Tuesday 4 October 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw: T.J. Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick

Brian Kendrick goes for a handshake, and T.J. Perkins reluctantly shakes it. The bell rings, and Perkins dropkicks him down. Kendrick quickly gets out of the ring, and Perkins feigns a plancha before doing the dab. Kendrick angrily gets in the ring and hits the ropes, but Perkins gives him a back body drop. Perkins uppercuts him before having a whip reversed, but he comes back with a springboard cross-body and punches away at him. Kendrick gets up and tries to send him out of the ring, but Perkins ties himself up in the ropes. Perkins then gets Kendrick out of the ring and dropkicks him before skinning the cat to get back in the ring. Perkins then hits a corkscrew plancha. Perkins gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope, but he rolls through when Kendrick moves. Kendrick then big boots him down. Kendrick takes the turnbuckle cover off and puts his fingers through the metal connector. Kendrick steps on the hand and gives him a neckbreaker over the top rope. Perkins falls to the floor and holds his neck.
We come back from the break to see Kendrick get out of a headlock and send Perkins head-first into the turnbuckle. Kendrick goes to the second rope, but Perkins punches him and gives him a super hurricanrana. Both men are down. Kendrick gets to his feet, but Perkins catches him with an inverted atomic drop and a spin kick. Kendrick reverses a whip to the corner, but Perkins slingshots over him and takes him down with a running hurricanrana. Perkins catches him with a double chickenwing into a gut-buster, but Kendrick kicks out. Perkins quickly applies a kneebar, but Kendrick quickly gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. Kendrick counters a whip before kicking him in the face. Kendrick then pulls him face-first into the turnbuckle before hitting Sliced Bread #2 for a near fall. Kendrick is stunned her didn’t get him. Kendrick then applies the Captain’s Hook, but Perkins counters into a pin to break the hold. Kendrick runs into a kick, but Perkins gives him a drop-toe-hold into the ropes. Perkins connects with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Perkins goes for a Detonation Kick, but Kendrick rips the nose and gets out. Kendrick then applies the Captain’s Hook for the submission victory..!!

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