Tuesday 4 October 2016

Jeri-KO vs. The New Day

Chris Jericho will start the match against Xavier Woods. Kofi Kingston is at ringside for this one. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks and punches him. Jericho chops the chest, and Woods accidentally cracks Jericho in the nose. Jericho is concerned his nose might be broken. Kevin Owens is tagged in, and he scoop slams Woods before jumping over him a few times. Owens goes for a senton splash, but Woods moves. Owens puts Woods in the corner and punches away at him before kicking him down. Owens talks trash, but Woods responds with some punches. Owens gets him in the corner, and Jericho feels well enough to tag in. Jericho gives him a stiff kick and slaps him. Woods avoids some clotheslines, but Jericho kicks and chops him. Woods boots Jericho in the face and hits the Honor Roll for a near fall. Jericho quickly scurries over Owens. Jericho is bleeding from the nose. Owens tags back in, and Big E is tagged in. Owens attacks Big E and punches away at him before hitting the ropes. Big E avalanches him and does a jig. Big E punches away at Owens before sending him to the corner. Big E hits a running shoulder before sending him to the opposite corner. Owens avoids a shoulder, so Big E hits the ring post shoulder-first. Jericho is tagged in, and he chokes him before taunting the crowd. Jericho slaps Big E a few times, so Big E returns the favor in kind. Jericho comes back with a dropkick. Jericho talks trash to Woods while Owens cheap shots Big E. Jericho clubs away at Big E before going to the top rope. Jericho comes off, but Big E punches him out of mid-air. Jericho quickly takes him down before Owens is tagged back in. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner and taunts the crowd before picking up a two count. Owens circles around him and hits a senton splash for a near fall.
We come back from the break to see Owens and Big E take each other out with a double clothesline. Woods is tagged in, and he knees Owens in the face before clotheslining him down. Woods kicks him and puts him on the middle rope before hitting a dropkick. Woods dropkicks Jericho off the apron before Owens gives him a gut-buster for a two count. Owens kicks him in the back a few times and talks trash to Kofi Kingston. Owens kicks Woods in the back and applies a chin lock. Woods eventually fights up and tries to tag Big E in, but Owens stops him with a short-arm clothesline. Jericho is tagged back in, and he punches him down. Jericho clotheslines him in the corner and puts him on the top rope. Jericho shouts at Ashton Kutcher. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Woods counters out with a super front suplex. Woods then hits a cross-body block for a near fall. Owens is tagged in, and Owens DDTs Woods for a two count.
Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he walks out to the stage. Owens is furious. Woods then takes him out with a step-up enzuigiri. Jericho and Big E are tagged in. Big E hits a pair of belly-to-belly overhead suplexes. Jericho kicks him in the face and goes to the top rope, but Big E catches him with a Belly-To-Booty Suplex. Big E goes for a big splash, but Owens superkicks him. Owens charges, but Big E gets him out of the ring. Woods then takes him out with a summersault plancha. Jericho rolls Big E up for a two count. Big E elbows him down and hits a big splash. Woods is tagged in, and Owens snaps Big E off the top rope. Woods elbows Owens as he gets into the ring. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho, but he releases it when Seth Rollins runs down to the apron. The New Day then catches Jericho with the Midnight Hour for the win.

Winners:The New Day

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