Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Golden Truth w/ Mark Henry vs. The Shining Stars w/ Titus O’Neil

Goldust will start the match against Epico. They lock up, and Goldust shoulder blocks him down. Goldust hits the ropes, kicks him, and uppercuts him before connecting with an inverted atomic drop and a running boot. Goldust wrenches the arm before having a whip reversed on him. Primo distracts him, and Epico dropkicks him down. Primo tags in and splashes him against the ropes. Epico hits a slingshot senton for a two count. Epico punches away at him before Primo tags in and stomps Goldust. Primo chokes him against the ropes and punches him down. Goldust tries to punch back, but Primo stops him and tags in Epico. They hit Goldust with a sandwich double dropkick for a near fall. Epico applies a chin lock. Goldust fights up and powers out before giving Epico a powerslam.
R-Truth and Primo are tagged in. R-Truth hits a clothesline and a back heel kick. R-Truth avalanches him in the corner and hits the Lie Detector for a near fall. R-Truth does a dab and a split. Goldust knocks Epico out of the ring. O’Neil pulls the ropes down as R-Truth goes into them. Mark Henry shoves O’Neil, and he hits the ropes, causing Primo to get crotched on the top rope. Henry then sends O’Neil into the ring post. The Golden Truth then hits Primo with a flapjack/reverse STO for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: The Golden Truth

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