Wednesday 26 October 2016

WWE World Champion AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose w/ James Ellsworth

If Dean Ambrose wins, he becomes the new No. 1 Contender

Dean Ambrose with boots to AJ Styles in the corner early. Ambrose catches Styles with a back elbow off the ropes and Styles avoids an early cover. Ambrose with a spear in the corner on Styles and then throws some quick rights. Ambrose clotheslines Styles over the top rope. James Ellsworth gives Ambrose a thumbs up from the outside. Styles pushes Ellsworth over near the steel steps at ringside. Ambrose helps Ellsworth up at ringside. Styles with a springboard forearm catching Ambrose coming over the top rope.
We return live as Styles catches Ambrose with a big dropkick. Styles misses a springboard shot on Ambrose over the top rope. Ambrose jumps back in, hits the ropes and then catches Styles with a suicide dive. Ambrose with a big lariat on Styles. Ambrose with a fisherman suplex into a bridge for a two count. Ambrose counters a Calf Crusher attempt, Styles avoids a cloverleaf and Ambrose with a backslide for a two count. Ambrose hangs on going for an armbar. Styles rolls through and now Ambrose gets the Texas Cloverleaf applied. Styles gets to the bottom rope to break it up. They fight to the ring apron and Styles drops Ambrose over the ring apron with a suplex! Both men are down at ringside.
Back live, Styles is attempt a superplex on Ambrose off the top turnbuckle. Ambrose is trying to fight Styles off. Styles with headbutts. Ambrose sends Styles face first down on the mat below. Ambrose with a flying elbow off the top rope catching Styles. We see a shot of Ellsworth cheering on Ambrose at ringside. Series of counters with Ambrose getting the better of Styles with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Ambrose puts Styles up on the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a superplex of his own. Styles slides down through the legs of Ambrose and connects with a springboard inverted DDT on Ambrose! Styles gets a two count off the pinfall attempt. Ambrose with a roll up for another two count. Ambrose catches Styles with his lariat off the ropes. Ambrose tosses Styles up to the top turnbuckle and quickly pulls him down with a superplex! Both men are down and the referee starts the count. Both men are up at 8. Styles gets the Calf Crusher locked on. Ambrose wraps his arm around the neck of Styles and slams him down on the mat a few times. Styles keeps the Calf Crusher applied. Ambrose is trying to fire himself up. Ambrose gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Styles with a huge dropkick through the ropes taking out Ellsworth at ringside! Styles springboards up on the top rope, Ambrose with a kick on the way down, Styles blocks Dirty Deeds, Ambrose with a roll up and Styles kicks out. Styles with a Pele Kick on Ambrose. Ambrose dumps Styles over the top rope countering a Styles Clash attempt. Ellsworth is back up and fired up at ringside. The referee has started a count. Ellsworth with No Chin Music on Styles at ringside. He turns and sees the referee looking at this. Ambrose is pleading with the referee to not call for the bell and end the match.
The referee has no choice and calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: AJ Styles

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Heath Slater and Rhyno (c’s) vs. The Spirit Squad

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships

We return live as we see The Miz and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler on commentary at ringside with JBL, Mauro Ranallo and David Otunga.
Kenny is in the ring with Heath Slater bouncing him off the second rope. Kenny with a short arm clothesline on Slater, tags in Mikey and Kenny flips Mikey back in a moonsault over Slater. Mikey with a snapmare and elbow drop over Slater. Kenny gets the tag and Slater counters a piledriver attempt kicking Kenny in the face. Slater with a shot on Mikey in the corner and Kenny cuts off a hot tag to Rhyno. Mikey tags himself in and drops an elbow over the neck of Slater. Slater with a running high knee that catches Mikey. Slater kicks Mikey away, Kenny tags himself in and Rhyno gets the hot tag. Rhyno with clotheslines to Kenny, elbow to Mikey and spear to Kenny in the corner. Kenny gets up a boot in the corner. Kenny with a roll up on Rhyno with a distraction from Mikey. Mikey gets the tag. Slater kicks Kenny away. Rhyno with a belly-to-belly on Mikey for a two count. Ziggler and Miz are arguing at ringside. They throw down the headsets and Slater sends Kenny into Miz. Rhyno charges and catches Mikey with a Gore and gets the pinfall.
Winners and still WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: Heath Slater and Rhyno

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Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

Winner Becomes Team Captain at Survivor Series

Nikki with a roll up early on Natalya for a one count. Natalya with a roll up for another one count. Nikki with a crucifix pinfall and then a jumping tackle that sends Natalya out of the ring. Nikki catches Natalya with a baseball slide, but Natalya pulls Nikki out dropping her face off the ring apron. Natalya levels Nikki with a big clothesline and then tosses her back in. Nikki avoids a Sharpshooter attempt. Natalya catches Nikki with a quick clothesline. Natalya locks on an abdominal stretch on Nikki. Nikki with a Lou Thesz Press on Natalya, but Natalya comes back cutting off Nikki with another quick clothesline. Natalya tosses Nikki down by her hair, goes for another Sharpshooter and gets it locked in this time. Nikki gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Natalya with a snap suplex on Nikki, drops a leg and misses. Nikki bounces the face of Natalya off her knee. Nikki with a springboard kick to the face. Natalya with a Michinoku Driver on Nikki for a two count. Nikki counters out of a surfboard submission by Natalya and gets an STF locked in. Natalya taps out.

Winner and Team Captain at Survivor Series: Nikki Bella

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The Ascension vs. The Hype Bros

Before the match, a promo aired with The Ascension saying they will rise at the Survivor Series. We also hear from The Hype Bros with Mojo talking about his Packers history.
We start with Zack Ryder and Viktor. Lock up and Viktor with a shoulder block on Ryder. Viktor kicks Ryder in the face, eats knees from Ryder in the corner, Ryder with double knees to Konnor and Viktor sends Ryder over the top rope. Tag to Konnor who throws quick uppercuts to Ryder. Tag back to Viktor as they double team Ryder with a splash and high knee. Ryder kicks Viktor in the face, but gets cut off attempting a tag. Tag to Konnor who keeps Ryder in the corner stomping on his hand. Konnor with a spinebuster to Ryder. Konnor misses an elbow from the top. Hot tag to Mojo Rawley who takes out Viktor with a pounce tackle. Rawley with a series of splashes to Viktor in the corner. Rawley drops Viktor over the mat and Konnor breaks up the pinfall. Rawley sends Konnor shoulder first to the corner. Viktor misses a splash on Ryder in the corner. Hype Ryder from the corner and Rawley hooks the leg of Viktor to get the pinfall.

Winners: The Hype Bros

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Becky Lynch Returns

Renee Young introduces the WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch. Young says it is great to see her back and Becky says it is great to be back.
Alexa Bliss is out to interrupt. Bliss said for someone who had back surgery she looks great. Becky said she didn’t have back surgery. Bliss said she can fill everyone in and dismisses Renee from the ring. She said Becky grew a yellow streak on her back and that the clock was going to strike Midnight on her Cinderella story when she had to face her. Becky said their match was postponed under doctors orders. Bliss calls Becky a world class con artist. She calls Becky an orange troll and wants Becky to just hand over the title now. Becky says Bliss’ pig tails must be cutting off circulation to her brain. She promises that she will beat Bliss in Glasgow. Bliss tells her to calm down and wants her to take good care of that title.

Bliss goes to attack Becky when Becky cuts her off and throws some big right hands. Bliss rolls out of the ring and Becky catches up with her. Bliss sends Becky back first into the steel ring post and then tosses her back first into the barricade at ringside. Bliss tosses Becky back inside the ring and connects with a quick DDT. Bliss steps over the body of Becky and exits the ring. Bliss grabs a can of yellow spray paint at ringside, gets back inside and sprays a yellow streak over the spine of Becky.

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Bray Wyatt vs. Kane

(No DQ Rules)
The bell rings and both Wyatt and Kane exchange rights. Kane drops Wyatt early with a quick uppercut and then a dropkick to the face. Wyatt fires back with kicks to the knee of Kane and then levels him with a running lariat off the ropes. Wyatt with stomps to Kane. Kane with repeated splashes to Wyatt in the corner and follows with a side slam. On the outside, Wyatt grabs a steel chair and Kane cuts him off with a right hand. Kane launches Wyatt into the steel steps at ringside. Kane starts clearing off the announce table. Kane grabs Wyatt by the throat setting up a chokeslam when the lights go out. When they return, Luke Harper is on top of the announce table and kicks Kane in the face. Harper then levels Kane with a lariat at ringside. JBL reminds us this match is under No DQ rules.
We return live as Wyatt has Kane back in the ring and in a headlock. Kane fights out with a jawbreaker, hits the ropes and eats a clothesline from Wyatt. Kane with a jumping DDT planting Wyatt. Kane goes up to the top turnbuckle, jumps and catches Wyatt with a jumping lariat. Harper pulls Wyatt away from Kane. Kane jumps out, takes out Harper and then hits Wyatt with a big boot. Kane tosses Wyatt back in. Harper tries to grab Kane on the ring apron. Kane with a shot on Harper sending him off. Wyatt with his standing Rock Bottom on Kane for a two count. Kane counters a Sister Abigail attempt, but Wyatt is able to catch Kane coming off the ropes with a modified cross body. Harper is up on the ring apron when Randy Orton’s music hits. Orton hits the ring and stares down Harper. Harper backs off and leaves the ring. Kane is back on his feet. Orton is calling for an RKO and Kane is setting up for a chokeslam. Orton with an RKO out of no where on Kane. Wyatt is shocked. Orton crawls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Wyatt covers Kane for the pinfall.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

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The New Day vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will start with Kofi Kingston. They slap hands before locking up. Cesaro wrenches the arm, but Kingston flips through and takes him down. Cesaro quickly uppercuts him down and points at Sheamus. Kingston sends him into the ropes and goes for a leapfrog, but Cesaro counters into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sheamus is tagged in, and they send Kingston into the ropes for a double-team back elbow. Sheamus uppercuts Kingston before punching him in the corner. Sheamus sends him to the opposite corner, but Kingston avoids an avalanche. Kingston connects with a cross-body block for a two count. Big E tags in, and he hits Sheamus with a running shoulder. Kingston then jumps off Big E’s back for an avalanche. Big E then clotheslines Sheamus down. The Unicorn Stampede fires up while Woods goes on and on about The New Day. Sheamus gets out of the stampede and angrily walks around ringside. Cesaro tries to talk to him, but Sheamus tells him to “shut up.”
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Cesaro take down Kingston and tag in Sheamus. They take turns tagging in and out to strike Kingston. Sheamus takes Kingston down with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. During the commercial, Sheamus took Kingston down with a clothesline from the apron. Sheamus applies a chin lock while a “Shame” chant breaks out. Kingston fights up and hits the ropes. Kingston counters a knee to the midsection into a roll-up for a two count. Sheamus does the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. The audience counts along by saying “Shame” on each strike. Sheamus picks up a two count. Kingston comes back with an inside cradle, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus knees Kingston in the face. Cesaro tags in, and he picks up a two count. Kingston flips through a back suplex. Cesaro goes for a running shoulder, but Kingston moves. Cesaro hits the ring post shoulder-first.
Sheamus tags in, as Big E does. Big E hits a pair of belly-to-belly overhead suplexes before hitting a belly-to-belly side suplex. Big E goes for a big splash, but Sheamus pops up and does an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus shoulders him in the midsection and connects with a knee lift. Big E comes back with a one-armed slam for a near fall. Sheamus gets on the apron and snaps him off the top rope. Sheamus then powerslams him down. Cesaro and Kingston are tagged in. Kingston takes him down with a springboard clothesline. Kingston goes for a guillotine, but Cesaro counters into a vertical suplex for a two count. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, but Kingston counters with a roll-up for a two count. Cesaro fires up the Uppercut Train before Kingston counters with an SOS for a near fall. Kingston kicks him in the face and tags in Big E. Big E knocks Sheamus off the apron before going for a Big Ending, but Cesaro gets out. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, but he stops and counters a cross-body block from Kingston into a fall-away slam. Sheamus tags in, as Big E hits Cesaro with a belly-to-belly suplex. Big E avoids a Brogue Kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. Big E catapults Kingston over the top rope, but Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Sheamus then hits Big E with a Brogue Kick for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

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Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

The bell rings at 11:00 PM EST. Owens rolls out of the ring and leaves Jericho in the ring with Rollins. Jericho looks concerned and gets out to talk strategy. Owens and Jericho get on opposite sides of the ring, and Rollins leaves the ring. Rollins tells them to fight. Jericho and Owens surround Rollins, so he gets in the ring. Rollins ducks a clothesline from Jericho and kicks Owens off the apron. Rollins kicks Jericho, hits a snapmare, and kicks him in the chest for a one count. Rollins chops him in the corner before Jericho reverses a whip. Rollins boots him in the face, goes to the second rope, and hits a blockbuster. Owens runs in, so Rollins dispatches of him. Jericho puts Rollins on the apron, so Rollins kicks him. Owens pulls him off the apron and sends him into the barricade. Rollins reverses a whip into the barricade and then throws him into it. Rollins then dropkicks him on the floor. Rollins punches him down until Jericho attacks him from behind and drops him into the crowd. Jericho checks on Owens, and Rollins takes them both out with a cross-body block. Rollins puts Owens into the ring and throws Jericho into the crowd. Owens quickly clotheslines Rollins in the corner. Owens repeats the move and looks down at his Hell in a Cell opponent. Owens hits the corner clothesline one last time before going for a cannonball, but Rollins moves. Rollins hits a springboard knee to the head for a near fall. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Owens goes to the opposite corner. Rollins gets off the top rope and hits a running forearm. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out. Jericho gets in the ring, so Rollins tries to Pedigree him. Jericho counters into a Walls of Jericho attempt, but Rollins twists out. Jericho quickly takes him down with a back elbow. Jericho tries for the Lionsault, but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Owens stops it. Owens and Jericho double team him before Owens goes to the second rope for a senton splash! Owens and Jericho pose in the ring.
Owens rolls out of the ring and talks trash before sending Rollins into a clothesline from Jericho. Jericho puts Rollins in the ring. Owens kicks him in the face. Jericho holds Rollins up, and Owens punches him down. Owens signals to Jericho that they should end it. They start double-teaming Rollins again. Owens sends Rollins into the ropes, but he holds on. Rollins pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Jericho rolls Rollins up, but Rollins rolls through and kicks him. Rollins hits Owens with a suicide dive and goes to the top rope. Rollins goes for a frog splash, but Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for a near fall. Jericho cannot believe it and argues with the referee. Jericho whips Owens into Rollins for a cannonball. Owens slaps him in the face a few times and talks some trash. They put Rollins on the top rope for a double-team superplex, but Rollins gets off and slams them down for a double pin.

Winner by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

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Contract Signing : Sasha Banks Vs. Charlotte Flair

Mick Foley is already in the ring for the contract signing. A “Foley” chant breaks out. Foley says the great thing about being a WWE Superstar is you never know when a moment will become immortalized. Any match could be “the match” that catapults a WWE Superstar into a legend. This Sunday, six nights from now, at RAW’s exclusive PPV event, it’s no ordinary event: it’s Hell in a Cell. There will be a triple main event, including the first ever Women’s Hell in a Cell. We’ll have an extraordinary contract signing. First, he introduces the challenger, Charlotte Flair. Out next is the RAW Women’s Champion, Sasha Banks.
Both women toss aside their chairs. Foley says since they both arrived in the WWE Performance Center, they’ve broken through the glass ceiling and shattered what was expected of women’s wrestling. True greatness knows no gender. Some traditionalists think a Hell in a Cell match is too barbaric for women to compete in. This is a new era in WWE where women can accomplish anything. Foley says once they sign the contract, there is no turning back. This match and everything that comes along with it will happen, right here in Minneapolis.
Sasha Banks says she’s never been more ready in her life. Charlotte asks where she can sign so the title can come home to where it belongs on the shoulder of The Queen. Charlotte demands the contract. Foley doesn’t do it. Charlotte once again demands it. Foley says he hears her, but now it’s time for them to hear him. Foley doesn’t think they know what they’re getting themselves involved in when they step inside Hell in a Cell. Banks says she’s a student of the game and has studied every Hell in a Cell match on the WWE Network. Foley says she has no idea what’s in store for her. It’s not just steel. It’s a living, breathing entity with no soul, heart, or conscience. It will haunt them at night. Just when you think you’re over it, it will sneak up on you. It’ll make you cry like a child. It’s an intimidating fact that when you’re inside it, you face not one opponent, but two.
Charlotte tells Foley and Banks to listen to her. She has conquered everything she’s ever faced. She was the first woman to put her hands on that title. Just because some entitled second-rate talent has it, it will come back to her. The crowd loudly boos her. Charlotte says she’s the only reason that title means anything. She will go to hell and back and risk it all to win it back. When she beats Sasha on Sunday, she will look into her eyes and understand the meaning of the word “respect” because she will respect The Queen. WOO!
Banks says Charlotte is no queen because there is no queen in WWE. There is a boss. She will go down as the greatest Women’s Champion of all time. Hell in a Cell may change her life and leave her broken. Banks says none of that matters. All that matters is the WWE Women’s Championship. Charlotte says she’s been injured many times this year. Charlotte says Banks is weak. Banks says she’s walking into the Cell as the RAW Women’s Champion. She’s gone down, but she’s come back better than ever. She’s not afraid to step inside of Hell in a Cell. Charlotte says she isn’t either.
Foley screams that they both should be. He’s the future of them. Foley has difficulty getting around after the Cell. It hurts to move. The Cell left him a shell of his former self. There is no exercise he can do to make up for the fact that he has no hip socket. It’s bone on bone. There’s no curvature of his spine. He’s suffering because of the decisions he made inside the Cell. Foley is on the verge of tears and says he’s known her since she was a little girl. Foley says there’s not one thing in the world they can believe in except his belief in her. As for Banks, his children took an Eddie Guerrero autograph and gave it to her because it means a lot to her. Banks is part of Eddie’s legacy now. It means a lot to him. Foley was a jaded, cynical fan and reminded him of what he loves about WWE. Before he has them sign this, he needs them both to look him in the eye and let him know that they know the risks that go hand in hand with making history at Hell in a Cell.
Charlotte takes the pen, smiles, and sign the contract. Charlotte says, “See you in Boston.” Banks looks at Foley before taking the pen and signing the contract. Banks says, “And I’ll see you in hell.” Banks holds up the title and stares at her opponent.

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Brian Kendrick vs. Rich Swann

The bell rings, and they lock up. Kendrick immediately knees him down and applies a side headlock. Swann whips him off, but Kendrick shoulder blocks him down. They both hit the ropes and leapfrog one another. Swann flips over him and dropkicks him down. Swann hits a pair of arm drags before sending him into the ropes. Swann counters a hip toss into a takedown and a dropkick. Swann goes to the apron and takes him out with a corkscrew plancha!
We come back from the break to see Swann trapped in a neck vice. During the commercial, Kendrick snapped Swann off the middle rope. Swann fights up and punches out. Kendrick reverses a whip and elbows him. Swann ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of his own. Swann kicks him in the midsection and hits a double stomp to take him down for a two count. Swann runs into a boot, but he comes right back by leaping up and giving him a hurricanrana off the top rope for a two count. Swann tries to get himself fired up, but Kendrick flips through a back suplex and elbows him. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2, but Swann gets out. Swann hits a double under-hook powerbomb with a jackknife pin for a two count. Swann goes for a standing moonsault, but Kendrick gets his knees up for a two count. A random shot of the ringside area mats is shown. Kendrick goes for a reverse chinlock takedown, but Swann gets out. Kendrick takes him down before running into a right hand. Swann gets on his shoulders, but Kendrick takes him down. Kendrick goes for the Captain’s Hook, but Swann counters into a roll-up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Rich Swann

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The Golden Truth w/ Mark Henry vs. The Shining Stars w/ Titus O’Neil

Goldust will start the match against Epico. They lock up, and Goldust shoulder blocks him down. Goldust hits the ropes, kicks him, and uppercuts him before connecting with an inverted atomic drop and a running boot. Goldust wrenches the arm before having a whip reversed on him. Primo distracts him, and Epico dropkicks him down. Primo tags in and splashes him against the ropes. Epico hits a slingshot senton for a two count. Epico punches away at him before Primo tags in and stomps Goldust. Primo chokes him against the ropes and punches him down. Goldust tries to punch back, but Primo stops him and tags in Epico. They hit Goldust with a sandwich double dropkick for a near fall. Epico applies a chin lock. Goldust fights up and powers out before giving Epico a powerslam.
R-Truth and Primo are tagged in. R-Truth hits a clothesline and a back heel kick. R-Truth avalanches him in the corner and hits the Lie Detector for a near fall. R-Truth does a dab and a split. Goldust knocks Epico out of the ring. O’Neil pulls the ropes down as R-Truth goes into them. Mark Henry shoves O’Neil, and he hits the ropes, causing Primo to get crotched on the top rope. Henry then sends O’Neil into the ring post. The Golden Truth then hits Primo with a flapjack/reverse STO for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: The Golden Truth

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Curtis Axel vs. Bo Dallas

The bell rings, and Dallas slaps him in the face. Axel punches him in the face and punches away at him on the mat. Axel kicks away at him in the corner before sending him to the opposite corner. Dallas quickly boots him in the face and clotheslines him in the back of the head. Dallas goes for a rolling cutter, but Axel counters into a Perfect-Plex for a near fall. Dallas quickly rolls out of the ring and takes him down. Dallas pulls the apron skirt over him and clubs away at him. Dallas gets in the ring and takes him down for a near fall. Dallas applies a chin lock, but Axel fights up. Axel punches out and sends him to the corner for a clothesline. Axel hits another clothesline and hits a running back elbow. Axel takes him down with a snapmare and gets the crowd fired up. Axel hits a rolling neck snap before kneeing him in the face for a near fall. Axel knees him in the face a few times before Dallas rolls him up for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

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Enzo Amore w/ Big Cass vs. Karl Anderson w/ Luke Gallows

The bell rings, and Anderson quickly kicks Enzo before sending him into the ropes for a back elbow. Anderson gets him in the corner and punches away at him. Enzo turns him around and jabs away at him before backing up and doing “the running man.” Enzo then winds up like a pitcher and punches him down. Enzo goes to the top rope, and Gallows distracts him, allowing Anderson to give Enzo a spinebuster.
We come back from the break to see Enzo hit Anderson, but Anderson comes right back with a step-up enzuigiri. Anderson then kicks him hard in the head. Anderson waits for Enzo to get up, and he takes him down with a flying boot for a near fall. Anderson applies a chin lock, but Enzo fights up and drives him into the turnbuckle. Anderson counters a boot, but Enzo takes him down. Enzo hits some jabs before taking him down with a running cross-body and punching him. Enzo punches him down a few times before sending him to the corner. Anderson puts himself through the ropes, so the referee stops Enzo. Anderson takes Enzo out before going for a suplex, but Enzo lands on his feet. Anderson rolls him up with a handful of tights, but Big Cass distracts the referee. Gallows gets on the apron to distract the referee, so Big Cass big boots Anderson. Enzo then picks up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Enzo Amore

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Saturday 22 October 2016



Hell in a Cell for the United States Championship

Oct 30, 2016
As a way to keep Roman Reigns out of the main event for a bit, he’s currently locked in a very one-sided feud against Rusev where nearly every interaction involves Rusev eating a Superman Punch and/or Spear. Reigns made a fool out of him prior to SummerSlam, pinned him cleanly prior toSummerSlam, beat him up in a no-contest brawl at SummerSlam, cleanly beat him for the belt at Clash of Champions, decisively beat him up again after a double count-out on the following Raw, then beat him up after another brawl when Rusev asked for another title shot.

Reigns accepted and this time it’s going to be a Hell in a Cell match, which will likely end this feud for good.

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WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Oct 30, 2016

TJ Perkins won the tournament to crown the Cruiserweight Champion and then proceeded to successfully defend it against Brian Kendrick at Clash of Champions. In a non-title rematch on Raw, Kendrick was able to make Perkins tap to the Captain's Hook. With another match on the horizon, they've made a big deal about how Kendrick has been like a mentor to Perkins over the years, but is too wrapped up in his own thirst for legitimacy to let it soften him.
Perkins wants his friend back, but Kendrick just wants that belt.

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Hell in a Cell for the WWE Universal Championship

Oct 30, 2016

Well, it's not like Owens was going to defend against anyone else. They’re really that low on top contenders right now. They went at it at Clash of Champions and due to interference, a ref bump, and distraction, Owens retained. Rollins was awarded a rematch for...reasons. Chris Jericho faced Rollins in a one-on-one match for a chance to earn a spot in the cage, but Rollins came out on top.

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WWE Tag Team Championship

Oct 30, 2016
New Day have held onto their tag titles for a long, long time and are almost at the company's record, currently held by Demolition. Unfortunately for them, their next challengers have a pretty decent chance at victory despite their notable lack of teamwork.
After their Best of Seven Series, Cesaro and Sheamus ended at 3-3-1 due to the ref stopping the final match and calling it a draw. Since they were competing for a title shot, Mick Foley figured he would allow them a tag title shot. The problem is, the two outright hate each other and have had a hard time not tearing each other’s heads off

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Hell in a Cell for the WWE Women's Championship (Raw)

Sasha and Charlotte have had a rather lengthy rivalry. After Charlotte held onto the Women's Championship for quite a while, Sasha defeated her onRaw. Then at SummerSlam, Charlotte regained it while putting Sasha on the shelf. Sasha returned and ultimately defeated Charlotte in the Rawmain event. Now they're going one step ahead and bringing the cage into it. For the first time ever, two women will face off in Hell in a Cell.

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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Randy Orton and Kane vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

We start with Kane and Luke Harper. Harper with a few shots on Kane and tag to Bray Wyatt. Wyatt right hands to Kane. Kane throws Wyatt to the corner and gets in some rights of his own. Wyatt with a kick to Kane from the corner, but eats a big boot from Kane. Wyatt rolls out and Randy Orton kicks him then sends him back inside the ring. Kane goes for a chokeslam early. Wyatt counters out and bails to the outside taking a seat.
-Commercial Break-
We return live as Orton hits a superplex on Harper off the top rope! Tag to Kane who drops Harper with a shoulder tackle, splash in the corner twice and then a side slam for a two count. Kane with a kick to the face of Harper and then grabs Wyatt by the throat. Kane also grabs Harper by the throat. Wyatt jumps down and Harper hits a dropkick on Kane! Kane rolls to the outside and Wyatt sends him face first into the ring. Wyatt then tosses Kane into the ring barricade at ringside. Wyatt tosses Kane back inside the ring, gets the tag and connects with a running senton splash over Kane for a two count. Tag to Harper as Wyatt holds the arms of Kane setting up a kick to the gut by Harper. Harper with stomps to Kane in the corner and tags Wyatt back in. Wyatt with knees and stomps to Kane. Tag to Harper who gets in a slap uppercut to Kane. Kane with a jumping DDT on Harper. Tags to Orton and Wyatt. Orton with clotheslines to Wyatt. Orton with a snap powerslam on Wyatt. Orton with a Lou Thesz Press on Wyatt with right hands. Wyatt pulls Orton out of the ring, Orton with rights, an uppercut and sends Wyatt face first off the announce table. Orton tosses a charging Harper over the announce table and clotheslines Wyatt on the outside. Orton sends Wyatt into the ring barricade and then the steel steps. Orton tosses Wyatt back inside. Wyatt charges, Orton side steps him, Wyatt is on the ring apron and Orton pulls him in hitting his DDT off the ropes. Orton is firing up for an RKO. Kane prevents Harper from interfering. Harper is back in as Kane returns to his corner. Harper with a superkick on Orton with the referee distracted. Wyatt misses a senton splash when Orton moves. Orton is trying to tag in Kane when the lights go out. When they return, Harper is now standing where Kane was and Kane is gone. Wyatt with Sister Abigail on Orton for the pinfall.
Winners: Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

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AJ Styles vs. James Ellsworth (Special Guest Referee: Dean Ambrose)

Non-Title Match
Special Guest Referee: Dean Ambrose
WWE World Champion AJ Styles vs. James Ellsworth
The bell rings and referee Dean Ambrose checks on both Styles and Ellsworth.
We head to a commercial break, but get another split screen as we continue to see the action taking place in the ring. Ambrose keeps getting in the way of lock up attempts by Styles and Ellsworth. Lock up and Styles pushes Ellsworth to the corner. Ambrose grabs both and pulls them apart in the middle of the ring. Ambrose is giving Ellsworth pointers about an arm drag. Ambrose distracts Styles and Ellsworth with an arm drag on Styles!
We return officially with commentary as Styles gets in a shot on Ellsworth in the corner. Lock up and Styles with elbows to Ellsworth in the corner. Styles with kicks to Ellsworth. Ambrose prevents a closed fist shot by Styles. Ellsworth returns with a shot of his own. Ellsworth bails, Styles chases, they get back in the ring and Ambrose trips up Styles. Ellsworth with a roll up for a two count. Styles with a clothesline that levels Ellsworth. Styles with a quick suplex on Ellsworth. Styles with a backbreaker on Ellsworth. Ellsworth pushes Styles to the corner. Styles rolls Ellsworth up into the Calf Crusher. Ambrose pretends to take a phone call on his smartphone as Ellsworth starts tapping. Styles breaks the hold and gets in the face of Ambrose asking what he’s doing. Styles tosses Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose tells Styles that Ellsworth is a child. Styles adds, “He’s not a child. He’s a grown man!” Styles goes to the outside with Ellsworth. Ambrose starts a fast count and Styles barely gets Ellsworth and himself back inside the ring to break the count. Styles again tosses Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose tosses him back inside the ring, goes to sign an autograph at ringside and then take a selfie when Ambrose tears up the poster yelling at Ambrose. Styles with a Styles Clash on Ellsworth. Ambrose gets to two and stops the pinfall. 

Styles gets up and Ambrose connects with Dirty Deeds. Both Ellsworth and Styles are down. Ambrose drags Ellsworth on top of Styles, starts counting the pinfall and Styles gets a shoulder up after two. Ambrose grabs a drink at ringside, returns to the ring and hits another Dirty Deeds on Styles.

Ambrose puts Ellsworth on top of Styles and counts the pinfall!
Winner: James Ellsworth

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Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable w/ Jason Jordan

Gable with a takedown early on Jimmy and goes after the left arm. Gable with another takedown working over the left arm of Jimmy. Jimmy catches Gable with a boot to the gut and follows with a samoan drop. Jimmy with a headlock on Gable. Gable pulls Jimmy over the top rope in a head scissors. Back in the ring, Gable with right hands to Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy slides out and then catches Jimmy with a springboard clothesline. Gable with an exploder suplex on Jimmy. Gable with an armbar on the left arm of Jimmy over the ropes. Jimmy fights off, Gable leaps over Jimmy, Jimmy with a roll up, Jey slides his legs in pushing up the back of Jimmy and Jimmy gets the pinfall without the referee seeing.
Winner: Jimmy Uso

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Carmella vs. Naomi

Carmella attacks Naomi before the match officially begins. The referee pulls Carmella off of Naomi. We see a shot of Naomi trying to recover as we head to a break.
-Commercial Break-
We return live as Carmella has a headlock on Naomi. A shot of Alexa Bliss watching backstage is shown. Carmella kicks Noami away in the corner. Naomi with a split legged jawbreaker on Carmella. Naomi with jumping body kicks to Carmella and finishes her off with a kick to the head. Naomi sends Carmella head first into the second turnbuckle, goes up top and catches Carmella with a flying cross body for a two count. Carmella wraps Naomi up on the second rope in the corner and then slams her down on her neck. Carmella is pulling Naomi out from the corner as we see a shot of Nikki Bella walking down the ramp. WWE officials are holding Nikki back. Naomi with a roll up on Carmella to get the win.
Winner: Naomi

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