Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW : Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Enzo and Big Cass

The Highlight Reel with special guest Kevin Owens
Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson are shown on Twitter talking about coming to RAW next week for Chris Jericho after he mentioned them last week. Chris Jericho gets in the ring holding “The List of Jericho.” Jericho says, “Quiet,” over and over again, crescendoing as he does. Jericho says this is the most anticipated Highlight Reel in WWE history. First, he wants to address Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher. How dare they insinuate they’re better friends then him and Kevin Owens. That’s impossible! If they do decide to show up to Los Angeles, he’ll put them on “The List of Jericho.” When he does, they’re not going to like… it.
Jericho goes to make the introduction, but then yells at the cameraman for shooting him from the wrong angle. Jericho puts him on “The List of Jericho.” Seth Rollins is also on the list because he’s injured again. The good news is that the man who put him on the injured list is his guest tonight. He’s his best friend and longest reigning WWE Universal Champion in the business, Kevin Owens!
WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring. Owens and Jericho embrace in the ring before Owens poses with the championship. Owens says the set is really impressive. Jericho says a wiseman once said, “People have been led to believe that mediocrity is excellence,” and that wise man is him. Last night, Owens showed what a champion really should be. Owens is the epitome of a champion, and he’s proud to call him his best friend. Owens says he’d be out in a suit and tie, but this is Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s not wearing a suit for the city that spawned a living, breathing, walking car wreck like Dean Ambrose. Jericho says Ambrose still owes him $17,000. Owens says he won’t see it because Ambrose is a bum. Owens says he proved that he should have been the #1 draft pick for RAW. Owens proved that he not only belongs in the main event — he IS the main event. Owens also proved that he, not Seth Rollins, is the man. Not only did he beat Rollins and retain his WWE Universal Championship, but just like Jericho said, he hurt Rollins. Don’t feel bad for Rollins because what happened last night was karma. For a year and a half, Rollins called himself the man, and he was. Just look at the list of people he injured: John Cena, Sting, and Finn Bálor. Rollins may have been the most dangerous man in WWE. Last night, he took out the most dangerous man in WWE, so that makes him the most dangerous man in WWE.
Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he storms down to the ring. Security immediately runs out and gets in front of him to prevent him from coming into the ring. Mick Foley walks up and tries to reason with Rollins. Owens tells Foley not listen to the people. Owens tells him this is his time and Rollins needs to go. Rollins eventually heads to the back. Jericho says the crowd didn’t like that because they want to see Rollins beat them up.
Enzo and Big Cass’ music hits, and they come out to a big reception. Enzo and Big Cass have custom microphones. Enzo does his usual shtick while the crowd chants along. Jericho says he’s got this. A “How you doin'” chant breaks out. Jericho says they’re doing just fine. Why wouldn’t they be? They’re best friends, on top of the world, and the WWE Universal Champion. Everything was going fine until they interrupted them. That means they’re on the list! Owens corrects Jericho’s spelling. Enzo says he’s like Santa Claus. Jericho says, “Maybe I am Santa Claus. Maybe I’ll come down there and sit on your lap!” Jericho knows he made an error. Big Cass asks what he said, and Jericho denies saying anything. Big Cass repeats what he said, but Jericho says he said he was going to punch him in the face. They go back and forth until Big Cass asks the crowd if Jericho really said that. A “YES” chant breaks out.
Owens says it doesn’t matter because he’ll punch them in the mouth. Jericho says they would, but they don’t have a match with these two. Big Cass says they saw Mick Foley backstage, and they have a match against them right here in Cincinnati, Ohio! The crowd gives that a big pop
Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Enzo and Big Cass
Chris Jericho will start the match against Enzo Amore. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks and punches him. Jericho is wrestling in black leather pants. Enzo whips him off, but Jericho shoulder blocks him down. Jericho hits the ropes, and Enzo dropkicks him down. Enzo hits an arm drag and a modified jawbreaker for a one count. Jericho quickly scurries over to Owens and hugs him before tagging him in. Owens taunts Big Cass, who is tagged in. Owens punches away at him as he’s tagged in. Cass punches him before tagging Enzo in. Cass sends Enzo into Owens before throwing Jericho over the top rope. Cass then military presses Enzo out of the ring onto Jericho and Owens. Big Cass is tagged in, and he puts Owens in the ring. Owens quickly knees him in the midsection and clubs the back. Jericho is tagged in, and he chops Cass’ chest. Cass comes back with a sidewalk slam. Owens runs in, and he gets a sidewalk slam. Cass charges, but Jericho pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Owens is tagged in, and he attacks Cass at ringside before sending him into the ring post.
We come back from the break to see Owens applying a chin lock to Cass. Cass fights up and gets out with a back suplex. Enzo and Jericho are tagged in. Enzo hits Jericho with some flying forearms and punches away at him in the corner. Enzo does the running man and takes him down. Enzo goes to the top rope and does a dab before hitting a cross-body block for a two count. Enzo knees Owens in the face before elbowing Jericho back. Owens pushes Enzo off the second rope, and Jericho rolls him up for a two count. Jericho puts Enzo on the apron. Owens holds Enzo’s feet while Jericho wipes him out with a springboard dropkick. Owens sends Enzo into the barricade. Owens gets on the apron and mocks the running man dance. Owens puts Enzo in the ring and stomps his hand. Owens chops the chest and talks some trash. Owens chokes him with his shin in the corner. Owens distracts the referee, and Jericho takes advantage by choking Enzo. Owens chops Enzo’s chest and tags in Jericho. Jericho kicks him, mocks the “Enzo” chant, and hits a delayed vertical suplex. Owens screams that Jericho is the lead singer of Fozzy. Jericho continues to attack Enzo before putting him on the top rope. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Enzo punches him down. Enzo dives, but Jericho dropkicks him out of mid-air. Owens tags in, and he gives Enzo a scoop slam before flattening him with a senton splash for a two count. Owens argues with the referee before kneeing Enzo in the face. Jericho is tagged back in, and he kicks Enzo before slapping him in the face. Enzo fights back and hits the ropes, but Jericho gives him a back elbow for a two count. Jericho holds him, but Enzo gets out. Jericho quickly takes him down with a clothesline. Jericho goes for a Lionsault, but Enzo gets his knees up.
Big Cass and Owens are tagged in. Cass hits a pair of shoulder blocks before knocking Jericho off the apron. Cass hits Owens with a fall-away slam before putting Jericho on the apron. Cass splashes owens in the corner before giving Jericho a big boot out of mid-air. Cass scoop slams Owens down before dropping the Empire Elbow. Cass gives Jericho a twisting powerslam. Owens avoids a splash in the corner, and he kicks Cass down. Owens sets up for a cannonball, but Cass pops up and big boots him down. Enzo is tagged in, and they go for Bada Boom Shakalaka, but Jericho slaps Cass. Cass sends Jericho to the apron and big boots him to the floor. Enzo hits a diving DDT on Owens, but he kicks out. Owens soon turns Enzo inside out with a clothesline. Owens then lays him out with a Powerbomb for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens

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