Wednesday 29 March 2017

Mickie James & Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss & Carmella

During the commercial break, the women’s match turned into a tag team match. Mickie James and Becky Lynch against Carmella and Alexa Bliss. Carmella and Mickie James are the two legal women in the match. Carmella goes for a slap but Mickie ducks and delivers a kick. Alexa goes to attack Mickie on the ring apron but Mickie hits her off. She turns around and Carmella knocks Mickie down and delivers forearms. She goes for the cover but a 2 count. Carmella tags Alexa in. Alexa with a European headlock on Mickie James. Mickie gets up and hits Alexa to get out of it. Alexa takes her back down and goes for the cover and another 2 count. Alexa with another headlock on Mickie James. Mickie lifts out of it but Alexa takes her down right a right hand and Natalya’s music hits as she comes down to the ring and another commercial break.

 We come back and Natalya is on commentary as the match continues. Mickie makes the tag to Becky Lynch and Alexa tags Carmella in. Becky with a flying forearm. Natalya gets off commentary and into the ring as Becky hits her with a forearm. The referee is distracted as Carmella sends Becky to the ropes, James trips Becky and Carmella gets the cover, 1, 2, 3!
Winners: Alexa Bliss & Carmella

All five women now in the ring fighting. Naomi’s music hits and Natalya runs to the ramp and Naomi lands a flying hurricanrana. She gets in the ring and cleans house taking them all out.
She grabs the microphone. She says she knows they were wondering if she would be back for Wrestlemania. And she’s back. She enters the Smackdown Live! Women’s title match. She points to the Wrestlemania sign and says on Sunday in her hometown, they will feel the power.

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