Monday 10 October 2016

WWE No Mercy : WWE Intercontinental Championship Match (The Miz (c) w/ Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler)

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
If Dolph Ziggler loses, he must retire
The Miz (c) w/ Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler
We get introductions for the challenger Dolph Ziggler and champion The Miz. Ziggler goes after Miz right away with a series of shots including a big standing dropkick. Ziggler and Miz both go over the top rope. Back inside, Ziggler catches Miz with another big dropkick. Miz with a shot over the back of Ziggler against the ropes. Miz catches Ziggler with a big kick to the face coming off the ropes. Miz catapults Ziggler into the bottom rope with force. Miz with his inverted DDT and neckbreaker combo on Ziggler. Miz with repeated dropkicks in the corner on Ziggler. Miz does a Daniel Bryan “YES!” pose afterwards. Ziggler catches Miz with a big dropkick from the corner. Ziggler with a Stinger Splash, swinging neckbreaker and drops a flying elbow over Miz for a two count. Miz attempts a powerbomb bouncing Ziggler off the top rope, but Ziggler countered into a roll up. Miz tries a roll up using the ropes and the referee notices stopping the count. Series of roll ups between the two. Miz kicks away the knee of Ziggler and connects with a spike DDT for a two count. Ziggler avoids a Figure Four attempt and gets the left leg of Ziggler wrapped up in the corner. Miz kicks the knee of Ziggler, goes for a Figure Four and Ziggler with a small package for a two count. Miz with his corner clothesline on Ziggler. Miz is going up top and Ziggler crotches him hitting the top rope. Miz with a sunset flip off the top, Ziggler hangs on, Miz tries to bounce Ziggler off the top rope, Ziggler with a roll up, Miz counters and gets the Figure Four applied. Ziggler is close to the bottom rope and Miz pulls him to the middle. Ziggler claws his way to the bottom rope to break it up. Maryse is up on the ring apron. Miz is removing top turnbuckle pad with the referee distracted. Ziggler with a Rough Ryder on Miz for a two count. Miz avoids a Zig Zag and sends Ziggler face first into the exposed turnbuckle. Miz has Ziggler up, bounces him off the top rope and drops down into a sitdown powerbomb for a close two count! Miz can’t believe it. Miz with Daniel Bryan style kicks to the chest of Ziggler. Zig Zag on Miz when Miz goes for a big kick and Ziggler counters. Miz kicks out. The fans are getting fired up in support of Ziggler. Ziggler with a roll up for two. Ziggler has a sleeper applied on Miz. Miz reaches out and gets to the bottom rope. Maryse sprays Ziggler in the face at ringside. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale. Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope during the pinfall attempt. Miz thinks he won the match and the referee is explaining no. Miz with left hands to the leg of Ziggler. Miz pulls the boot off of Ziggler. Ziggler with a superkick on Miz. Ziggler, clutching his leg, is crawling over to cover. Maryse is calling for help. Mikey and Kenny of The Spirit Squad are out distracting the referee. Superkick on Mikey. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale. Ziggler kicks out! Miz can’t believe it. Kenny tries to hit Ziggler and the referee stops it. The referee kicks Maryse, Mikey and Kenny to the back. Miz turns around. Ziggler catches him with a superkick. Ziggler hooks the leg to get the win!
Winner and new WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler

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