Monday 10 October 2016

WWE No Mercy: WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships Match Heath Slater and Rhyno (c’s) vs. The Usos

We start with Rhyno and Jimmy Uso. Lock up and Rhyno pushes Jey away.  Rhyno with shots to Jimmy in the corner and tags in Heath Slater. Slater with a flying forearm to Jimmy in the corner and then eats an uppercut from Jimmy. Tag to Jey Uso who chops Slater. Jey with repeated scoop slams on Slater. Tag to Jimmy and Rhyno. Rhyno with shots to Jimmy and a shot to Jey in the corner. Rhyno with with a charging spear to Jimmy in the corner and follows it up with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhyno with a shot to Jey. Tag to Jey who splashes Rhyno in the corner. Jey with stomps to Rhyno.  Jimmy gets the tag and keeps Rhyno grounded. Quick tag back to Jey who connects with a dropkick to the head of Rhyno. Tag to Jimmy who drops an elbow over the head of Rhyno. Rhyno with a spinebuster on Jimmy. Hot tag to Slater and tag to Jey. Slater drops Jey in the corner and throws jabs. Slater catches Jey with a high knee and a side kick to Jimmy who jumps in. Slater with a neckbreaker on Jey. Slater with a roll up on Jey for a two count. Jey with a jumping samoan drop on Slater that results in a two count. Tag to Jimmy. Rhyno pulls Jey out. Jimmy catches Rhyno with a dropkick through the ropes. Jimmy catches Slater with a right hand on the outside. Jimmy is going up top, Slater jumps up and gives Jimmy a powerslam off the top turnbuckle! Slater goes for the cover and Jimmy kicks out. Jimmy with a superkick to Slater. Tag to Jey who drops a kick on the lower leg of Slater. Rhyno with a Gore to Jimmy on the outside. Jey is applying a modified Boston Crab when Rhyno is in to break it up. Rhyno returns to his corner and is trying to fire up the crowd for a tag. Tag to Rhyno. Gore on Jey. Rhyno hooks the leg of Jey and gets the pinfall to retain the titles.
Winners and still WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: Heath Slater and Rhyno

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