Seth Rollins’ music
hits, and he makes his way to the ring limping on a crutch to a decent
reception. Rollins gets in the ring, and the reception picks up. There’s a
table in the ring. Rollins calls Triple H out to “get this done.”
Triple H’s music, and
the WWE COO makes his way to the ring holding the Hold Harmless Agreement for a
Non-Sanctioned Match at WrestleMania. Triple H stands on the apron and says
before he gets in the ring, he will defend himself if Rollins attacks him, and
that won’t go well for him. If Rollins attacks him before he signs the
document, the match is off. Rollins will sit down in the ring and listen to the
rights he’s signing away. Rollins says he’s listened to Triple H long enough
and tells him to get into the ring with the contract. Triple H gets in the ring
and demands that he sit down and listen. Rollins doesn’t do it. Triple H says
listening to the crowd is the wrong thing. Triple H says the match is off and
walks out of the ring. Rollins then sits down. Triple H says, “Good boy.”
Triple H wants him to understand what will happen when he signs the contract.
Rollins is giving up all his rights. When he gets into the ring at
WrestleMania, he’s going to take that crutch and wrap it around his knee again.
Triple H won’t stop there and will keep going until he destroys what he
created. When he signs the document, he gives away his rights. When Rollins’
career is over, he can’t sue him, his wife, or the WWE. Rollins says, “I get
it, so sing the contract and hand it over.”
Triple H says Rollins
didn’t sell his soul – he made a smart business decision. Now he has a moral
dilemma because of the crowd. Triple H hates that success is frowned upon in
society. It’s jealousy. If Rollins isn’t making enemies, he’s not making money.
If everyone doesn’t hate him, he’s not living to his full potential. Triple H
says he’d rather eat well than sleep well. He’d rather live the good life. You
get one shot at life. You take life, grab it by the throat, and make it give
you everything you want. Screw everybody else. If Rollins wants to grow a
conscience and sign the contract, when he goes to “The Ultimate Thrill Ride,”
it won’t be that great. Maybe he can get his knee patched up and start
wrestling in front of a couple hundred people. Triple H signs the contract and
says Rollins is a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. A one-legged man
has never won an ass kicking contest. Rollins won’t be the first. Triple H says
understands missing WrestleMania a second year in a row sucks, but if he signs
the contract, he’ll walk into WrestleMania, but he won’t walk out.
Triple H puts the
contract in front of him. Rollins looks at the contract and says that was the
same line of bullcrap he bought into three years ago. This isn’t three years
ago. When you’re out rehabbing, you gain perspective. Rollins says he learned
that he liked himself before he met Triple H. Rollins didn’t mind wrestling for
a hot dog and a handshake at the Philadelphia National Guard Armory. When the
got together, they accomplished a lot, but at what cost? It’s not about fame,
power, or one match at WrestleMania. This is about redemption, not revenge.
Rollins gave up everything to stand next to him. For what? At WrestleMania,
Triple H better be prepared to tear his leg off and beat him with it because
nothing will stop him from tearing him apart. Rollins is going to get back what
he wants: who he was before Triple H. Rollins then signs the contract and
shoves it into Triple H.

Triple H turns before kicking the table into Rollins’ bad knee. Triple H pushes the table aside and kicks him in the leg. Triple H takes off his jacket and tie slowly before picking up the crutch. Triple H looks at it, but Rollins catches him with a step-up enzuigiri. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Triple H clips the knee. Triple H goes for a Pedigree, but Rollins counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Triple H gets back in the ring, but Rollins cracks him on the back with the crutch. Triple H quickly leaves the ring and retreats up the ramp. Rollins holds himself up and looks furious. Rollins can barely stand !!!