Wednesday 29 March 2017

Bayley and Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax

 The bell rings. Sasha Banks starts against Charlotte Flair. They lock up and tussle out of the ring. They stay locked up until Flair shoves her into the barricade. Banks shoves her into the apron and puts her back in the ring. Flair kicks her, but Banks takes her back down. They botch a head-scissor into a straightjacket submission that sees Flair bent at an uncomfortable angle. Flair eventually fights out of it and whips Banks out of the ring. Banks tries to pull Nia Jax off the apron, but Flair cuts her off. Jax is tagged in, and she shoves Banks. Banks goes for a pin, but Jax doesn’t go down. Bayley is tagged in, and they hit Jax with a double dropkick that doesn’t take her down. Jax shoves Bayley down and tags Flair in. Bayley tries to fight them off, but she’s quickly taken down. Flair puts her in the corner, but Bayley bounces her off the turnbuckle a few times. Bayley picks up a two count. Flair soon takes her down and clubs away at her for a one count. Flair applies a chin lock and shakes her around. A light “Let’s go Bayley” chant fires up. Bayley fights up, but Flair takes her back down. Flair kicks her before whipping her to the corner and chopping her down. Flair goes for a Figure Four, but Bayley boots her out of the ring.
Banks is tagged in, and she connects with a pair of clotheslines followed by a dropkick. Banks blocks a kick and bounces her off the turnbuckle. Banks goes to the top rope and hits a cross-body block for a near fall. Flair elbows her back, and Jax blind tags in. Banks rolls up Flair, but Jax pulls her off. Banks boots Jax back, but Jax quickly puts her on the apron and knocks her to ringside.

We come back from the break to see Flair strutting while Banks is down. Flair then picks up a two count. Jax is tagged in, and she visibly calls a spot before throwing Banks across the ring. Jax drops some elbows before smiling at Bayley. Jax then applies an arm and chin lock. Banks fights up and hits a jawbreaker. Jax stops her from making a tag and gets Flair in the match. Banks elbows her back, but Flair quickly cuts her off with a pair of backbreakers before stretching her out over her knee. Banks fights up and hits a head-scissor takeover. Flair stops her from making a tag, but Banks sends her into Jax.
Bayley is tagged in, and she hits a pair of hammer throws followed by a takedown. Bayley puts her on the apron and snaps her off the ropes. Bayley shoulders her in the corner, rolls back, and hits a running back elbow. Flair quickly catches her with a high knee, but Bayley takes her down with a back suplex for a near fall. Bayley goes to the second rope, but Flair knocks her off and attacks the knee. Flair applies the Figure Four, but Banks dropkicks her. Jax runs in and slow motion leaves the ring. Jax catches Banks coming off the apron, but Banks slides off and sends her into the post. Flair kicks Banks down at ringside. Bayley then catches her with Bayley-To-Belly for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Bayley and Sasha Banks

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