Wednesday 26 October 2016

Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

The bell rings at 11:00 PM EST. Owens rolls out of the ring and leaves Jericho in the ring with Rollins. Jericho looks concerned and gets out to talk strategy. Owens and Jericho get on opposite sides of the ring, and Rollins leaves the ring. Rollins tells them to fight. Jericho and Owens surround Rollins, so he gets in the ring. Rollins ducks a clothesline from Jericho and kicks Owens off the apron. Rollins kicks Jericho, hits a snapmare, and kicks him in the chest for a one count. Rollins chops him in the corner before Jericho reverses a whip. Rollins boots him in the face, goes to the second rope, and hits a blockbuster. Owens runs in, so Rollins dispatches of him. Jericho puts Rollins on the apron, so Rollins kicks him. Owens pulls him off the apron and sends him into the barricade. Rollins reverses a whip into the barricade and then throws him into it. Rollins then dropkicks him on the floor. Rollins punches him down until Jericho attacks him from behind and drops him into the crowd. Jericho checks on Owens, and Rollins takes them both out with a cross-body block. Rollins puts Owens into the ring and throws Jericho into the crowd. Owens quickly clotheslines Rollins in the corner. Owens repeats the move and looks down at his Hell in a Cell opponent. Owens hits the corner clothesline one last time before going for a cannonball, but Rollins moves. Rollins hits a springboard knee to the head for a near fall. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Owens goes to the opposite corner. Rollins gets off the top rope and hits a running forearm. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out. Jericho gets in the ring, so Rollins tries to Pedigree him. Jericho counters into a Walls of Jericho attempt, but Rollins twists out. Jericho quickly takes him down with a back elbow. Jericho tries for the Lionsault, but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Owens stops it. Owens and Jericho double team him before Owens goes to the second rope for a senton splash! Owens and Jericho pose in the ring.
Owens rolls out of the ring and talks trash before sending Rollins into a clothesline from Jericho. Jericho puts Rollins in the ring. Owens kicks him in the face. Jericho holds Rollins up, and Owens punches him down. Owens signals to Jericho that they should end it. They start double-teaming Rollins again. Owens sends Rollins into the ropes, but he holds on. Rollins pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Jericho rolls Rollins up, but Rollins rolls through and kicks him. Rollins hits Owens with a suicide dive and goes to the top rope. Rollins goes for a frog splash, but Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for a near fall. Jericho cannot believe it and argues with the referee. Jericho whips Owens into Rollins for a cannonball. Owens slaps him in the face a few times and talks some trash. They put Rollins on the top rope for a double-team superplex, but Rollins gets off and slams them down for a double pin.

Winner by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

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