Monday 10 October 2016

WWE No Mercy : WWE World Championship – Triple Threat Match AJ Styles (c) vs. John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose

We get ring introductions for the champion AJ Styles and the challengers John Cena and Dean Ambrose before the match officially gets underway.
The bell rings and here we go. Ambrose with shots early on Cena and Styles. All three men go down with Cena hitting a double clothesline on Styles and Ambrose. Ambrose shakes off a headbutt from Cena and stomps away in the corner. Ambrose dropkicks Styles out of the ring. Ambrose sends Styles into the ring barricade and then drives him head first off one of the announce tables at ringside. Ambrose kicks Cena in the face, jumps, Cena catches Ambrose and drives him spine first into the steel ring post. Styles with a springboard forearm catching Cena on the outside. Cena with a double german suplex on Styles and Ambrose. Styles with a forearm that sends Ambrose to the outside. Styles counters an AA attempt and catches Cena with a Pele Kick! Ambrose with a two count on Styles off a sunset flip. Styles with an inverted DDT on Ambrose, catches Cena and also brings him down in a DDT! Ambrose with elbows to Styles. Styles sends Ambrose out and Ambrose catches part of the steel ring steps. Cena with a flipping roll up on Styles for another two count. Styles with a torture rack into a powerbomb on Cena for a two count. Styles catches Cena in a sleeper. Cena breaks free and Ambrose catches him in a sleeper. Cena sends Ambrose into Styles in the corner. Cena with shoulder blocks and a twisting powerbomb on Ambrose. Styles drops Cena face first off the mat to cut him off. Ambrose drops Styles down face first. Cena with shoulder blocks to Styles along with his twisting powerbomb plant. Ambrose with a flying elbow off the top rope catching Cena for a two count. Styles catches Cena with a springboard flying forearm. Cena is out of the ring. Styles counters Dirty Deeds by Ambrose. Styles with a huricanrana takedown off the top rope, but Ambrose rolls through for a two count. Styles with a roll up for another two count. Styles and Ambrose with a double clothesline as Cena rolls back inside the ring. Double five knuckle shuffle on Ambrose and Styles. AA on Ambrose, hooks the leg and Ambrose kicks out. Cena with an STF on Ambrose. Styles breaks it up. Styles with a suplex on Cena over the ring apron! Styles with a 450 Splash over Ambrose and Ambrose kicks out. Styles rakes the eyes (which is legal under No DQ rules tonight) of Ambrose and hits the Styles Clash. Cena grabs Styles and locks him in the STF. Ambrose is holding the arm of Styles up to prevent the tap. Ambrose attacks Cena to break up the submission. Cena has both Ambrose and Styles up. Styles and Ambrose break it up. All three men are down after a series of counters with Cena sending Styles into Ambrose and Ambrose dropping Cena. Cena catches Styles, throws him up on his shoulders, Styles rolls up Cena and then gets the Calf Crusher applied! Ambrose breaks it up with an elbow. Ambrose with a Calf Crusher on Styles. Cena jumps on Styles and applies the STF. Styles taps.
The bell rings. Cena and Ambrose are celebrating. Cena and Ambrose are going at it. Ambrose with Dirty Deeds on Cena. It appears the match will continue. Ambrose with a suicide dive catching Styles on the outside. Ambrose tosses Styles over the announce table. Ambrose is going up top and Cena is cutting him off with right hands. Cena has Ambrose up on his shoulders and comes off the corner with a huge AA! Styles slides back in with a steel chair in hand (which is legal). Styles hits Cena in the gut and over the back with the steel chair. Styles drops down and covers Ambrose to get the pinfall to retain.
Winner and still WWE World Champion: AJ Styles

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