Wednesday 29 March 2017

Mojo Rawley, American Alpha, Rhyno and Heath Slater vs. Dolph Ziggler, The Usos and Breezango

Jason Jordan of American Alpha starts the match with Dolph Ziggler. Jordan takes Ziggler down with a drop kick and tags Chad Gable in. Gable with an arm lock on Ziggler but Ziggler kicks Gable and gets out of it. Gable reverses it and takes Ziggler down with an arm bar. Slater gets tagged in and delivers an armbar himself and tags Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline on Ziggler. And another one. He delivers a belly to belly and gets ready for the gore. He goes for it but Ziggler slides out of the ring.
Back from commercial break and it’s Gable in the ring with Fandango. Fandango throws Gable into the turnbuckle. He goes for the cover, 1, 2 and a kick out. He tags in Jimmy Uso. Jay goes for a running splash but Gable moves out of the way. Jimmy tags in Jay. And a back body drop by Gable to Jay. Gable tags in Mojo Rawley and he cleans house taking out everyone. Mojo goes for the cover on Breeze but Jay breaks it up and a fight ensues between them all. Rawley hits Breeze with the running forearm smash and gets the win.

Winners: Mojo Rawley, American Alpha, Rhyno and Heath Slater

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