Wednesday 12 October 2016

Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable w/ Jason Jordan

Gable with a takedown early on Jimmy and goes after the left arm. Gable with another takedown working over the left arm of Jimmy. Jimmy catches Gable with a boot to the gut and follows with a samoan drop. Jimmy with a headlock on Gable. Gable pulls Jimmy over the top rope in a head scissors. Back in the ring, Gable with right hands to Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy slides out and then catches Jimmy with a springboard clothesline. Gable with an exploder suplex on Jimmy. Gable with an armbar on the left arm of Jimmy over the ropes. Jimmy fights off, Gable leaps over Jimmy, Jimmy with a roll up, Jey slides his legs in pushing up the back of Jimmy and Jimmy gets the pinfall without the referee seeing.
Winner: Jimmy Uso

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