Tuesday 11 October 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw: Charlotte and Rusev w/ Lana vs. Sasha Banks and Roman Reigns (10 Oct )

Roman Reigns will start the match against Rusev. The bell rings, and Charlotte tags herself in. Sasha Banks must come in. They circle the ring, and Rusev tags himself back in, forcing Reigns back in. They lock up, and Rusev powers him into the ropes. Rusev sends him into the ropes, but Reigns shoulder blocks him down. Reigns hits the ropes, and Rusev takes him down with a spin kick for a two count. Rusev clubs the back and punches away at him before stomping him down. Rusev digs his knee into Reigns’ face before hitting a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Reigns blocks a right hand and punches away at him. Rusev quickly knees him in the midsection. Reigns comes back with a clothesline. A “We want Sasha” chant breaks out. Rusev reverses a whip, and Reigns clotheslines him down. Reigns clubs away at him in the corner before big booting him down. Reigns sets up for a Superman Punch, but Charlotte grabs the boot. Banks comes around the ring and knocks her down. Reigns then knocks Rusev out of the ring. Reigns and Banks stand tall in the ring.
We come back from the break to see Rusev applying a chin lock to Reigns. Reigns fights up and punches out. Reigns hits the ropes, but Rusev dropkicks him down for a near fall. Rusev taunts Banks before clubbing Reigns in the back. Rusev hits a suplex for a two count. Rusev whips Reigns to the corner, but Reigns pops right out with a Superman Punch.
Charlotte tags herself in, and Banks hits her with a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick. Charlotte blocks a kick, but Banks knees her in the face. Banks then connects with double knee takedown. Banks hits her in the corner and does another double knee for a two count. Charlotte quickly comes back with a roll-up, but Banks kicks out and applies the Bank Statement. Reigns spears Rusev down, and Charlotte taps out.
Winners by Submission: Sasha Banks and Roman Reigns

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