Tuesday 11 October 2016

T.J. Perkins vs. Ariya Daivari (10 Oct)

Daivari begrudgingly shakes Perkins’ hand. The bell rings, and Daivari punches him down. Perkins hits the ropes and hangs himself up. Daivari dives at him, but Perkins moves. Daivari gets back in the ring and takes him down. Daivari sends him into the corner, but Perkins scales the ropes and hits a cross-body block for a two count. Perkins connects with a hurricanrana for a two count. Perkins quickly applies a knee bar, but Daivari gets to the bottom rope. Daivari gets a cheap shot in and sends him into the ropes for a high knee. Daivari rips at the face before applying a chin lock. Perkins breaks out and does a donkey kick. Daivari comes right back with a neckbreaker for a two count. Daivari puts him in the corner and talks some trash. Daivari whips him hard into the corner and slaps him. Perkins ducks a clothesline and hits a wheelbarrow bulldog. Perkins jumps over him and catches him with a neckbreaker. Perkins quickly follows up with the Detonation Kick for a two count. Perkins goes to the top rope, but Daivari cuts him off. Perkins punches him off and goes for a flying sunset flip, but Daivari doesn’t go down. Daivari connects with an elbow and a superkick for a two count. Daivari goes to the top rope for a splash, but Perkins moves. Perkins hits him with the Wrecking Ball Dropkick before following up with the TJP Clutch for the win.
Winner by Submission: T.J. Perkins
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