Orton catches Wyatt with a snap powerslam and gets a two count. Series of counters. Wyatt plants Orton with a modified Rock Bottom. Wyatt sends Orton out of the ring. Wyatt puts Orton on top of the steel steps at ringside, backs up, runs, jumps and Orton moves as Wyatt splashes his back over the steps at ringside! Orton breaks the count and throws Wyatt face first off the announce table a few times. Orton launches Wyatt into the ring barricade and then drops Wyatt back first off the top of the barricade. Orton pulls Wyatt back in and hits his DDT off the ropes. Orton is firing up and getting the crowd into it. Orton is getting ready to hit an RKO when the lights go out. When they return, Luke Harper is standing in the ring and is staring down Orton. Wyatt with Sister Abigail on Orton and gets the pinfall!
Winner: Bray Wyatt

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