Tuesday 11 October 2016

WWE Raw :Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins

Jericho talks trash to Rollins before throwing his scarf in his face. Rollins shoves him to the corner and punches away at him. Rollins throws the scarf in Jericho’s face and punches away at him. Jericho rakes the eyes and clubs the back before chopping the chest. Rollins chops him back before hitting a snapmare and a running kick to the chest for a two count. Jericho grabs the referee and hides behind him. Rollins grabs him and punches away at him. Jericho sends him to the corner, but runs into a boot. Rollins connects with a blockbuster neckbreaker for a near fall. Rollins chops the chest and sends him into the ropes, but Jericho holds on and goes outside. Rollins baseball slides him down before sending him hard into the barricade. Rollins sends him into the barricade again before getting on the apron and wiping him out with a flying clothesline. Rollins sends him into the steps before putting him back in the ring.
Rollins goes to get back inside, but Kevin Owens’ music hits. The WWE Universal Champion makes his way to the ring. Jericho uses the distraction to kick Rollins before hitting front suplex onto the top rope. Rollins grabs his recently healed ribs in pain.
We come back from the break to see Jericho stomping Rollins down. Owens is at ringside watching the action. Rollins starts to fight back, but Jericho knees him in the ribs a few times before laying him across the top rope. Jericho then kicks him in the ribs before taunting the crowd. Jericho slaps him in the face a few times before Rollins slaps him back and chops the chest. Rollins hits the ropes, but Jericho catches him with an abdominal stretch. Jericho clubs him in the ribs a few times, but Rollins eventually fights out and arm drags him. Rollins then gives him a reverse STO into the corner. They trade punches before Jericho kicks him in the ribs. Rollins comes back with a forearm smash. Jericho reverses a whip, but Rollins takes him down with an enzuigiri. Rollins hits a pair of running forearms in the corner before hitting the Sling Blade for a two count. Owens slaps the mat. Rollins goes for a suplex, but his ribs are too injured. Jericho quickly turns him inside out by kneeing him in the midsection. Jericho goes for a gut-buster, but Rollins counters with a modified backbreaker for a two count. Rollins goes to the apron and kicks Jericho in the chest. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Jericho crotches him up there. Jericho chops the chest before going for a superplex. Rollins blocks it and hits a front superplex. Rollins waits for him to get up and goes for a cross-body block, but Jericho dropkicks him out of mid-air for a near fall! Jericho knees him in the ribs before sending him sternum-first into the turnbuckle. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker, but Rollins shoves him off and superkicks him for a near fall.
Both men are down and are slowly trying to recover. They trade punches before Jericho kicks him in the ribs. Jericho hits the ropes, and Rollins takes him out with a high knee. Jericho puts him on the apron, but Rollins punches him back. Owens taunts Rollins, but Rollins kicks him down. Rollins goes for a springboard knee, but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho! Rollins screams in agony, but he eventually claws to the bottom rope. While the referee’s back is turned, Owens superkicks Rollins. Jericho quickly covers him for a near fall. Jericho cannot believe it.
The obligatory “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Jericho goes for a springboard dropkick, but he crashes and burns at ringside when Rollins moves. Rollins then wipes out Owens with a suicide dive. Rollins gets on the apron and kicks Jericho back. Rollins takes him out with a springboard flying knee to the head for a near fall. Rollins goes to the top rope and tries for a frog splash, but Jericho moves. Jericho immediately follows up with a Lionsault for a near fall. Jericho slowly recovers and goes to the top rope, but Rollins cuts him off. Jericho head-butts him off and leaps into a kick. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Jericho gets out. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins counters into an inside cradle for the win! Chris Jericho will not be added to the Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Universal Championship.
Winner by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

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