Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Ascension vs. The Hype Bros

Before the match, a promo aired with The Ascension saying they will rise at the Survivor Series. We also hear from The Hype Bros with Mojo talking about his Packers history.
We start with Zack Ryder and Viktor. Lock up and Viktor with a shoulder block on Ryder. Viktor kicks Ryder in the face, eats knees from Ryder in the corner, Ryder with double knees to Konnor and Viktor sends Ryder over the top rope. Tag to Konnor who throws quick uppercuts to Ryder. Tag back to Viktor as they double team Ryder with a splash and high knee. Ryder kicks Viktor in the face, but gets cut off attempting a tag. Tag to Konnor who keeps Ryder in the corner stomping on his hand. Konnor with a spinebuster to Ryder. Konnor misses an elbow from the top. Hot tag to Mojo Rawley who takes out Viktor with a pounce tackle. Rawley with a series of splashes to Viktor in the corner. Rawley drops Viktor over the mat and Konnor breaks up the pinfall. Rawley sends Konnor shoulder first to the corner. Viktor misses a splash on Ryder in the corner. Hype Ryder from the corner and Rawley hooks the leg of Viktor to get the pinfall.

Winners: The Hype Bros

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