Monday 10 October 2016

WWE No Mercy : Jack Swagger vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin goes after Swagger right away. Swagger counters an irish whip, sends Corbin out, Corbin slides out and eats a clothesline on his way back in. Swagger clotheslines Corbin over the top rope and Swagger sends him shoulder first into the barricade. Swagger bounces the face of Corbin off an announce table at ringside. Corbin kicks the steel steps when Swagger had his hands on him and then follows with a clothesline. Swagger is clutching his hand. Back inside, Corbin goes to work  on the left arm/hand of Swagger. Corbin is now standing on the hand of Swagger near the ropes. Swagger fights back with right hands. Corbin with a shoulder bump sending Swagger to the corner. Corbin works over the fingers of Swagger. Swagger drops Corbin face first off the corner post. Swagger with repeated corner clotheslines on Corbin and follows it up with a big takedown. Swagger Bomb on Corbin, Swagger hooks the leg and Corbin kicks out. Corbin with a big twisting powerbomb plant on Swagger. Corbin with a right hand to Swagger. Swagger comes firing back with a big clothesline. Swagger has the Patriot Lock applied. Corbin is reaching for the ropes. Swagger pulls Corbin out some more. Corbin gets to the apron and the referee calls for the break. Corbin pokes the eye of Swagger with the referee distracted. End of Days by Corbin and he gets the pinfall on Swagger.
Winner: Baron Corbin

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