Wednesday 26 October 2016

Enzo Amore w/ Big Cass vs. Karl Anderson w/ Luke Gallows

The bell rings, and Anderson quickly kicks Enzo before sending him into the ropes for a back elbow. Anderson gets him in the corner and punches away at him. Enzo turns him around and jabs away at him before backing up and doing “the running man.” Enzo then winds up like a pitcher and punches him down. Enzo goes to the top rope, and Gallows distracts him, allowing Anderson to give Enzo a spinebuster.
We come back from the break to see Enzo hit Anderson, but Anderson comes right back with a step-up enzuigiri. Anderson then kicks him hard in the head. Anderson waits for Enzo to get up, and he takes him down with a flying boot for a near fall. Anderson applies a chin lock, but Enzo fights up and drives him into the turnbuckle. Anderson counters a boot, but Enzo takes him down. Enzo hits some jabs before taking him down with a running cross-body and punching him. Enzo punches him down a few times before sending him to the corner. Anderson puts himself through the ropes, so the referee stops Enzo. Anderson takes Enzo out before going for a suplex, but Enzo lands on his feet. Anderson rolls him up with a handful of tights, but Big Cass distracts the referee. Gallows gets on the apron to distract the referee, so Big Cass big boots Anderson. Enzo then picks up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Enzo Amore

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