Wednesday 29 March 2017

Over-The-Top-Rope Challenge Match Big Show vs. Jinder Mahal

The bell rings, and Big Show quickly grabs him by the throat. Mahal fights out and punches away at him before trying to clothesline him over the top rope. Big Show doesn’t budge, and quickly sends him over.
Jinder Mahal is eliminated.
Bo Dallas is out next, but Big Show quickly takes control of him. Dallas slides off his shoulder and tries to eliminate him, but Big Show fights him off. Big Show then eliminates him.
Bo Dallas is eliminated.
The Shining Stars are going to try their luck now. They double-team Big Show and try to eliminate him, but he fights them off before giving them a double-back body drop out of the ring.
The Shining Stars are eliminated.
Goldust, Curtis Axel, and R-Truth run down and quickly attack Big Show. Mahal, Dallas, and The Shining Stars join the fray. They all attack Big Show and work together to eliminate him from the match. Big Show gets back in the ring, and they all attack. Big Show explodes out and hits Mahal with a Chokeslam. Dallas eats a Knockout Punch and Chokeslams Axel. Big Show Chokeslams The Shining Stars for good measure. The Golden Truth retreat rather than fight.

Big Show is eliminated. Contest over.

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