Tuesday 11 October 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw: Drew Gulak and Tony Nese vs. Lince Dorado and Sin Cara (10 Oct)

Sin Cara has officially joined the Cruiserweight Division. Lince Dorado will start against Drew Gulak. Gulak leaps over him before Dorado takes him down. They hit the ropes, and Dorado gives him a hurricanrana before kipping up. Tony Nese is tagged in, and he reverses a whip on Dorado. Cara tags in, and Dorado gives him a back body drop into Nese for a two count. Dorado is tagged back in, and he attacks Nese’s arm. Nese powers him to his corner, and Gulak gets a cheap shot in. Nese hits Dorado and tags Gulak in. Gulak boots him down and picks up a one count. Gulak applies the Gory Special before tagging in Nese. Nese kicks Dorado before giving him some crossfaces. Nese tags Gulak back in, and they send him into the ropes, but Dorado hits a handspring back elbow.
Cara is tagged in, and he hits a springboard moonsault press on both men. Cara catches Gulak with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before hitting a springboard cross-body. Cara rolls him up before lifting him up with one arm to slam him down. Nese breaks it up. Cara dropkicks Nese off the apron and tags in Dorado. Cara then wipes out Nese with a suicide dive. In the ring, Dorado takes Gulak down with a hurricanrana and a spin kick. Dorado goes to the top rope and connects with a shooting star press for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Lince Dorado and Sin Cara

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