Wednesday 26 October 2016

Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

Winner Becomes Team Captain at Survivor Series

Nikki with a roll up early on Natalya for a one count. Natalya with a roll up for another one count. Nikki with a crucifix pinfall and then a jumping tackle that sends Natalya out of the ring. Nikki catches Natalya with a baseball slide, but Natalya pulls Nikki out dropping her face off the ring apron. Natalya levels Nikki with a big clothesline and then tosses her back in. Nikki avoids a Sharpshooter attempt. Natalya catches Nikki with a quick clothesline. Natalya locks on an abdominal stretch on Nikki. Nikki with a Lou Thesz Press on Natalya, but Natalya comes back cutting off Nikki with another quick clothesline. Natalya tosses Nikki down by her hair, goes for another Sharpshooter and gets it locked in this time. Nikki gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Natalya with a snap suplex on Nikki, drops a leg and misses. Nikki bounces the face of Natalya off her knee. Nikki with a springboard kick to the face. Natalya with a Michinoku Driver on Nikki for a two count. Nikki counters out of a surfboard submission by Natalya and gets an STF locked in. Natalya taps out.

Winner and Team Captain at Survivor Series: Nikki Bella

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