Friday 30 September 2016

SmackDown Tag Team Champions Rhyno & Heath Slater vs. The Usos (9 Oct)

Rhyno & Heath Slater’s path to SmackDown Tag Team Championship glory may be a feel-good story for the ages, but their challengers at No Mercy, Jimmy & Jey Uso, aren’t concerned with fairytale endings. Claiming they were cheated out of the titles once before, The Usos want the championship gold and will stop at nothing to get it.

The twin brothers’ relentless pursuit has already left one Superstar battered. American Alpha’s Chad Gable has twice been injured at the hands of Jimmy & Jey, most recently on the Sept. 20 edition of SmackDown LIVE. In a battle to determine Rhyno & Slater’s next challengers, The Usos savagely targeted Gable’s bad knee en route to winning the match, sparking speculation that not only Gable returned from injury too soon, but also that The Usos will sink to any depth to improve their position in Team Blue’s tag ranks.
The Usos have all but promised more of the same for “Beauty and The Man Beast,” further demonstrating just how callous Jimmy & Jey have grown in recent weeks. Gone are the neon colors, call-and-response ring entrance and fan-friendly smiles, replaced by scowling countenances and a ferocious new attitude.

Yet, Rhyno & Slater’s success isn’t just improbable — it has been well-earned, too. The One Man Band and his Gore-minded partner defeated The Usos once before, in the SmackDown Tag Team Championship Tournament Final at WWE Backlash (albeit on a night that The Usos had already competed before). And Slater’s guaranteed SmackDown LIVE contract may afford him luxuries like an above-ground pool and a new double-wide, but it doesn’t mean he and Rhyno are planning to relinquish the titles any time soon.

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WWE World Champion AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena (9 Oct)

AJ Styles talks a big game, but the new WWE World Champion may have talked himself into a major corner when he battles both Dean Ambroseand John Cena in a Triple Threat Match at WWE No Mercy.

On his first SmackDown LIVE after low-blowing Dean Ambrose out of the WWE World Title, The Phenomenal One proclaimed that, since he’d made good on his promise to become champion, his word was now infallible and that everything he says from here on out should be taken as fact. So, for instance, if he was to claim that he could beat The Lunatic Fringe and John Cena, whom he knocked off at SummerSlam, in the same match, the WWE Universe would just have to take his word for it.

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Becky Lynch Vs. Alexa Bliss For The Women's Championship (9 oct)

Becky Lynch finally has WWE championship gold in her possession, but she won’t have much time to bask in the glory of her achievement with a diabolical top contender already named.
Alexa Bliss will be the first Superstar to challenge the SmackDown Women’s Champion, in a title clash slated for SmackDown LIVE’s next brand-exclusive pay-per-view, No Mercy, on Sunday, Oct. 9. Alexa moved into contention after defeating Nikki Bella, Natalya, Naomi and Carmella in a Fatal 5-Way on Sept. 13.

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WWE : Paige gives an update.

Paige gives an update on her scheduled return to the WWE, reveals she will be undergoing surgery
WWE star Paige issued a new statement on Twitter on Thursday afternoon giving an update on her scheduled return to the company.

Paige, who shot down rumors a few weeks ago that she had plans to leave WWE, revealed she has two options for neck surgery at this time

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Thursday 29 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live: WWE World Championship Match AJ Styles (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

We get ring introductions for the challenger Dean Ambrose and champion AJ Styles.
Ambrose with a takedown and right hands early on Styles. Ambrose with chops to Styles in the corner. Styles fires back with a kick to the face. Ambrose clotheslines Styles over the top rope. Ambrose tosses Styles on the announce table right in front of John Cena. Ambrose throws some big right hands and returns to the ring and Styles slides off.
We return live as Styles has a headlock on Ambrose keeping him grounded. Styles and Ambrose connect with a double clothesline in the middle of the ring. Ambrose with shots on Styles. Ambrose levels with Styles with a clothesline off the ropes. Styles catches Ambrose with a boot. Ambrose catches Styles leaping off the corner and connects with a backbreaker for a two count. Ambrose counters a Calf Crusher attempt by Styles and gets a Texas Cloverleaf submission applied. Styles pulls himself and gets to the bottom rope. Styles with a jawbreaker on Ambrose off the top rope. Ambrose then catches Styles with a forearm sending him flying to the ring barricade. Ambrose with a suicide dive catching Styles on the outside. Ambrose tosses Styles back in and Styles rolls back out. Ambrose goes up to the top turnbuckle, jumps and takes out Styles at ringside with a flying elbow.
As we return live we see Styles working over the left knee/leg of Ambrose. During the break we see Styles drove the left knee of Ambrose into the mat. Styles gets the Calf Crusher applied on Ambrose. Ambrose finds a way to escape. Styles goes for a Styles Clash and Ambrose counters with a back body drop. Styles avoids Dirty Deeds, throws body shots and Ambrose with a swinging neckbreaker. Styles and Ambrose exchange shots. Ambrose gets the better of Styles with elbows. Styles now gets the better of Ambrose with body kicks. Styles with a jumping forearm, avoids a lariat from Ambrose and Ambrose takes the back of Styles driving him down in a front facebuster for a two count. Ambrose props Styles up on the top turnbuckle. Styles slides out, trips up Ambrose, gets Ambrose up on his shoulders in a torture rack and spins him off his shoulders into a powerbomb for a two count. Styles with a kick to the head of Ambrose and yells out “you’re next” at Cena. Ambrose crotches Styles up on the top rope, gets up on the second rope and catches Styles with a clothesline! Styles hangs on to the ropes and connects with a Pele Kick to Ambrose. Styles drags Ambrose out, gets on the ring apron, springboards up and misses a 450 splash attempt. Ambrose is now going up top, jumps and connects with a flying elbow over Styles. Styles kicks out. Ambrose with a right hand that sends Styles out of the ring. Ambrose launches himself over the top rope, Styles moves and then connects with a running high knee. Styles sends Ambrose in the ring and then gets in a cheap shot on Cena at ringside. Styles springboards off the ropes, Ambrose moves, Cena is up on the ring apron, Ambrose has a roll up, the referee is distracted, Cena jumps off, the referee counts the pinfall and Styles kicks out. Ambrose jumps out and gets in a quick shot on Cena on the outside. Ambrose is back inside the ring and Styles rolls himup to get the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE World Champion: AJ Styles

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WWE Smackdown Live: Natalya and Carmella vs. Nikki Bella and Naomi

We start with Naomi and Carmella. Naomi with a quick headlock takedown. Carmella mocks Nikki doing her dance. Naomi with a drop toe hold and smacks Carmella. Naomi kicks Carmella away in the corner. Naomi with a dropkick on Carmella and tags in Nikki. Nikki with a jawbreaker to the knee. Carmella bails and Natalya checks on her at ringside.
We are back live and Natalya hits a Michinoku Driver on Naomi on the outside. Back inside, Carmella gets the tag and Carmella and Natayla double team Naomi. Carmella locks up the head of Naomi on the middle rope. Carmella mocks Nikki and Natalya gets in a cheap shot. Naomi with a small package on Carmella for a two count. Carmella sends Naomi to the corner face first, charges and connects with a modified Bronco Buster. Tag to Natalya as they both hit a double northern lights suplex. Natalya gets a two count on Naomi. Naomi with a roll up on Natalya for a two count. Natalya cuts off a hot tag to Nikki. Natalya with knees to Naomi in the corner. Naomi with an elbow to Carmella. Natalya with a dropkick to the face of Naomi. Hot tag to Nikki. Nikki with a huge shoulder tackle on Natalya and follows that up with a kick to the head. Nikki with a corner clotheslines and then a springboard kick to the head. Carmella with a shot to the lower back of Nikki. Tag to Carmella. Nikki tosses Carmella inside the ring over the top rope. Nikki has Carmella up. Carmella rakes the eyes, kicks Naomi off the ring apron and Nikki sends Carmella to the corner. Nikki with a forearm to Natalya. Carmella with a takedown into a pinfall for the win.

Winners: Natalya and Carmella

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WWE Smackdown Live: Eight Man Tag Team Match Heath Slater, Rhyno and American Alpha vs. The Usos and The Ascension

We start with Jason Jordan and Jimmy Uso. Jordan with takedowns on Jimmy. Chad Gable tags himself in. Jordan drops Jimmy down and Gable works over the left arm of Jimmy. Gable with a big takedown on Jimmy and tags Jordan back in. Jimmy with a right hand and chop to Jordan. Jordan catches Jimmy with an elbow. Jordan with a double leg takedown on Jimmy and keeps him grounded working over the left arm. Tag to Jey Uso. Jordan flips out of a double arm drag attempt. Gable is in. Double monkey flips by Alpha on the Usos. Gable with an armbar over the top rope on Jey. Gable with shots to Jimmy on the outside. Jey with a chop block to the bad knee/leg of Gable on the outside.
We return live with Jimmy working over Gable back inside the ring. Jimmy misses a shot in the corner. Gable tosses both members of the Ascension out of the ring who jump in trying to cut off a hot tag. Jimmy is holding Gable back. The Ascension pull Jordan off the ring apron. Rhyno with a dive on Konnor and then a shot on Viktor. Both Jimmy and Gable collide and are down. The crowd is begging for a Heath Slater hot tag. Hot tag to Slater! Slater with shots to both Usos. Slater with left jabs to Jey and then a running high knee. Leg lariat by Slater on Viktor and a neckbreaker on Jey. Konnor breaks it up. Gable with a forearm on Konnor and Rhyno catches him with a belly-to-belly. Viktor with a leaping uppercut on Rhyno. Jordan clotheslines Viktor out. Jimmy with a superkick to Slater when he tagged himself in. Jey follows it up with a jumping dropkick to the knee of Slater. Jimmy locks up the legs of Slater in a half Boston Crab submission. Slater taps.

Winners: The Usos and The Ascension

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Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw :Nick Cutler and Willis Williams vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will start the match against Nick Cutler. Cesaro gives Cutler a delayed vertical suplex and taunts Sheamus about his power. Cesaro goes for a tag, but Sheamus gets off the apron and laughs at him. Cesaro scoop slams Cutler and slaps Sheamus on the back to tag him in. They argue before Sheamus sends Cutler to the apron. Sheamus then gives him the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus powers him into the ring. Cutler tags in Willis Williams. Sheamus boots him in the midsection before clotheslining him down. Cesaro tags himself in and uppercuts Williams. A “Let’s go jobbers” chant breaks out. Williams snaps Cesaro’s injured arm off the top rope. Cutler is tagged in, and he comes off the second rope with a club to the shoulder. They tag in and out while concentrating on Cesaro’s arm. Cesaro finally uppercuts Cutler down and sends Williams out of the ring. Cesaro goes for a Neutralizer on Cutler, but Sheamus comes in the ring and gives Williams a Brogue Kick. Cesaro lets Cutler go, so Sheamus drops him with a Brogue Kick for good measure. Cesaro just looks around and simply pins Cutler for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

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WWE Monday Night Raw : T.J. Perkins vs. Tony Nese

Before the match, a highlight package is shown for Tony Nese.
They shake hands before the bell rings. They circle the ring and lock up. Nese powers him to the corner and throws him across the ring. Nese takes him down with a waistlock before wrenching the arm. Perkins twists out and goes for a head-scissor, but Nese does a cartwheel and lands on his feet. Perkins ducks a clothesline, but Nese runs him over with a shoulder block. Nese powers him up for a suplex, but Perkins lands on his feet. Perkins quickly takes him down for a Knee Bar, but Nese quickly gets to the bottom rope. Nese gets out of the ring. Perkins gets on the apron, and Nese pulls him off. Perkins puts Nese on the apron, but Nese does a cartwheel and superkicks him. Nese takes him out with a Fosbury Flop and lands on his feet! Nese puts him in the ring for a two count.
We come back from the break to see Perkins fight up from a chin lock before applying an octopus stretch. Nese counters with an inverted gutwrench suplex for a two count. Nese punches away at him and chops the chest. The crowd appears distracted by something happening off camera. Nese sends Perkins hard into the corner, but Perkins comes back with a running hurricanrana. Perkins hits an inverted atomic drop and follows up with a spin kick. Nese reverses a whip to the corner, but Perkins comes back with a neckbreaker. A “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Perkins connects with a double chickenwing into a double knee gut-buster for a near fall. Perkins connects with a suplex followed by a back suplex. Perkins goes to the top rope, but Nese cuts him off. Perkins fights him off and boots him back. Perkins goes for a tornado DDT, but Nese stops the momentum, hangs him on the top rope, and knees him in the head for a two count. Nese goes for a pump-handle slam, but Perkins gets out and dropkicks him into the ropes. Perkins connects with a Wrecking Ball dropkick. Perkins follows up with the Detonation Kick and applies the Knee Bar for the win.

Winner by Submission: T.J. Perkins

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WWE Monday Night Raw : Anna Fields vs. Bayley

Anna Fields attacks Bayley at the sound of the bell before choking her on the ropes. Anna continues to choke her on the middle rope before punching her to the corner. Bayley kicks her back, so Anna forearms away at her and chokes her with her boot. Anna picks up a one count. Anna applies a chin lock, but Bayley fights up and sends her into the corner. Bayley bounces her off the turnbuckle a few times before sending her into it hard. Bayley throws her down and elbows her in the back before hitting a running clothesline. Bayley powers her to the corner and avalanches her. Bayley takes her down with the Bayley To Belly for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Bayley

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WWE Monday Night Raw : The New Day (c’s) vs. Gallows and Anderson

RAW Tag Team Championships Match
The New Day (c’s) vs. Gallows and Anderson
We join the match in progress. Karl Anderson sends Kofi Kingston into the ropes, but Kingston dropkicks him down. Kingston and Big E represent The New Day. Kingston baseball slides Luke Gallows down before he attacks Big E. Anderson goes over the top rope, but Kingston punches him. Kingston gets in the ring, ducks a clothesline, and kicks him down. The New Day starts the unicorn stampede before Gallows pulls Big E off the apron and boots him down. Anderson then knocks Kingston over the top rope. Gallows then turns Kingston inside out with a clothesline on the floor! Anderson goes outside and sizes Kingston up before laying him out with a running boot. Anderson puts him in the ring for a two count. Gallows is tagged in, and he clubs away at Kingston before giving him an uppercut. Gallows charges, but Kingston boots him in the face. Gallows stops him from making a tag and sends him into the ropes, but Kingston springboards off the ropes. Gallows counters him by giving him a chokeslam for a near fall.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Kingston try to tag Big E, but Anderson stops him. Anderson takes him down with a running sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Gallows is tagged in, and he throws Kingston to the corner before punching him and connecting with a big kick. Gallows comes off the second rope and eats a boot. Anderson quickly tags in, but Kingston avoids a head-butt.
Big E is tagged in, and he hits Anderson with a pair of belly-to-belly overhead suplexes before hitting a belly-to-belly side suplex. Big E gyrates before clotheslining Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then clotheslines Gallows on the floor. Anderson quickly rolls Big E up for a two count. Big E sends Anderson into the corner and charges, but Anderson sidesteps him and Big E hits the ring post shoulder first. Anderson takes him down with a running boot for a near fall. Anderson sizes him up and charges, but Big E sends him to the apron. Big E then takes him out with a suicide dive spear. Big E gets Anderson in the ring and tags in Kingston. Xavier Woods plays “Taps” as they hit the Midnight Hour, but Gallows breaks it up. Gallows goes for a two-handed chokeslam, but Kingston kicks him out of the ring. Kingston gets the crowd going, but Anderson gets out of the ring. Big E is tagged in, and Kingston picks up a head of steam, but Gallows pulls him out of the ring and sends him into the steps. Anderson then kicks Big E in the back of the head before coming off the second rope with a flying neckbreaker. Gallows is tagged in, and they hit Big E with the Magic Killer, but Kingston breaks up the pin! Gallows throws Kingston out of the ring and kicks Woods in the head at ringside. Anderson is tagged back in, and he sizes up Big E. Big E tags in Kingston, who is absolutely busted wide open. Kingston springboards off the top rope, but Anderson catches him. Kingston comes back with a DDT before throwing Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then hits Anderson with Trouble in Paradise for the win. The New Day’s Tag Team Title reign will surpass 400 days.
Winners and still RAW Tag Team Champions: The New Day

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WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW : Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Enzo and Big Cass

The Highlight Reel with special guest Kevin Owens
Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson are shown on Twitter talking about coming to RAW next week for Chris Jericho after he mentioned them last week. Chris Jericho gets in the ring holding “The List of Jericho.” Jericho says, “Quiet,” over and over again, crescendoing as he does. Jericho says this is the most anticipated Highlight Reel in WWE history. First, he wants to address Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher. How dare they insinuate they’re better friends then him and Kevin Owens. That’s impossible! If they do decide to show up to Los Angeles, he’ll put them on “The List of Jericho.” When he does, they’re not going to like… it.
Jericho goes to make the introduction, but then yells at the cameraman for shooting him from the wrong angle. Jericho puts him on “The List of Jericho.” Seth Rollins is also on the list because he’s injured again. The good news is that the man who put him on the injured list is his guest tonight. He’s his best friend and longest reigning WWE Universal Champion in the business, Kevin Owens!
WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring. Owens and Jericho embrace in the ring before Owens poses with the championship. Owens says the set is really impressive. Jericho says a wiseman once said, “People have been led to believe that mediocrity is excellence,” and that wise man is him. Last night, Owens showed what a champion really should be. Owens is the epitome of a champion, and he’s proud to call him his best friend. Owens says he’d be out in a suit and tie, but this is Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s not wearing a suit for the city that spawned a living, breathing, walking car wreck like Dean Ambrose. Jericho says Ambrose still owes him $17,000. Owens says he won’t see it because Ambrose is a bum. Owens says he proved that he should have been the #1 draft pick for RAW. Owens proved that he not only belongs in the main event — he IS the main event. Owens also proved that he, not Seth Rollins, is the man. Not only did he beat Rollins and retain his WWE Universal Championship, but just like Jericho said, he hurt Rollins. Don’t feel bad for Rollins because what happened last night was karma. For a year and a half, Rollins called himself the man, and he was. Just look at the list of people he injured: John Cena, Sting, and Finn Bálor. Rollins may have been the most dangerous man in WWE. Last night, he took out the most dangerous man in WWE, so that makes him the most dangerous man in WWE.
Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he storms down to the ring. Security immediately runs out and gets in front of him to prevent him from coming into the ring. Mick Foley walks up and tries to reason with Rollins. Owens tells Foley not listen to the people. Owens tells him this is his time and Rollins needs to go. Rollins eventually heads to the back. Jericho says the crowd didn’t like that because they want to see Rollins beat them up.
Enzo and Big Cass’ music hits, and they come out to a big reception. Enzo and Big Cass have custom microphones. Enzo does his usual shtick while the crowd chants along. Jericho says he’s got this. A “How you doin'” chant breaks out. Jericho says they’re doing just fine. Why wouldn’t they be? They’re best friends, on top of the world, and the WWE Universal Champion. Everything was going fine until they interrupted them. That means they’re on the list! Owens corrects Jericho’s spelling. Enzo says he’s like Santa Claus. Jericho says, “Maybe I am Santa Claus. Maybe I’ll come down there and sit on your lap!” Jericho knows he made an error. Big Cass asks what he said, and Jericho denies saying anything. Big Cass repeats what he said, but Jericho says he said he was going to punch him in the face. They go back and forth until Big Cass asks the crowd if Jericho really said that. A “YES” chant breaks out.
Owens says it doesn’t matter because he’ll punch them in the mouth. Jericho says they would, but they don’t have a match with these two. Big Cass says they saw Mick Foley backstage, and they have a match against them right here in Cincinnati, Ohio! The crowd gives that a big pop
Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Enzo and Big Cass
Chris Jericho will start the match against Enzo Amore. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks and punches him. Jericho is wrestling in black leather pants. Enzo whips him off, but Jericho shoulder blocks him down. Jericho hits the ropes, and Enzo dropkicks him down. Enzo hits an arm drag and a modified jawbreaker for a one count. Jericho quickly scurries over to Owens and hugs him before tagging him in. Owens taunts Big Cass, who is tagged in. Owens punches away at him as he’s tagged in. Cass punches him before tagging Enzo in. Cass sends Enzo into Owens before throwing Jericho over the top rope. Cass then military presses Enzo out of the ring onto Jericho and Owens. Big Cass is tagged in, and he puts Owens in the ring. Owens quickly knees him in the midsection and clubs the back. Jericho is tagged in, and he chops Cass’ chest. Cass comes back with a sidewalk slam. Owens runs in, and he gets a sidewalk slam. Cass charges, but Jericho pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Owens is tagged in, and he attacks Cass at ringside before sending him into the ring post.
We come back from the break to see Owens applying a chin lock to Cass. Cass fights up and gets out with a back suplex. Enzo and Jericho are tagged in. Enzo hits Jericho with some flying forearms and punches away at him in the corner. Enzo does the running man and takes him down. Enzo goes to the top rope and does a dab before hitting a cross-body block for a two count. Enzo knees Owens in the face before elbowing Jericho back. Owens pushes Enzo off the second rope, and Jericho rolls him up for a two count. Jericho puts Enzo on the apron. Owens holds Enzo’s feet while Jericho wipes him out with a springboard dropkick. Owens sends Enzo into the barricade. Owens gets on the apron and mocks the running man dance. Owens puts Enzo in the ring and stomps his hand. Owens chops the chest and talks some trash. Owens chokes him with his shin in the corner. Owens distracts the referee, and Jericho takes advantage by choking Enzo. Owens chops Enzo’s chest and tags in Jericho. Jericho kicks him, mocks the “Enzo” chant, and hits a delayed vertical suplex. Owens screams that Jericho is the lead singer of Fozzy. Jericho continues to attack Enzo before putting him on the top rope. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Enzo punches him down. Enzo dives, but Jericho dropkicks him out of mid-air. Owens tags in, and he gives Enzo a scoop slam before flattening him with a senton splash for a two count. Owens argues with the referee before kneeing Enzo in the face. Jericho is tagged back in, and he kicks Enzo before slapping him in the face. Enzo fights back and hits the ropes, but Jericho gives him a back elbow for a two count. Jericho holds him, but Enzo gets out. Jericho quickly takes him down with a clothesline. Jericho goes for a Lionsault, but Enzo gets his knees up.
Big Cass and Owens are tagged in. Cass hits a pair of shoulder blocks before knocking Jericho off the apron. Cass hits Owens with a fall-away slam before putting Jericho on the apron. Cass splashes owens in the corner before giving Jericho a big boot out of mid-air. Cass scoop slams Owens down before dropping the Empire Elbow. Cass gives Jericho a twisting powerslam. Owens avoids a splash in the corner, and he kicks Cass down. Owens sets up for a cannonball, but Cass pops up and big boots him down. Enzo is tagged in, and they go for Bada Boom Shakalaka, but Jericho slaps Cass. Cass sends Jericho to the apron and big boots him to the floor. Enzo hits a diving DDT on Owens, but he kicks out. Owens soon turns Enzo inside out with a clothesline. Owens then lays him out with a Powerbomb for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens

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WWE Monday Night Raw : Rusev w/ Lana vs. Roman Reigns (c) (REMATCH)

WWE United States Championship Match

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before Rusev takes him down with a front facelock. Rusev cinches up on it and hooks the leg to get a one count. Rusev continues to try to pin him down, but Reigns keeps fighting up. Rusev keeps the front facelock applied before Reigns twists out with a hammerlock. Rusev fights up, and Reigns applies a side headlock. Rusev whips him off, but Reigns shoulder blocks him down twice before taking him down with a headlock. Reigns is getting cheered a lot more tonight. Rusev pulls the hair and applies a head-scissor. Reigns kips up out of it, but Rusev quickly takes him back down before applying a waistlock. Reigns fights up and counters with a headlock takeover. Rusev fights up and counters out with a back suplex. Rusev shoulders him in the back before stomping the back. Rusev connects with a suplex for a two count. Rusev shoulders him in the back a few times before Reigns comes back with some right hands. Rusev quickly powers him to the corner, but Reigns sidesteps an avalanche. Reigns clubs away at him in the corner nine times before connecting with a right hand. Reigns rolls him up and tries for the lifting powerbomb, but Reigns’ back gives out. Rusev then takes him down with a fall-away slam. Reigns rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Rusev taunting the crowd while Reigns is down on the mat. Reigns slowly gets to his feet, and Rusev punches him right down. Rusev sends him into the ropes and applies a bear hug. Rusev holds it on for a while before Reigns breaks his grip and punches him. Reigns punches him back before hitting the ropes, but Rusev quickly comes back with a dropkick. Rusev pulls him up and executes a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Rusev hits a second gutwrench suplex for the same result. Rusev mounts him and punches away at him. Rusev gets up and kicks him in the ribs. Rusev avalanches him against the ropes and picks up another two count. Rusev immediately goes back to the bear hug. Reigns fights up, but he has a whip to the corner reversed. Reigns quickly pops out of the corner and clotheslines him down.
Reigns gets up and starts punching him before having a whip reversed. Reigns quickly takes him down with two clotheslines before hitting a leaping clothesline. Reigns sizes him up and avalanches him in the corner before big booting him down. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but Rusev counters with a bear hug. Rusev brings him near the ropes, and they both go over the top rope! Reigns’ legs smacked on the back of Rusev’s head on the way down!
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Rusev rolls Reigns into the ring to pick up a near fall. During the commercial, Rusev drove Reigns’ back into the ring post. Back to live action, Rusev props him up on the top rope and punches him. Rusev goes for a superplex, but Reigns punches out of it and head-butts him down to the mat. Reigns then flies off the second rope with a diving clothesline. Both men are down. Rusev pulls himself up in the corner. Reigns charges him, but Rusev counters with a boot to the face. Rusev charges out of the corner, but Reigns catches him with a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Reigns goes for a powerbomb, but his back gives out. Rusev gets out and goes for a roundhouse, but Reigns ducks it. They trade punches before Rusev floors him with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Rusev gives him some falling head-butts for another two count. Rusev then goes to the top rope, but Reigns pops up and punches him off the top rope to the floor. Reigns sends him flying with a baseball slide before putting him in the ring. Rusev kicks him in the head as he comes back into the ring and picks up a near fall. Rusev is incredulous.
Rusev goes for a running kick, but Reigns avoids it. Reigns goes for a Superman Punch, but Rusev grabs him for a waistlock. Reigns punches out of it and hits the ropes, but Rusev superkicks him down for a near fall! Rusev signals for the Accolade. Rusev stomps the spine and goes for a second stomp, but Reigns turns over and blocks it. Reigns pushes him away and floors him with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns cannot believe it! Reigns sets up in the corner, and the crowd is on their feet. Lana gets on the apron for the distraction, but Reigns catches the running kick. Reigns pushes him out of the ring, goes outside, and connects with a Drive By Dropkick. Reigns bounces Rusev off the steps before punching him over the barricade. The referee counts them out, as they fight through the crowd.

Double Count-Out
Roman Reigns is still the WWE United States Champion

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WWE Clash Of Champions 2016 : Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens (c)

WWE Universal Championship Match
The bell rings, and Owens immediately gets out of the ring to play mind games. Rollins goes outside, and Owens quickly gets in. Rollins grabs his foot, but Owens punches him. Owens goes outside and punches him before having a whip into the barricade reversed on him. Rollins gets him in the ring and punches away at him before stomping him down in the corner. Rollins goes for a boot, but Owens gets out of the ring. Rollins gets on the apron and lays him out with a flying knee to the head. Rollins puts him in the ring for a one count. Rollins chops him a few times before hitting a snapmare and a running kick to the face for a two count. Rollins punches him to the corner and stomps him before chopping him. Owens chops him back, so Rollins lays in some more chops. Owens reverses a whip to the corner before running into a boot. Rollins comes off the top rope with a blockbuster for a one count. Owens goes to the apron to catch his breath and snaps Rollins off the top rope. Rollins catches him coming into the ring with a Pedigree attempt, but Owens drops him on the apron. Owens avoids a springboard knee. Rollins kicks him in the midsection and face before Owens blocks a kick and kicks him in the bad knee before hitting a DDT for a near fall. Rollins quickly gets out of the ring and grabs his knee. Owens goes outside and sends him into the barricade. Owens drives him into the ring post before putting him back into the ring. Owens punches him down and talks some trash before posing for the crowd. They trade punches before Owens reverses a whip and connects with a back elbow for a two count. Owens kicks him in the spine for a one count. Owens goes back to concentrating on the bad knee. Rollins limps around the ring as Owens kicks him in the knee. Rollins comes back with some punches and chops before sending him into the ropes. Owens holds on and gives him a back body drop over the top rope. Owens then comes off the apron with a Mick Foley diving elbow to the floor! Owens gets in the ring and taunts the crowd again. Rollins gets back in the ring before being counted out. Owens immediately hits a snapmare and flattens him with a senton splash for a near fall. Owens applies a chin lock, but Rollins fights up and punches out. Owens reverses a whip into the corner, and Rollins hits the turnbuckle hard before collapsing to the mat. Owens sends him hard into the corner again. Owens yells, “Architect? You don’t even have a foundation!” Owens kicks him and sends him hard into the corner. Rollins rolls up the turnbuckle a la Shawn Michaels before coming down and turning Owens inside out with a clothesline.
Owens gets to his feet, and they trade punches. Rollins comes back with some chops and punches before Owens sends him into the ropes. Rollins ducks a number of moves before flooring him with a Sling Blade. Rollins gets to his feet and slaps his knee before hitting a pair of running forearms in the corner. Rollins hits a reverse STO into the turnbuckle before hitting a modified backbreaker for a near fall. Rollins gets to his feet and dropkicks him out of the ring. Rollins goes outside and sends him into the barricade. Rollins sends him into the barricade once again and clears one of the commentary tables off. Owens gets in the ring and lifts Rollins. Rollins gets out, rolls through a pin, and kicks him in the face for a two count. Rollins gets to his feet and goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out. Rollins lands on his feet and charges, but Owens avoids him and kicks him in the back of the knee. Owens gives him a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Owens goes for a package powerbomb, but Rollins fights out. Rollins hits a high knee, and Owens answers with a kick. Rollins then takes him out with an enzuigiri. Rollins hits a running forearm in the corner and goes for another, but Owens catches him with a clothesline. Owens goes for the cannonball, but Rollins moves. Owens avoids a springboard knee and connects with a fisherman’s suplex neckbreaker for a near fall!
Owens goes to the top rope, but Rollins cuts him off. Owens head-butts him down to the mat, but Rollins scales the ropes. Owens quickly gets him on his shoulders and hits a super gut-buster! Owens quickly goes back to the top rope and connects with the frog splash for a near fall. Rollins goes outside and is clutching at his ribs. Owens goes outside and punches him onto the commentary table. Owens pulls the top off the table next to it and stands on it. The referee yells at Owens to not do it. Owens motions for the referee to “suck it” and goes for a senton, but Rollins moves and Owens crashes and burns through the table! A “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Rollins gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope for a flying knee to the head. Rollins goes to the top rope and connects with a frog splash for a near fall.
Chris Jericho runs down and yells at Rollins. Rollins scares him off the apron, and Owens floors him with a package powerbomb for a near fall. Jericho gets on the apron to argue with the referee before telling Owens to powerbomb him. Rollins then sends Owens into Jericho before rolling him up for a two count. Rollins knees him in the face before telling him to “suck it.” Rollins then hits him with a Pedigree, but Jericho puts Owens’ foot on the bottom rope. The referee checks to see if Jericho got involved. Rollins goes outside and chases him around the ring. Rollins gets in the ring, and Owens goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Rollins gets out and accidentally takes out the referee. Rollins elbows Owens and Jericho. Owens hits a superkick and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Rollins counters into a Pedigree. Rollins pins him, but the referee is down. The crowd is counting how long Owens is down. They get to twenty before Rollins angrily gets up. Rollins checks on the referee, and Jericho attacks him from behind. Jericho stomps away at him and clubs him. Jericho shouts that Owens is his best friend and sends Rollins into the ropes, but Rollins holds on. Rollins then gives Jericho a back body drop over the top rope. Rollins takes Jericho out with a suicide dive before getting back in the ring and taking Owens out with a suicide dive. Rollins tries to get the referee up, but he’s still unconscious. Stephanie McMahon sends another referee down. In the ring, Owens gives Rollins a Pop-up Powerbomb for the win.
Winner and still WWE Universal Champion: Kevin Owens

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WWE Clash of Champions 2016 : Roman Reigns vs. Rusev (c) w/ Lana

WWE United States Championship Match
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Rusev looks disgusted with Reigns. They lock up and tussle around for position. Rusev releases the lock up and kicks him. Reigns punches him and sends him out of the ring. Rusev runs in, but Reigns punches him back out of the ring. Rusev angrily gathers himself before getting back into the ring. They circle the ring, and Reigns punches away at him. Rusev quickly floors him with a wheel kick for a two count. Rusev pins him again for a two count. Rusev punches and kicks him down before mounting him and punching away at him for a two count. Rusev quickly kicks away at him and chokes him on the middle rope before taking him down by sending him into the corner. Reigns pulls himself up on Rusev. Rusev sends him hard into the corner again. A “Let’s go Roman/Roman sucks” chant breaks out. Rusev sizes him up and punches him down. Rusev lets him up again and punches him back down. Rusev knees him in the ribs a few times, but Reigns comes back with a clothesline. Reigns gives him a back elbow and connects with a clothesline. Rusev reverses a whip, but Reigns takes him down with a leaping clothesline. The boo-birds are coming out. Rusev quickly stops his momentum by sending him into the ring post. Rusev drives him into the barricade before getting back in the ring to break the referee’s count. Reigns comes back with some punches before putting him in the ring. A “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Rusev gets out of the ring. Reigns follows him out, and Rusev soon sends him into the ring steps. Rusev gets him in the ring for a two count. Rusev covers again for a two count. Rusev applies a chin lock, but Reigns fights up. Rusev takes him down before hitting a falling head-butt. Rusev stares down at Reigns before sending him to the corner. Reigns boots him in the face before hitting the ropes, but Rusev dropkicks him down. Rusev goes to the top rope for a diving head-butt, but Reigns rolls out of the way. Reigns then catches him with a Samoan Drop for a two count.
Reigns starts clubbing away at Rusev in the corner before hitting the ropes to hit him before clotheslining him over the top rope. Reigns follows him outside and sends him into the barricade. Reigns then sends him into the steel steps. Reigns gets him into the ring and sets up for a Superman Punch, but Rusev kicks him. Rusev punches away at him before Reigns runs him over with a back elbow. Rusev quickly drops him onto the top rope for a two count. Rusev kicks Reigns in the head for another two count. Rusev looks frustrated with his inability to put Reigns away. Rusev signals for something and charges, but Reigns floors him with a Superman Punch. The crowd starts booing as Reigns sets up in the corner. Lana gets on the apron to distract him. Rusev superkicks Reigns for a near fall. Rusev throws a tantrum while arguing with the referee. Rusev signals for the Accolade and stomps the back three times. Rusev goes for the Accolade, but Reigns fights it. Reigns immediately floors him with a Spear, but Lana pulls the referee out of the ring! The referee yells at Lana before ejecting her from ringside to a big pop. Rusev is stunned. Reigns rolls Rusev up for a near fall. Rusev counters a Superman Punch, but Reigns comes right back by sending him out of the ring. Reigns punches him before hitting a Drive By Dropkick on the apron. Reigns then hits a Drive By off the Spanish Commentary Table. Reigns gets him in the ring before going for the Spear, but Rusev superkicks him for a near fall. Rusev immediately transitions into the Accolade. The crowd is really into this match now. Reigns fights up with Rusev on his back as the crowd boos. Rusev rakes the eyes and talks some trash before kicking him. Rusev charges, but Reigns Spears him down for the win.

Winner and new WWE United States Champion: Roman Reigns

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WWE Clash of Champions 2016 : Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (c) w/ Dana Brooke

RAW Women’s Championship Match

The bell rings, and Sasha immediately goes for Charlotte. They brawl to the outside before Bayley wipes them out with a baseball slide. Bayley puts Charlotte in the ring and picks up a pair of one counts. Sasha gets back in the ring and goes right for Charlotte. Bayley pulls Sasha back, and they have words. Sasha talks a little trash before Bayley sends her into the ropes. Charlotte quickly pulls Sasha down by the hair and gets in the ring. Bayley wrenches Charlotte’s arm before being sent to the corner. Bayley takes her down with an arm drag. Charlotte comes in, and all three women go for a dropkick. They stare at each other in a stalemate. Charlotte goes for a double clothesline, but they duck it and take her down. Charlotte quickly comes back with a slap. Sasha gets out of a body slam and goes for a head-scissor, but Charlotte takes her down and kips up. Charlotte goes to the top rope, but Sasha crotches her and ties her up in the tree of woe before hitting a double knee. Bayley comes back with a suplex on Sasha before elbowing Charlotte for a near fall. Charlotte rolls out of the ring to recover.
Sasha kicks Bayley and sends her to the apron. Bayley shoulders her in the midsection and snaps her off the middle rope. Dana Brooke takes Bayley down at ringside and sends her into the barricade. There are no disqualifications. In the ring, Charlotte kicks Sasha into the turnbuckle and targets the recently healed back. Charlotte applies a surfboard stretch before releasing it to knock Bayley off the apron. Charlotte sends her hard into the corner and continues to target the back. Charlotte rips the tape off Sasha’s back. Sasha kicks back at her, but Charlotte comes back by going outside and twisting Sasha around the ring post. Charlotte releases the hold to take Bayley down with a forearm smash. Charlotte gets in the ring, and Sasha punches back before giving her a head-scissor takeover. Charlotte charges, but Sasha gives her a drop-toe-hold into the turnbuckle. Sasha hits a pair of flying forearms and a dropkick. Sasha blocks a superkick and goes for the Bank Statement, but Charlotte fights it. Bayley then takes them both out with a missile dropkick. Bayley hits them both with running back elbows and knees in the corner. Sasha sidesteps her, lays her against the ropes, and pulls Charlotte’s head into Bayley’s midsection. Sasha then lays Charlotte over the turnbuckle and gives them both the double knees. Charlotte kicks away at Bayley at ringside before Sasha takes her out with flying knees. They trade blows at ringside before Sasha throws her into the ring. Dana was knocked down as well. Charlotte quickly floors her with a backbreaker/slam combo. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, but Sasha kicks her into Bayley, who pins her with the Bayley-To-Belly, but Sasha breaks it up. Sasha covers Bayley, but Charlotte breaks it up. All three women are down.
Charlotte chops them both from her knees. Sasha and Bayley punch away at Charlotte before picking her up and sending her into the ropes. Charlotte kicks Sasha in the face before sending Bayley into the turnbuckle. Sasha comes back with some chops to Charlotte before putting her on the top rope. Sasha goes for a superplex, but Charlotte counters with a front superplex. Bayley charges, but Charlotte knees her. They fall off the top rope, so Charlotte quickly comes back with a body slam. Bayley and Sasha are lying next to each other. Charlotte then hits them both with a single moonsault! Charlotte picks Sasha for a near fall. She tries Bayley for the same result. Charlotte hits Bayley with Natural Selection. Sasha interrupts this with the Bank Statement, but Dana Brooke runs in to break it up. Bayley rolls Sasha up, but Sasha rolls through for a two count. Sasha powers Bayley to the corner, but Bayley comes back with a back elbow. Charlotte knocks Bayley off the ropes and rolls Sasha up with her feet on the ropes for a near fall. Sasha comes back with the Bank Statement. Dana gets on the apron, but Sasha kicks her off. Charlotte nearly taps, but Bayley breaks up the hold. Sasha comes back with a Bank Statement on Bayley, but Charlotte breaks it up. Charlotte dropkicks Sasha out of the ring before telling the cameraman to move. Charlotte sends Sasha into the barricade. Dana talks a little trash to Sasha. Charlotte gets back in the ring, but Bayley surprises her with an inside cradle for a two count. Bayley goes for a sunset flip, but Sasha holds Charlotte up. Charlotte big boots Bayley into Sasha to knock her to the floor before hitting a second big boot. Charlotte then pins Bayley for the win.

Winner and still RAW Women’s Champion: Charlotte

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WWE Clash Of Champions 2016: Best of 7 Series – Match #7 Sheamus vs. Cesaro

Sheamus (3-3) vs. Cesaro (3-3)
The bell rings, and Sheamus immediately starts punching Cesaro. Sheamus sends him into the ropes, but Cesaro kicks him in the face and dropkicks him down before sending him out of the ring. Sheamus shoulders him in the midsection and clubs him in the back. Sheamus clubs the chest and head-butts him. Cesaro then uppercuts him to the floor. Cesaro goes outside and tries for a running uppercut, but Sheamus sends him to the apron. Cesaro then takes him out with a sit-out senton. Cesaro connects with a running uppercut and puts him in the ring. Cesaro goes to the top rope, but Sheamus crotches him on the ropes for a one count. Sheamus connects with a release suplex and comes off the second rope with a knee drop. Sheamus clubs him in the corner and chops the chest. Sheamus connects with a backbreaker, which Michael Cole incorrectly calls an Irish Curse. Sheamus hits a second backbreaker before applying a chin lock. Sheamus fights out and uppercuts him. Sheamus reverses a whip to the corner and throws his body at Cesaro. Sheamus comes off the top rope with a clothesline for a two count. Sheamus sets up for the Celtic Cross, but Cesaro counters into a roll-up for a two count. Sheamus quickly comes back with a powerslam for a two count. Sheamus digs Cesaro’s head into the turnbuckle and uppercuts him. Cesaro punches him back, but Sheamus overpowers him. Cesaro quickly sends him shoulder-first into the ring post and uppercuts him in the back of the head. Cesaro pulls himself up and sends him to the corner. Cesaro starts the uppercut train before hitting a tornado DDT for a near fall.
Cesaro tries for the Cesaro Swing, but Sheamus kicks him away. Cesaro quickly gets him in the ropes and connects with the 619. Cesaro stands on the top rope and connects with a cross-body block for a two count. Cesaro tries for the Neutralizer, but Sheamus gives him a back body drop. Cesaro lands on his feet, ducks a clothesline, and connects with a springboard spinning uppercut for a two count. Cesaro signals for the swing, but Sheamus gets out and rolls him up with the tights for a near fall. Sheamus immediately follows up with the Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus connects with two more Irish Curses for another near fall. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf and kicks away at the back as he turns him over. Cesaro tries to claw to the bottom rope, but Sheamus pulls him away. Cesaro comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Sheamus quickly comes back with a Celtic Cross into a backbreaker for a near fall! Sheamus cannot believe he kicked out. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Cesaro counters into a roll-up for a two count. Cesaro quickly follows up with the Cesaro Swing and immediately transitions into the Sharpshooter. Sheamus screams in agony, but he reaches the bottom rope to break the hold. Sheamus gets on the apron to recover. Cesaro goes to the second rope and tries for a deadlift superplex, but his back gives out. Sheamus goes for White Noise on the apron, but Cesaro fights out and big boots him to the floor. Cesaro then gives him a suicide dive and lands directly on his face! Cesaro is so lucky to not be paralyzed.

Sheamus gets him in the ring and connects with a Brogue Kick for a near fall. Cesaro really looks like he’s completely out of it. Sheamus knees away at him, but Cesaro comes back with some boots and a Neutralizer for a near fall. I’m absolutely floored that Cesaro is even still wrestling. A “This is awesome” chant fires up. Sheamus punches him from his knees and dares him to come back. Cesaro fires back with some uppercuts and backs up before running into a pair of boots. Sheamus pulls himself to the top rope, but Cesaro dropkicks him to the apron. Cesaro pulls him up to the middle rope and goes for a superplex to the floor. Sheamus clubs him off to the floor and goes for a diving clothesline, but Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Cesaro charges for a running uppercut, but Sheamus counters with White Noise on the floor! Sheamus takes some time to get up, and Cesaro comes back by desperately sending him into the ring post and clotheslining him over the barricade. Trainers come out and delay the match to check on both men. The referee discusses with the trainers and calls for the bell.

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