Wednesday 29 March 2017

No Disqualification Match Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

If Sami Zayn wins, he’ll be given an entry into the André The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. If Zayn loses, he’ll be fired from RAW.
The bell rings, and Owens quickly attacks him and beats him down in the corner. Owens backs up and talks some trash. Zayn fights back, but Owens chops him. Zayn reverses a whip, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Zayn quickly comes back with a clothesline before punching away at him in the corner. Owens quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Owens attacks him while he leaves the ring. Owens drives him into the barricade and whips him into the barricade, but Zayn jumps to the top. Owens quickly pushes him into the crowd. They fight in the crowd, and Zayn sends him into a wall. They fight to the ramp. Owens drives Zayn headfirst into the commentary table twice before putting him on the ramp. Zayn kicks him away and wipes him out with a flipping senton to the floor!
We come back from the break to see Owens down at ringside holding his shoulder. Zayn takes apart the steps and throws the top half aside. Owens rakes the eyes and DDTs him on the steps! Owens then annihilates him with a senton off the steps to the floor! Wow! Owens gets Zayn in the ring and picks up a near fall. Zayn is gasping for air. Owens sizes Zayn up and clotheslines him in the corner. Owens clotheslines him in the corner a second time, and Zayn slumps down. Owens goes for a cannonball, but Zayn pops up and hits an exploder suplex into the corner that lands Owens on his head! Owens goes outside the ring to recover. Zayn goes outside and hits a torpedo DDT through the turnbuckles, spiking Owens right on his head! Zayn gets Owens in the ring and sets up for a Helluva Kick. Zayn charges into a superkick, and Owens picks up a near fall. Owens goes to the top rope and connects with a Bullfrog Splash for a near fall. Owens cannot believe it. Owens screams for him to get out of his life and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Zayn gets out and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.
Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and grabs a steel chair. Chris Jericho’s music hits. Joe waits for Jericho to come down the ramp, but Jericho attacks him from behind and cracks him on the back with the chair twice! Owens punches Jericho from the apron and gets in the ring. Zayn rolls him up for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Sami Zayn

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