Tuesday 11 October 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw: Kofi Kingston w/ The New Day vs. Cesaro w/ Sheamus (10 Oct)

The bell rings, and they lock up. Cesaro wrenches the arm, but Kingston twists out and goes for an arm bar. Cesaro applies a side headlock, gets whipped off, and shoulder blocks him down. Cesaro hits the ropes, and Kingston goes for a sunset flip, but Cesaro pulls him up. Cesaro gets him on his shoulders and tosses him over the top rope. Cesaro feigns a dive and invites Kingston to get in the ring. Kingston obliges and gives him a head-scissor takeover that sends him out of the ring. Kingston then feigns a dive. Sheamus is on Facebook Live during these proceedings. Kingston leaps over the top rope and lands on his feet. Kingston ducks a clothesline and stands with The New Day. Cesaro looks for his partner and is angry when he sees him on his phone.
We come back from the break to see Cesaro drop an elbow from the top rope for a two count. During the commercial, Cesaro gave him a nasty uppercut. Back to live action, Cesaro runs into a boot. Kingston takes him down with a cross-body block for a two count. Kingston connects with a leaping clothesline before doing the Boom Drop. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Cesaro ducks it and uppercuts him into the ropes. Cesaro goes outside and uppercuts him off the ropes. Cesaro gets in the ring and picks up a two count. Cesaro starts the uppercut train before big booting him down for a two count. Sheamus is still mugging on Facebook Live. Kingston gets out of the Neutralizer and goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Cesaro blocks it and goes for the Cesaro Swing, but Kingston kicks him away. Kingston goes for a springboard move, but he crashes and burns in a huge botch. Sheamus gets into an argument at ringside with Woods and Big E. Sheamus shoves Woods down, and Big E clotheslines Sheamus on the floor. Kingston rolls Cesaro up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Kofi Kingston

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