Friday 31 March 2017

Wrestlemania 33: Alexa Bliss (c) Open Challenge (Prediction)

Wrestlemania 33: Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Cesaro & Sheamus (Prediction)

Wrestlemania 33: Seth Rollins vs. Triple H (Prediction)

This is a story a few years in the making. At one time, Seth Rollins and Triple H worked together, and things were going great, especially when Rollins was the champion. However, Rollins was betrayed, and after a knee injury, he's made his return and is now looking for revenge.
This is the best storyline on Raw. While the card is already stacked, this is a welcome addition. There is nothing more we'd rather see than Rollins coming out on top here. However, he is injured, so in order for him to get the win, it's going to take some outside interference. This is very tough to call, but we're giving the win to Triple H.
     Prediction: Triple H wins

Wrestlemania 33: Goldberg (c) vs. Brock Lesnar (Prediction)

(For the Universal Championship)
Brock Lesnar is challenging Goldberg for the Universal Championship. Both meetings between the two stars, at the Royal Rumble and Survivor Series, have shown that Goldberg is a dominant force. This will be the third official meeting between the two stars.
We think that this is the end of the feud, and there's no way Goldberg will best Lesnar once again. Continuously beating down a person that WWE has set up to be an unstoppable force (Lesnar), over and over, doesn't make sense unless he gets the win at the end. Lesnar will get his belt back and give it up to someone else at the next PPV. We don't see either of these men holding the title for very long.

Prediction: Lesnar wins

Wrestlemania 33: Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Randy Orton (Prediction)

(For the WWE Championship)
WWE Champion Bray Wyatt will be taking on former ally and Royal Rumble winner Randy Orton. This has been a fantastic storyline and is one of the most anticipated matches of the card. Orton recently burned down the Wyatt's compound, so Wyatt is out for revenge.
We love Bray Wyatt as champion, and it's really hard to put that love aside, especially when he's up against someone who has headlined a plethora of PPVs. We're thinking WWE is going to continue pushing Wyatt, and there may be some interferences in this match, whether it's Luke Harper or Erick Rowan. Taking everything into consideration, Wyatt will retain his belt.

Prediction: Wyatt wins clean.

Wrestlemania 33: Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns (Prediction)

One staple of Wrestlemania is the Undertaker. This year, he'll be taking on Roman Reigns, a match whose seeds were planted back at Royal Rumble. There have been a couple meetings between the two since then.
There isn't a lot of hype behind this, and there are plenty of rumors stating this is going to be the Undertaker's last match. Because of this, we think he's going out on top with a win.

Prediction: Undertaker wins

Wrestlemania 33: Shane McMahon vs. AJ Styles (Prediction)

AJ Styles didn't have a match at Wrestlemania, so he did the one thing that would get everyone's attention: attack Shane McMahon. Now, he'll be fighting the son of the owner of the WWE, even though Styles was fired by general manager Daniel Bryan.
There's one thing we can say about this match: it's going to be filled with ridiculous high spots. Whether you like the booking or not, it's going to entertain the masses. However, when it comes down to it, we think Styles is going to come out on top.
     Prediction: Styles wins

Wrestlemania 33: Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax (Fatal 4-Way Match) (Prediction)

(For the Raw Women's Championship)
Three of the women on Raw have proven themselves as worthy of the Women's Championship on the Monday night show: Charlotte, Sasha Banks, and Nia Jax. All three of them will take on the current champion, Bayley.
This is extremely tough to call. The only one who hasn't been champion as of yet is Nia Jax, but is she ready? While Bayley, Charlotte, and Banks are all top-talent and put on some amazing matches, we're going to go out on a limb and say the human-wrecking ball, Jax, is going to win it all.

Prediction: Nia Jax wins

Wrestlemania 33: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Kevin Owens (Prediction)

(For the United States Championship)
Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens used to be best friends. Then, Owens turned on Jericho at the "Festival of Friendship," and wrestling fans' hearts shattered into a million pieces. Now, the two will battle it out on the grandest stage of them all: Wrestlemania.
Much like the Cena match, the word around the campfire is that Jericho is taking a break after the April event. Considering all of that, we're giving the win to Owens. Hopefully, we can also see Owens get a dirty win to get some more heat on him as well.

Prediction: Owens wins dirty

Wrestlemania 33: John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse (Prediction)

This is a feud blending the worlds of the reality series Total Divas and Smackdown as Nikki Bella and Maryse's battle has its own match at Wrestlemania. In addition, their significant others are teaming with them for this match.
While The Miz is one of our favorite parts of Smackdown, with all the rumblings that John Cena is about to take some time off from the company, it seems more than likely WWE will want Cena to go out on top. That being said, we're giving the win to Cena and Bella.

Prediction: Cena/Bella wins

Wrestlemania 33: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Baron Corbin (Prediction)

Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Baron Corbin
(For the Intercontinental Championship)

Baron Corbin continues his dominance on Smackdown, and the next person on his list is Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose. Both of these men want to be back on the road to the WWE Championship, but they'll have to face each other first.
It feels like a no-brainer that Corbin is going to win this one, freeing Ambrose from the Intercontinental belt to enter the WWE Championship picture. Then, it will finally be time for Corbin to have some gold around his waist.

Prediction: Corbin wins

Wrestlemania 33: Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal (Kickoff Show) Predection

Wrestlemania 33: Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries (Kickoff Show) Predection

Thursday 30 March 2017

Non-Title Match Bray Wyatt vs. Luke Harper

Bray Wyatt’s music hits and the cell phones in the audience come out. They show scenes from last week’s Smackdown Live where Wyatt is speaking to Randy Orton.
Back from commercial break and the match is under way. Both men exchange right hands. Bray delivers a running forearm. He runs to the ropes but a dropkick by Luke Harper as Bray rolls out of the ring. Outside, Luke with some right hands. He backs up and delivers a running splash. Luke gets up on the announce table and we go to a commercial break.
Back from commercial break and Bray Wyatt is kicking Harper in the ring. A senton by Wyatt onto Harper. Harper gets up and tries to go for Sister Abigail but Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Harper runs and jumps through the ropes and takes Wyatt out. He throws him back in the ring and Harper delivers a big boot onto Wyatt. He goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. A running elbow into the corner by Harper. Harper goes for another one but Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, Harper gets out of it and delivers a running clothsline. He goes for the cover but Wyatt puts his hand on the ropes.
Harper and Wyatt both looking at each other. Wyatt runs at Harper and hits him with Sister Abigail. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

WWE SMACKDOWN : MizTV (28/03/17)

The Miz’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with his wife Maryse. The Miz welcomes everyone to The Miz TV. He says last week we got a glimpse into the personal lives of John Cena and Nikki Bella. This week is the shocking conclusion. Highlights of last week are shown. Clips are shown with Nikki Bella (Maryse) asking John Cena (The Miz) if she will marry him. The scene cuts back to the ring and Maryse says we will find out what John Cena says after the commercial break.
The conclusion of the skit. In the skit, Cena says “I do… Not ever want to marry you. It would damage my brand.” The skit ends with The Miz and Maryse saying they know that Cena and Nikki are watching and they will make sure that Wrestlemania is their curtain call. Miz says without WWE, Cena is done (in Hollywood). Maryze says tells Nikki to enjoy the Kids Choice awards because it’s the closest she will be with kids with Cena.
Back in the ring, Cena’s music hits. He comes down with Nikki. They get in the ring and Cena grabs a microphone. Cena says he was laughing with everyone else. He says The Miz nailed it with the skits. Cena says it’s one of the few good things he’s done. Cena says they have a problem with them because they believe that what they are saying is true. Cena mentions how Maryse blamed Nikki for Maryse not coming back earlier. Cena states the reason why Maryse didn’t come back sooner was because she wasn’t any good. He says he is as brand loyal as Vince McMahon. Half of the people hate Cena for it. He says he is going to do a movie and come back. He mentions a list of superstars who have done it, including The Miz himself.

Cena says at least The Miz is doing something but he doesn’t know what Maryse is doing. There’s a women’s revolution going on but Maryse does nothing. He calls her a waste of space. The only reason she is back is because The Miz begged WWE to hire her back so he (The Miz) can be on Total Bellas. Cena states that The Miz is using Maryse to be on Total Divas.
John tells The Miz he isn’t real but real will hit him at Wrestlemania. Cena gets serious and tells The Miz he is looking at the man who will beat him at Wrestlemania. And how he and Nikki will destroy them at Wrestlemania. Cena calls The Miz a p*ssy. He calls The Miz and Maryse the sh** couple.
They go face to face but The Miz and Maryse back away and leave the ring. The Miz takes off his jacket and makes his way back to the ring but Maryse stops him. Nikki grabs the microphone and calls them fake jealous haters.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Mickie James & Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss & Carmella

During the commercial break, the women’s match turned into a tag team match. Mickie James and Becky Lynch against Carmella and Alexa Bliss. Carmella and Mickie James are the two legal women in the match. Carmella goes for a slap but Mickie ducks and delivers a kick. Alexa goes to attack Mickie on the ring apron but Mickie hits her off. She turns around and Carmella knocks Mickie down and delivers forearms. She goes for the cover but a 2 count. Carmella tags Alexa in. Alexa with a European headlock on Mickie James. Mickie gets up and hits Alexa to get out of it. Alexa takes her back down and goes for the cover and another 2 count. Alexa with another headlock on Mickie James. Mickie lifts out of it but Alexa takes her down right a right hand and Natalya’s music hits as she comes down to the ring and another commercial break.

 We come back and Natalya is on commentary as the match continues. Mickie makes the tag to Becky Lynch and Alexa tags Carmella in. Becky with a flying forearm. Natalya gets off commentary and into the ring as Becky hits her with a forearm. The referee is distracted as Carmella sends Becky to the ropes, James trips Becky and Carmella gets the cover, 1, 2, 3!
Winners: Alexa Bliss & Carmella

All five women now in the ring fighting. Naomi’s music hits and Natalya runs to the ramp and Naomi lands a flying hurricanrana. She gets in the ring and cleans house taking them all out.
She grabs the microphone. She says she knows they were wondering if she would be back for Wrestlemania. And she’s back. She enters the Smackdown Live! Women’s title match. She points to the Wrestlemania sign and says on Sunday in her hometown, they will feel the power.

Mojo Rawley, American Alpha, Rhyno and Heath Slater vs. Dolph Ziggler, The Usos and Breezango

Jason Jordan of American Alpha starts the match with Dolph Ziggler. Jordan takes Ziggler down with a drop kick and tags Chad Gable in. Gable with an arm lock on Ziggler but Ziggler kicks Gable and gets out of it. Gable reverses it and takes Ziggler down with an arm bar. Slater gets tagged in and delivers an armbar himself and tags Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline on Ziggler. And another one. He delivers a belly to belly and gets ready for the gore. He goes for it but Ziggler slides out of the ring.
Back from commercial break and it’s Gable in the ring with Fandango. Fandango throws Gable into the turnbuckle. He goes for the cover, 1, 2 and a kick out. He tags in Jimmy Uso. Jay goes for a running splash but Gable moves out of the way. Jimmy tags in Jay. And a back body drop by Gable to Jay. Gable tags in Mojo Rawley and he cleans house taking out everyone. Mojo goes for the cover on Breeze but Jay breaks it up and a fight ensues between them all. Rawley hits Breeze with the running forearm smash and gets the win.

Winners: Mojo Rawley, American Alpha, Rhyno and Heath Slater

Contract signing between Shane McMahon and AJ Styles

Daniel Bryan’s music hits to loud “YES” chants as the Smackdown Live general manager makes his way to the ring. We see a table and two chairs in the ring as it’s time for the contract signing. The crowd starts with the “Daniel Bryan” chants as he thanks the crowd and asks them if they’re ready for Wrestlemania. Bryan welcomes Shane McMahon as “Here comes the money” plays and the Smackdown Live commissioner gets ready for the contract signing. Bryan introduces Shane’s opponent for Wrestlemania, AJ Styles! Styles gets in the ring as both men sit.
Shane starts off by saying that 8 months ago when Smackdown became Smackdown Live, he and Bryan had a vision to make it the land of opportunity. Where management wouldn’t push their own agendas. And no matter what has happened between them, he thinks he is one of the greatest talents to ever step foot through the ropes. And that he truly is phenomenal. AJ says they actually agree on something and that yes, he is phenomenal. The crowd starts an “AJ Styles” chant. Shane says he used the feel from the crowd and it catapulted him into winning the WWE championship. But after that, he got arrogant. And it was that arrogance and ego which cost him the WWE championship. And since he wasn’t supposed to be at Wrestlemania, AJ put himself on the card by attacking him. Shane says if AJ doesn’t bring his A game, how phenomenal will he feel when it’s his hand being raised at Wrestlemania?

AJ asks Shane if he knows what kind of match they’re having. Not a HIAC match, not falls count anywhere. Where if he’s out of the ring for more than 10 seconds, he’ll lose. No tables, ladders or chairs. If he uses anything, he’ll be disqualified. It’s what we call a “traditional match” and he doesn’t know if Shane has ever been in one. And when he gets in the ring with him, he’ll have entered the world of AJ Styles. And that in the ring, he is untouchable. AJ says he will embarass him on every level. He says Shane has been in the ring with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock and last year with the Undertaker. But here’s the thing, he’s never been in the ring with somebody like AJ Styles before. He is all around the best performer to ever step foot in a WWE ring. And at Wrestlemania, Shane will find out how phenomenal he really is. AJ signs the contract and moves the table as Daniel Bryan interferes.
Bryan tells them to calm down and asks for them to shake hands. Shane extends his hand and AJ walks out of the ring.

Roman Reigns addresses The Undertaker

Roman Reigns makes his entrance. This Sunday, he will face the legendary Undertaker, who is 21-1 at WrestleMania. The crowd boos and buzzes while Reigns stands in the ring looking quite serious. One loud woman is screaming for him. In 2015, he won the Royal Rumble match right here in Philadelphia. That draws loud boos. Then he went on to headline WrestleMania twice, which gets more boos. For the longest time, he thought that was the biggest moment of his career, but it wasn’t. This year, he faces The Undertaker. That’ll be the biggest moment of his career. He’ll do what no one has done before him: put the Dead Man down! Reigns says this with all due respect: he doesn’t care if you’re Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, or John Cena. He doesn’t care what The Undertaker thinks. This is his time now. This sold out arena is his house now. This is his yard!
The Undertaker’s bell tolls, and the crowd pops loudly. The Undertaker’s graveyard is shown. Undertaker says Reigns has made a grave mistake. The ring he’s in belongs to him. This cemetery is Reigns’ yard. Reigns lives by the words “One versus All.” That’s why he carved out a special place in Hell for Reigns. Undertaker is shown next to the freshly dug grave. Undertaker says, “At WrestleMania, the Roman Empire will face, and ‘The Ultimate Thrill Ride’ will be your last ride.” A grave with Reigns’ name is shown. Undertaker advises Reigns to live each day as if it is his last. Soon, it will be. At WrestleMania, Reigns will…
The lights go out, and the bell tolls once again. The bell continues to toll, and the crowd gets louder. When the lights come back on, Undertaker is standing behind Reigns. Reigns slowly turns and stares at him. Undertaker holds up a microphone and says, “As I was saying, at WrestleMania, you will Rest… In… Peace!” Undertaker throws up his hands, and it thunders inside the arena. Undertaker slowly brings his hands down, and the lights go out. The bell tolls again.

Over-The-Top-Rope Challenge Match Big Show vs. Jinder Mahal

The bell rings, and Big Show quickly grabs him by the throat. Mahal fights out and punches away at him before trying to clothesline him over the top rope. Big Show doesn’t budge, and quickly sends him over.
Jinder Mahal is eliminated.
Bo Dallas is out next, but Big Show quickly takes control of him. Dallas slides off his shoulder and tries to eliminate him, but Big Show fights him off. Big Show then eliminates him.
Bo Dallas is eliminated.
The Shining Stars are going to try their luck now. They double-team Big Show and try to eliminate him, but he fights them off before giving them a double-back body drop out of the ring.
The Shining Stars are eliminated.
Goldust, Curtis Axel, and R-Truth run down and quickly attack Big Show. Mahal, Dallas, and The Shining Stars join the fray. They all attack Big Show and work together to eliminate him from the match. Big Show gets back in the ring, and they all attack. Big Show explodes out and hits Mahal with a Chokeslam. Dallas eats a Knockout Punch and Chokeslams Axel. Big Show Chokeslams The Shining Stars for good measure. The Golden Truth retreat rather than fight.

Big Show is eliminated. Contest over.

Triple H & Seth Rollins sign a Hold Harmless Agreement

Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he makes his way to the ring limping on a crutch to a decent reception. Rollins gets in the ring, and the reception picks up. There’s a table in the ring. Rollins calls Triple H out to “get this done.”
Triple H’s music, and the WWE COO makes his way to the ring holding the Hold Harmless Agreement for a Non-Sanctioned Match at WrestleMania. Triple H stands on the apron and says before he gets in the ring, he will defend himself if Rollins attacks him, and that won’t go well for him. If Rollins attacks him before he signs the document, the match is off. Rollins will sit down in the ring and listen to the rights he’s signing away. Rollins says he’s listened to Triple H long enough and tells him to get into the ring with the contract. Triple H gets in the ring and demands that he sit down and listen. Rollins doesn’t do it. Triple H says listening to the crowd is the wrong thing. Triple H says the match is off and walks out of the ring. Rollins then sits down. Triple H says, “Good boy.” Triple H wants him to understand what will happen when he signs the contract. Rollins is giving up all his rights. When he gets into the ring at WrestleMania, he’s going to take that crutch and wrap it around his knee again. Triple H won’t stop there and will keep going until he destroys what he created. When he signs the document, he gives away his rights. When Rollins’ career is over, he can’t sue him, his wife, or the WWE. Rollins says, “I get it, so sing the contract and hand it over.”
Triple H says Rollins didn’t sell his soul – he made a smart business decision. Now he has a moral dilemma because of the crowd. Triple H hates that success is frowned upon in society. It’s jealousy. If Rollins isn’t making enemies, he’s not making money. If everyone doesn’t hate him, he’s not living to his full potential. Triple H says he’d rather eat well than sleep well. He’d rather live the good life. You get one shot at life. You take life, grab it by the throat, and make it give you everything you want. Screw everybody else. If Rollins wants to grow a conscience and sign the contract, when he goes to “The Ultimate Thrill Ride,” it won’t be that great. Maybe he can get his knee patched up and start wrestling in front of a couple hundred people. Triple H signs the contract and says Rollins is a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. A one-legged man has never won an ass kicking contest. Rollins won’t be the first. Triple H says understands missing WrestleMania a second year in a row sucks, but if he signs the contract, he’ll walk into WrestleMania, but he won’t walk out.
Triple H puts the contract in front of him. Rollins looks at the contract and says that was the same line of bullcrap he bought into three years ago. This isn’t three years ago. When you’re out rehabbing, you gain perspective. Rollins says he learned that he liked himself before he met Triple H. Rollins didn’t mind wrestling for a hot dog and a handshake at the Philadelphia National Guard Armory. When the got together, they accomplished a lot, but at what cost? It’s not about fame, power, or one match at WrestleMania. This is about redemption, not revenge. Rollins gave up everything to stand next to him. For what? At WrestleMania, Triple H better be prepared to tear his leg off and beat him with it because nothing will stop him from tearing him apart. Rollins is going to get back what he wants: who he was before Triple H. Rollins then signs the contract and shoves it into Triple H.

Triple H turns before kicking the table into Rollins’ bad knee. Triple H pushes the table aside and kicks him in the leg. Triple H takes off his jacket and tie slowly before picking up the crutch. Triple H looks at it, but Rollins catches him with a step-up enzuigiri. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Triple H clips the knee. Triple H goes for a Pedigree, but Rollins counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Triple H gets back in the ring, but Rollins cracks him on the back with the crutch. Triple H quickly leaves the ring and retreats up the ramp. Rollins holds himself up and looks furious. Rollins can barely stand !!!

Bayley and Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax

 The bell rings. Sasha Banks starts against Charlotte Flair. They lock up and tussle out of the ring. They stay locked up until Flair shoves her into the barricade. Banks shoves her into the apron and puts her back in the ring. Flair kicks her, but Banks takes her back down. They botch a head-scissor into a straightjacket submission that sees Flair bent at an uncomfortable angle. Flair eventually fights out of it and whips Banks out of the ring. Banks tries to pull Nia Jax off the apron, but Flair cuts her off. Jax is tagged in, and she shoves Banks. Banks goes for a pin, but Jax doesn’t go down. Bayley is tagged in, and they hit Jax with a double dropkick that doesn’t take her down. Jax shoves Bayley down and tags Flair in. Bayley tries to fight them off, but she’s quickly taken down. Flair puts her in the corner, but Bayley bounces her off the turnbuckle a few times. Bayley picks up a two count. Flair soon takes her down and clubs away at her for a one count. Flair applies a chin lock and shakes her around. A light “Let’s go Bayley” chant fires up. Bayley fights up, but Flair takes her back down. Flair kicks her before whipping her to the corner and chopping her down. Flair goes for a Figure Four, but Bayley boots her out of the ring.
Banks is tagged in, and she connects with a pair of clotheslines followed by a dropkick. Banks blocks a kick and bounces her off the turnbuckle. Banks goes to the top rope and hits a cross-body block for a near fall. Flair elbows her back, and Jax blind tags in. Banks rolls up Flair, but Jax pulls her off. Banks boots Jax back, but Jax quickly puts her on the apron and knocks her to ringside.

We come back from the break to see Flair strutting while Banks is down. Flair then picks up a two count. Jax is tagged in, and she visibly calls a spot before throwing Banks across the ring. Jax drops some elbows before smiling at Bayley. Jax then applies an arm and chin lock. Banks fights up and hits a jawbreaker. Jax stops her from making a tag and gets Flair in the match. Banks elbows her back, but Flair quickly cuts her off with a pair of backbreakers before stretching her out over her knee. Banks fights up and hits a head-scissor takeover. Flair stops her from making a tag, but Banks sends her into Jax.
Bayley is tagged in, and she hits a pair of hammer throws followed by a takedown. Bayley puts her on the apron and snaps her off the ropes. Bayley shoulders her in the corner, rolls back, and hits a running back elbow. Flair quickly catches her with a high knee, but Bayley takes her down with a back suplex for a near fall. Bayley goes to the second rope, but Flair knocks her off and attacks the knee. Flair applies the Figure Four, but Banks dropkicks her. Jax runs in and slow motion leaves the ring. Jax catches Banks coming off the apron, but Banks slides off and sends her into the post. Flair kicks Banks down at ringside. Bayley then catches her with Bayley-To-Belly for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Bayley and Sasha Banks

Cruiserweight Match Neville vs. Jack Gallagher

Neville declines the prematch handshake. They circle the ring and lock up. Neville powers him into the ropes and shoves him. Gallagher smirks and circles the ring. Neville applies a side headlock and takes him down. Gallagher walks on his hands to get out. They lock up, and Neville gets him into the corner. Neville sends him into the corner, but Gallagher does a handstand. Gallagher kicks him back and rolls him up for a two count. Neville whips him off, but Gallagher shoulder blocks him down. Neville kips up, but Gallagher takes him down. Neville counters a dropkick, but Gallagher whips him off. Neville sidesteps Gallagher and gives him a vicious German Suplex.
We come back from the break to see Neville kick away at Gallagher. Neville hits the ropes, but Gallagher viciously head-butts him down. Neville rolls out of the ring dazed and confused. Gallagher grabs his umbrella, William the Third, and opens it up. Gallagher comes off the top rope with a Mary Poppins seated senton to the floor! Gallagher gets him in the ring, but Neville pulls him into the turnbuckle. Neville superkicks him to the apron and pulls him up to the top rope for a superplex. Neville rolls through and applies the Rings of Saturn for the win.
Winner by Submission: Neville

No Disqualification Match Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

If Sami Zayn wins, he’ll be given an entry into the AndrĂ© The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. If Zayn loses, he’ll be fired from RAW.
The bell rings, and Owens quickly attacks him and beats him down in the corner. Owens backs up and talks some trash. Zayn fights back, but Owens chops him. Zayn reverses a whip, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Zayn quickly comes back with a clothesline before punching away at him in the corner. Owens quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Owens attacks him while he leaves the ring. Owens drives him into the barricade and whips him into the barricade, but Zayn jumps to the top. Owens quickly pushes him into the crowd. They fight in the crowd, and Zayn sends him into a wall. They fight to the ramp. Owens drives Zayn headfirst into the commentary table twice before putting him on the ramp. Zayn kicks him away and wipes him out with a flipping senton to the floor!
We come back from the break to see Owens down at ringside holding his shoulder. Zayn takes apart the steps and throws the top half aside. Owens rakes the eyes and DDTs him on the steps! Owens then annihilates him with a senton off the steps to the floor! Wow! Owens gets Zayn in the ring and picks up a near fall. Zayn is gasping for air. Owens sizes Zayn up and clotheslines him in the corner. Owens clotheslines him in the corner a second time, and Zayn slumps down. Owens goes for a cannonball, but Zayn pops up and hits an exploder suplex into the corner that lands Owens on his head! Owens goes outside the ring to recover. Zayn goes outside and hits a torpedo DDT through the turnbuckles, spiking Owens right on his head! Zayn gets Owens in the ring and sets up for a Helluva Kick. Zayn charges into a superkick, and Owens picks up a near fall. Owens goes to the top rope and connects with a Bullfrog Splash for a near fall. Owens cannot believe it. Owens screams for him to get out of his life and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Zayn gets out and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.
Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and grabs a steel chair. Chris Jericho’s music hits. Joe waits for Jericho to come down the ramp, but Jericho attacks him from behind and cracks him on the back with the chair twice! Owens punches Jericho from the apron and gets in the ring. Zayn rolls him up for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Sami Zayn

Brock Lesnar and Goldberg meet ahead of WrestleMania

Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring to a nice reception alongside his advocate, Paul Heyman. A loud “ECW” chant fires up. Heyman says, “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and I proudly serve as the advocate for the extremist who shall derail Goldberg’s Ultimate Thrill Ride this Sunday at WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar.” Heyman starts to speak, but he’s cut off by a “Goldberg” chant. It then transitions into a “Suplex City” chant. Heyman says there is a difference of opinion. This Sunday, Goldberg enters into WrestleMania as the WWE Universal Champion. Heyman says that means he’s the one centerpiece of Monday Night RAW. Lesnar wants and needs that title. His client lusts after that title. Goldberg has that title. So many other have tried – Sting tried to pull off what Goldberg has accomplished. Where Sting fell short, Goldberg rose to the occasion with dominance and destruction. Goldberg has his respect, admiration, and compliments. Goldberg is a real life superhero. Goldberg is truly the man… but his client, Brock Lesnar, is the beast. This beast will chew him up and spit him out like nothing anyone has seen before. Really bad things happen to authentic superheroes when they step into the ring with Brock Lesnar.
How does it all end? What is the denouement to this epic saga? Heyman wants to elucidate. They need a reason to subscribe to the WWE Network or buy a seat on a secondary market. Heyman says, “Oh Bill, this Sunday at WrestleMania, you are going to Suplex City where Goldberg’s check in, but they don’t check out.” A light “Goldberg” chant fires up. Heyman says that’ll be the last “Goldberg” chant on RAW. They should rename the show to WrestleMania 33: Death to Superheroes. Heyman starts to give him Catholic rites, but realizes Goldberg is Jewish like himself. Heyman then does a Jewish burial rite. Lesnar doesn’t fear the spear because Goldberg can’t survive the F-5.
Goldberg’s music hits, and the cameras go backstage to watch him making his way through the hallways looking intense. Goldberg comes out to the ramp and says people did not come to hear them talk. They came to see them fight. Since he can’t take everyone from Philly to WrestleMania, they should bring some WrestleMania to Philly. Lesnar meets him at ringside, and Goldberg viciously spears him down on the floor! Goldberg gets in the ring and holds up the Universal Title. 

Lesnar clutches his ribs in pain and gasps for air while Goldberg celebrates in the ring.