Wednesday 29 March 2017

Contract signing between Shane McMahon and AJ Styles

Daniel Bryan’s music hits to loud “YES” chants as the Smackdown Live general manager makes his way to the ring. We see a table and two chairs in the ring as it’s time for the contract signing. The crowd starts with the “Daniel Bryan” chants as he thanks the crowd and asks them if they’re ready for Wrestlemania. Bryan welcomes Shane McMahon as “Here comes the money” plays and the Smackdown Live commissioner gets ready for the contract signing. Bryan introduces Shane’s opponent for Wrestlemania, AJ Styles! Styles gets in the ring as both men sit.
Shane starts off by saying that 8 months ago when Smackdown became Smackdown Live, he and Bryan had a vision to make it the land of opportunity. Where management wouldn’t push their own agendas. And no matter what has happened between them, he thinks he is one of the greatest talents to ever step foot through the ropes. And that he truly is phenomenal. AJ says they actually agree on something and that yes, he is phenomenal. The crowd starts an “AJ Styles” chant. Shane says he used the feel from the crowd and it catapulted him into winning the WWE championship. But after that, he got arrogant. And it was that arrogance and ego which cost him the WWE championship. And since he wasn’t supposed to be at Wrestlemania, AJ put himself on the card by attacking him. Shane says if AJ doesn’t bring his A game, how phenomenal will he feel when it’s his hand being raised at Wrestlemania?

AJ asks Shane if he knows what kind of match they’re having. Not a HIAC match, not falls count anywhere. Where if he’s out of the ring for more than 10 seconds, he’ll lose. No tables, ladders or chairs. If he uses anything, he’ll be disqualified. It’s what we call a “traditional match” and he doesn’t know if Shane has ever been in one. And when he gets in the ring with him, he’ll have entered the world of AJ Styles. And that in the ring, he is untouchable. AJ says he will embarass him on every level. He says Shane has been in the ring with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock and last year with the Undertaker. But here’s the thing, he’s never been in the ring with somebody like AJ Styles before. He is all around the best performer to ever step foot in a WWE ring. And at Wrestlemania, Shane will find out how phenomenal he really is. AJ signs the contract and moves the table as Daniel Bryan interferes.
Bryan tells them to calm down and asks for them to shake hands. Shane extends his hand and AJ walks out of the ring.

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