Wednesday 5 October 2016

WWE Smackdown Live: Oct 04, 2016

WWE Smackdown Live 2016Oct 04, 2016

  • Bray Wyatt vs. Kane

The bell rings and Bray Wyatt attacks Kane in the corner right away. Kane tosses Wyatt in the corner and unloads with some body shots. Wyatt catches Kane coming off the ropes and follows up with a splash in the corner. Wyatt with a headlock on Kane to keep the action grounded. Kane with a jawbreaker on Wyatt, hits the ropes and Wyatt catches him with a quick clothesline. Wyatt misses a senton splash over Kane. Kane with a side walk slam and follows with a jumping DDT. Wyatt counters a chokeslam, plants Kane and connects with a senton splash over Kane. Wyatt fires himself up in the corner and leans backwards. Wyatt starts crawling backwards when he looks up at the screen. Randy Orton is on the screen upside down. Orton said at No Mercy he plans to turn Wyatt’s world right side up. The image of Orton flips on the screen and he talks about being able to play Wyatt’s game as well. We can see Kane sitting back up. Kane has a busted lip. Kane goes for another chokeslam, Wyatt cuts him off and Kane sends Wyatt to the outside. The referee starts the count. Wyatt is trying to decide if he wants to stay or go after Orton. Wyatt leaves. Referee reaches 10.

Winner: Kane

  • Nikki Bella vs. Alexa Bliss

Carmella is on commentary tonight with Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga.
The bell rings and Bliss throws a quick elbow to Nikki. Nikki trips up Bliss quickly. Nikki sends Bliss face first into her knee and gets a two count. Nikki with a jumping shoulder block catching Bliss followed by a dropkick. Nikki throws Bliss into Carmella at ringside. Nikki tosses Bliss back inside the ring. Bliss catches Nikki with boots in the corner. Nikki has Bliss up when Carmella hits the ring and starts attacking Nikki.
Winner : Nikki Bella

  • Becky Lynch and Nikki Bella vs. Alexa Bliss and Carmella

We return live with Nikki Bella catching Alexa Bliss in the corner with an elbow. Bliss drops Nikki down over the mat by her hair and throws some quick right hands. Tag to Carmella who drops Nikki back on her neck with help from Bliss. Carmella mounts Nikki and throws some left hands. Carmella sends Nikki into the corner and then connects with her version of the Bronco Buster resulting in a two count. Tag to Bliss who immediately applies a headlock on Nikki. Bliss with a clothesline on Nikki as Nikki hit the ropes to break free. Tag back to Carmella who also applies a headlock. Nikki avoids another Bronco Buster from Carmella. Hot tag to Becky who drops Carmella with a dropkick after shots on Bliss. Tag to Bliss who takes an overhead suplex from Becky. Becky with another suplex on Bliss. Carmella pulls Bliss out to avoid a shot in the corner. Becky with a flying forearm to Bliss on the outside. Carmella with a superkick on Becky. Spear by Nikki on Carmella. Nikki chases Carmella to the back. Bliss comes flying off the top turnbuckle with Twisted Bliss moonsault over Becky. Bliss gets the pinfall to get the win pinning the Smackdown Women’s Champion.
Winners: Alexa Bliss and Carmella

  •  The Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains

We start with Mojo Rawley and Simon Gotch. Lock up and Rawley pushes Gotch away. Rawley with a quick scoop slam and then drops fists over the head of Gotch. Tag to Zack Ryder. Gotch sees The Ascension walking out on the ramp. Ryder with an arm drag on Gotch. Ryder catches Gotch with knees in the corner and catches Aiden English with a missile dropkick on the ring apron. Gotch with a shot on Ryder including an uppercut. Tag to English who splashes Ryder in the corner and Gotch follows up with an exploder suplex resulting in a two count. English throws an elbow over the head of Ryder. Gotch with a boot to the face of Ryder with English distracting the referee. Tag back to Gotch who get in a double chop on Ryder. Quick tag back to English who applies a headlock to cut off Ryder. English misses a knee drop, tags in Gotch and Ryder with a sunset flip sending Gotch to the corner. Hot tag to Rawley who gets in shoulder tackles to English who gets the tag. Rawley with a pounce shot to English and then a shot in the corner. Rawley plants English. Gotch is sent out of the ring. Rawley holds up Enligsh. Hype Ryder off the top rope for the win.
Winners: The Hype Bros

  • MizTV presents “Dolphumentary”

WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz and Maryse are in the ring. He said his guest tonight could be making his final Smackdown Live appearance tonight, Dolph Ziggler.
Ziggler gets in the ring. Miz hypes this Sunday at No Mercy with his Intercontinental Championship on the line against Dolph’s career.
Miz introduces a clip of the “Dolphumentary.” It was touted as “the success of a failure.” The entire video package demeans Ziggler and his WWE career.
Back live, The Miz is clapping and laughing. Ziggler is not pleased. Miz said if his career was like that he would have left years ago. Ziggler tells Miz he isn’t gone yet “ass face.” He talked about for every embarrassing moment that was featured in that video clip he had one good moment. Ziggler talks about granting wishes for Make-A-Wish and said Miz can’t take those moments away from him. He brings up cashing in the Money in the Bank contract a few years ago after WrestleMania to become the new WWE World Champion. Ziggler said the fans were the reason he became champion and that is why he can’t walk away. He said if he can’t deliver on Sunday then he doesn’t belong. Ziggler says he will deliver on Sunday, he will beat Miz and he will become the new WWE Intercontinental Champion. He said Miz isn’t taking his career away from him yelling, “I’m not done yet!” Miz leans in adding, “Yes you are.” He said Ziggler can bring up moments and emotions. Miz said this Sunday, the career of Ziggler will end and it will end because of him. He said he has just the thing to raise the spirits of Ziggler. The old Spirit Squad music hits. Kenny and Mikey are back. They start up a “DOLPH” cheerleader chant. Ziggler says they still have it. They have a chant about how if Dolph doesn’t beat The Miz on Sunday, he joins the unemployment line. Miz jokes he couldn’t find all the members of the squad because some got lost in transit back to OVW. He tells Ziggler to look forward to all the podcasts and $5 autographs he gets to sign when Kenny and Mikey attack Ziggler. Miz and Maryse bail. Ziggler with an uppercut to Mikey and a superkick on Mikey. Miz is back in attempting a Skull Crushing Finale, avoids a superkick from Ziggler and bails grabbing his title leaving with Maryse

  • Jason Jordan w/ Chad Gable vs. Jey Uso w/ Jimmy Uso

Jordan with a big takedown and right hands on Jey early. Jey catches Jordan with a kick to the shoulder and then drops the neck of Jordan off the top rope. Jey with a headlock on Jordan to keep him grounded. Jordan launches Jey chest first into the corner. Jey attempts a package pin, Jordan sits down over Jey and gets the pinfall!
Winner: Jason Jordan

  • Jack Swagger vs. Baron Corbin

Lock up and Corbin pushes Swagger away. Swagger shoots for a takedown and Corbin grabs the ropes to break it up. Swagger with a waist lock and Corbin with an elbow. Swagger works over the left arm of Corbin. Corbin with a big right hand shot from the corner. Corbin put his boot on the neck of Swagger choking him as we head to a break.
During the break, we see Swagger’s leg getting caught up in the ropes and Corbin tossing him out. We also see Corbin connecting with a spinning back suplex. Corbin with a knee to Swagger cutting him off. Swagger sends Corbin out of the ring. Swagger catches Corbin with boots when he comes back in. Swagger with a corner clotheslines and modified overhead suplex on Corbin. Corbin gets his boots up anticipating a Swagger Bomb in the corner. Swagger sees it coming and gets the ankle lock applied on Corbin. Corbin is close to the bottom rope. Swagger pulls him back out. Corbin is reaching for the bottom rope quickly. The referee views this as Corbin tapping and calls for the bell.
Winner: Jack Swagger

  • Styles, Ambrose and Cena face off before No Mercy

WWE World Champion AJ Styles is out first. “San Diego…the champ is here!” Styles talks about Smackdown Live being the land of opportunity and agreeing with that. He talks about having the opportunity to beat John Cena at SummerSlam to become the “face that runs the place…and I did.” Styles said he had the opportunity at Backlash to beat Dean Ambrose to become the WWE World Champion “and obviously I did that too.” He brings up his next opportunity to beat both Cena and Ambrose at No Mercy.
Dean Ambrose is out next to interrupt. Ambrose grabs a mic calling Styles “the clown that runs the town.” He talks about Styles finally making it to the big leagues and taking the low road at Backlash. “You threw that away. Congratulations, good for you,” adds Ambrose. Ambrose said he is mad because he had Styles beat last week when John Cena just had to interfere. He said Cena couldn’t stand the fact that he beat him and showed his true colors. Ambrose said Cena should thank him for even bringing that title to this show.
John Cena’s music hits to interrupt as he heads to the ring. Cena grabs a mic. Styles gets in his face and tells him to shut up. “We already know what you are going to say. For once in your life, just shut up,” says Styles. He predicts Cena will talk about chasing history and how he has the chance to become a 16-time champion. “How dare you compare yourself to an icon, a legend, like Ric Flair,” adds Styles. Styles doesn’t care how many championships Cena has won and said he will never be in the same conversation as Ric Flair. He said Cena shouldn’t be worried about Ric Flair’s legacy and should be more worried about AJ Styles. Styles said it’s going to be a long road as Cena chases history and he makes history. He wants to sit back and watch Cena make a fool of himself just like he did at SummerSlam. Cena goes to talk when Ambrose cuts him off. Ambrose wants to save him the trouble. He predicts Cena will say he is his own worst enemy and to stop making excuses. Ambrose refers to Cena as “master of the political spin.” He said anyone who is a threat to Cena, Cena gets in the way and he says that won’t be the case with him. Ambrose tells Cena to check his resume: no sick days and no injury days. He talks about not sucking up to Cena and asking for advice ever since he got here. Ambrose tells him to have fun being the guy that plays John Cena on television. Cena says “talk is cheap” and tackles Ambrose.
Cena tosses Styles out of the ring. Cena with an AA on Ambrose. Cena grabs the WWE World Championship and holds it up high on the corner. Styles is back in and tackles Cena. Cena goes for an AA and Styles escapes to the ring apron. Styles comes flying off the top turnbuckle and catches Cena with a huge flying forearm. Styles grabs the WWE World Championship and holds it up high. Styles leaves the ring and Ambrose attacks him on the outside sending him into the ring barricade. Dirty Deeds on the steel ramp. Ambrose grabs the WWE World Championship and holds it up high as the show comes to a close.

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