Wednesday 12 October 2016

Carmella vs. Naomi

Carmella attacks Naomi before the match officially begins. The referee pulls Carmella off of Naomi. We see a shot of Naomi trying to recover as we head to a break.
-Commercial Break-
We return live as Carmella has a headlock on Naomi. A shot of Alexa Bliss watching backstage is shown. Carmella kicks Noami away in the corner. Naomi with a split legged jawbreaker on Carmella. Naomi with jumping body kicks to Carmella and finishes her off with a kick to the head. Naomi sends Carmella head first into the second turnbuckle, goes up top and catches Carmella with a flying cross body for a two count. Carmella wraps Naomi up on the second rope in the corner and then slams her down on her neck. Carmella is pulling Naomi out from the corner as we see a shot of Nikki Bella walking down the ramp. WWE officials are holding Nikki back. Naomi with a roll up on Carmella to get the win.
Winner: Naomi

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