Wednesday 12 October 2016

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Spirit Squad (2-On-1) Handicap Match

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. The Spirit Squad
Mikey starts things off with Ziggler catching him with a kick to the face. Ziggler quickly dumps Mikey out of the ring. Kenny avoids a dropkick and clotheslines Kenny over the top rope. The Miz and Maryse take a seat at ringside as we head to a break.
We get a split screen with the action continuing inside the ring with commercials on the right side (no audio from the match). Miz distracts Ziggler at ringside as Kenny gets in a shot and drops an elbow over Ziggler on the ring apron. Kenny with a stomp over the face of Ziggler. Tag to Mikey who tosses Ziggler tot he corner. Ziggler catches him with an elbow and dropkick combo. Tag back to Kenny after Mikey pushes Ziggler to the corner. Kenny with a quick suplex on Ziggler and jumps into a headlock.
Commercial break concludes as the action continues. Kenny still has Ziggler in a headlock. Kenny levels Ziggler with a quick lariat and tags in Mikey. Kenny keeps Ziggler down and tags in Mikey. Kenny was favoring his ribs after that clothesline shot. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Mikey. Mikey breaks it up sending Ziggler to the corner. Ziggler trips up Kenny and drops him down face first on the ring apron. Ziggler with a roll up on Mikey, but Kenny got the tag to break it up. Ziggler counters both Mikey and Kenny hitting a double DDT. Ziggler with a splash in the corner and repeated clotheslines on Kenny. Mikey with a shot on Ziggler setting up a jumping clothesline by Kenny for a two count. Ziggler counters out of a powerbomb attempt and then catches Kenny with a superkick to get the pinfall.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

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