Wednesday 29 March 2017

Cruiserweight Match Neville vs. Jack Gallagher

Neville declines the prematch handshake. They circle the ring and lock up. Neville powers him into the ropes and shoves him. Gallagher smirks and circles the ring. Neville applies a side headlock and takes him down. Gallagher walks on his hands to get out. They lock up, and Neville gets him into the corner. Neville sends him into the corner, but Gallagher does a handstand. Gallagher kicks him back and rolls him up for a two count. Neville whips him off, but Gallagher shoulder blocks him down. Neville kips up, but Gallagher takes him down. Neville counters a dropkick, but Gallagher whips him off. Neville sidesteps Gallagher and gives him a vicious German Suplex.
We come back from the break to see Neville kick away at Gallagher. Neville hits the ropes, but Gallagher viciously head-butts him down. Neville rolls out of the ring dazed and confused. Gallagher grabs his umbrella, William the Third, and opens it up. Gallagher comes off the top rope with a Mary Poppins seated senton to the floor! Gallagher gets him in the ring, but Neville pulls him into the turnbuckle. Neville superkicks him to the apron and pulls him up to the top rope for a superplex. Neville rolls through and applies the Rings of Saturn for the win.
Winner by Submission: Neville

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